
Love Charm: the value of affection beyond friendship
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Taecyeon awoke to his head feeling swollen and heavy. He rolled over in bed, unvilling to open his eyes just yet. The only thing scheduled that day was a dance practice late at night and figured sleeping in was just what he needed. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, Taecyeon realized that his migraine was too unbearable to allow him to fall back asleep. He chanced a peek to look for his phone and was met with sunlight streaming in through a crack between the curtains. The light aggravated his migraine, causing him to squint annoyedly and grimace at the offending rays. As he resumed his earlier position facing away from the window, Nichkhun cracked open the bedroom door. Nichkhunstuck his head in and looked around for signs of life.

“Good, you’re awake,” said Nichkhun, opening the door wider so that he could enter. Taecyeon did not respond, pretending to still be asleep. He silently prayed to be left alone. However, Nichkhun knew he was faking and rolled his eyes. He crept up behind Taecyeon and hovered his hands over the curled up form.

“Get your lazy up,” chastised Nichkhun as he yanked the covers away.

“Yah! Jashik…” whined Taecyeon as he sat up. The sudden vertical movement caused his head to pound violently. He groaned from the pain and slowly lowered himself back into bed.

Nichkhun seized Taecyeon by the wrist and dropped two aspirin tablets into his open palm. Taecyeon propped himself up against some pillows and held the two tablets between his teeth while Nichkhun passed him a glass of water. Taecyeon drank the whole glass of water along with the aspirin.

“Thanks man,” said Taecyeon.

“Don’t sweat it. You were pretty out of it last night,” said Nichkhun, patting Taecyeon’s knee. Nichkhun left the room before Taecyeon could ask what happened. When the pounding in his head finally reduced to dull thuds, Taecyeon pulled himself up and shuffled his feet towards the kitchen. Taecyeon found the guys sitting in the living room watching a TiVoed episode of Strong Heart.

“Hey guys. I’m sorry about last night,” said Taecyeon before he made his way around the counter towards the fridge.

“Don’t apologize to us. You didn’t cause us any touble,” said Junho with a distinct undertone.

“And what do you mean by that?” asked Taecyeon as he poured himself a glass of chilled water.

“He just means that maybe there is someone else you should apologize to,” said Junsu. Taecyeon saw the two of them exchange and amused glance.

“Someone you personally called while drunk,” clarified Junho. Nichkhun chuckled.

Taecyeon silently gulped down his glass of water and poured another. He couldn’t tell if they were being serious or just pulling his leg. He struggled to remember what happened. He remembered buying several bottles of beer and walking to the park near the dorms. Who could he have called? The only people he could imagine calling were s. He could always just check his phone. He put his glass down and turned to exit the kitchen when the doorbell rang. He grabbed his head in both hands and groaned in pain as the ringing sound resonated in his head. With Taecyeon down for the count, Nichkhun got up to answer the door.

“Well speak of the devil,” he said. Taecyeon came around and looked to see who their unexpected guest was. In view of the camera stood Jessica with several bags in her hands. Suddenly memories of the entire night flooded Taecyeon’s mind. He groaned again, but this time it wasn’t caused by his migraine.

“Warning! Girl entering the premises,” announced Nichkhun as he turned the dead bolt on the door.

“Hold on,” yelped Junho who ran to his room sporting nothing but boxers. Nichkhun snickered at the sight of him and opened the door.


Jessica waited patiently for someone to answer the door. She heard a loud thud and a quick scuffle inside just before the door swung open to reveal Nichkhun with an amused expression.

“Fancy seeing you again,” he said, raising his eyebrows in mock surprise. Jessica giggled as she found him charming.

“Yup, but my baggage is lighter this time,” joked Jessica lifting her arms to show him her bags. Nichkhun smiled at her clever response and reached for her bags.

“Why thank you,” said Jessica as she handed them over. Nichkhun stepped out of the way to hold the door open for her with his back. As she stepped in, she saw Taecyeon staring at her with a bemused expression. She turned to look at Nichkhun who gave her a wink. She bit her lips to hold in her laugh and winked back. The exchange made Jessica feel like she was back in grade school. She and Nichkhun were like children pretending to have an inside joke to make Taecyeon jealous when there was actually nothing to be known.

Jessica put her bag down on one of the kitchen chairs and turned around to face Taecyeon who stood by the refrigerator. She leaned back against the chair and folded her arms across her chest. She cocked her head to one side and raised one eyebrow in expectation. This seemed to knock T

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Princessjessica92 #1
When are you going to update....I miss this stories....
Bunnylion #2
Chapter 27: I'm so glad you updated. Cant wait for next chapter
sSNiZzy0418 #3
.,omg!!! To0k me a while to finally realize that this is an update!!!s0o glad ur back writing this.,am stil a taecsica shipper despite all that has hapened., pls continue to write this fic, thanks authorssii
Chapter 27: oh finally~~~
jessica hiing :'(
unubold #5
Chapter 27: more updates please
mmaine #6
Chapter 27: Taecsica please :'(
Bunnylion #7
Chapter 26: I know you're on a hiatus but please oh please update. This is the one good taecsicca fic I've found and I love your writing. Cannot wait to see what happens next
Chapter 26: please bring this back :3
lovew00t #9
Chapter 26: Poor Sica. Let's hope Taec's action was a result of his unconscious desire to be with her!!
macaronslady #10
Chapter 26: Wooo~ Why I feel Taec kissed Sica and told her like that bcs he thought he was the third wheel between Sica and Khun? ㅋㅋㅋ
Update soon, juseyo! I really really really really like this fanfics:3