Kiss it better

Kiss it better


Idly doing nothing as they laid on their unit’s living room in that sunny Sunday morning, the members of Red Velvet are on their own world doing their own thing when someone came out of their shared room, along with her disheveled hair and puffy red cheeks while her eyes looks a bit teary.


It was their group’s youngest.


*cough, cough, cough*


Gaining their attention with her loud coughing, the unnies took notice of their usually ominous looking maknae who seems like she was in deep struggle.


Looking at her from the sidelines, the known bear of the group couldn’t help but let out a sigh at the scenario.


Since the younger girl forgot to bring her coat and warmers the other day, maybe she caught a cold.


“Hey, did you catch a cold?”


Unfortunately for her, another member beat her at asking the question she had on her mind.


It was the “mother” of their group, especially at their youngest.


“I think so Wendy throat feels dry...”


She then said.


Shaking her head at the words, their group’s omma/umma approached the younger girl and checked her forehead, comparing her and Joy’s temperature as her eyebrows expressed her dismay at the warm sensation welcoming her palms.


“You’re temperatures not that high but it could get worst. Just rest for today and I’ll buy you medicine ok? Want me to get you something?”


Laughing at the pampering she got, the tallest girl hit the derp’s shoulders, a little shy at the spoiling of the older girl.


“I’m not a kid Wendy unnie. Just buy me those pills and I’ll sit quietly just like you say so”


The resident evil then eye smiled at her midget member, igniting laughter at the place with her remark. After the teasing tone down, the blue colored member just smiled at her cuteness.


“If you say so then. I’m going out for a while to buy this giant her meds”


Waving a small goodbye as she informed the group, the other was halted by their leader.


“I’ll go with you Seungwan, we can take the groceries too while we’re at it”


Irene then said.


Seeing how the pink colored member rushed to the other’s side, a scoffed escaped the lips of the youngest of their pack.



And while she was shaking her head at the obvious pretext, she then momentarily caught sight of the other unnie who had this clueless face.


“Oh well, I guess it’s just us again Seulgi unnie”


She then stated.


Nodding lightly after she had thought about it for a few seconds, a slight change on the other’s expression made the known UFO troll blinked twice as she taught she had seen incorrectly. She then tilted her head in confusion.


Scratching her head as she made her way, the older girl passed the other with haste that confirmed her former suspicion.


“Did she just…check me out? But why?”


And with that said, the other disappeared from her sight and it made her wonder what in the world just happened.



“But unnie….”


Scrunching her face at the sight of her own reflection, Joy gestured her protest at the other members with current appearance.


“This mask looks ugly...”


Pouting beneath the layer of white and blue clothing that was brought to her by the older girls who came back from grocery shopping and medicine buying, the giant baby detested the idea as she made a scowling look.


“But you know we tend to get sick easily when someone of us does. This is just a precaution”


Stating her reason for the need of the unfashionable item, their group’s Olaf tried to coax the sulking kid. In actuality, if it weren’t for her prior commitments, then she would never thought of buying the mask at all.


Making her round eyes as she tried to appeal with her bunny charms, the younger girl diverted her gaze to not give in, before feeling a soft tap on her shoulders.


“Come on Joy, it’s not that bad, besides, Wendy here gets infected the easiest. We can’t afford her having a cold since she would be having schedules this week. Please? Just until you get better”


Seeing how the oldest joined the persuading team, the taller girl then found herself corner by the midget girls as looked at the least concerned (as it seems so) member who just eye smiled at her from the sidelines.


It then made her cross her arms at the other as she squint her eyes.


“This is not funny Seulgi unnie”


The tallest girl threatened in annoyed tone, a little irritated at their resident bear who did not bother defending her.


Smiling wider at the words, the self proclaimed popular girl approached her with a teasing kind of look.


“Haha, but I think it suits you though~”


The mammal replica finally stated.


Rolling her eyes at the words, the other flailed her hands in disagreement.


“How could that even ha-”


She was not even finished on her lines when the older girl cuts her off.


“Actually, I think you still look cute no matter what”


Is what Seulgi said.


And with those words echoing in her head as she was instantly silence by it, she then diverted her gaze in defeat, somehow finding her face getting warmer.


“Ok Joy…you’re sick, that’s why you feel warm…no need to blush…aish!”


With a small silence following suit, their debate ended with her loosing by technical knockout as she blamed the dumb unnie who suddenly said those sentence to her.


“I wish this cold would disappear sooner”


Is what she told herself before walking away at the trio who had no idea what just happened to their group maknae.



Coughing as her condition seems to worsen, Red Velvet’s maknae got out of their shared room and onto the kitchen to get herself a drink. She was feeling a bit warm and she taught of getting a drink to wash the sensation off.


To her surprise though, their dance machine was also by the kitchen with her smart phone on her hand while chomping down a bag of what seems to be potato chips.


“What is it unnie?”


Looking at the bear who was staring for about a minute, it irked the nerves out of the supposedly sick person as she stood from her seat at their dining table.




She then said, waving a hand at the seemingly dazed girl. Though it was usual that the other seemed like lost to the world but somehow, the gaze the other was giving her now made her feel uncomfortable in a way.


Giving off the impression as if she was thinking, the older girl then made one of her dumbfounded face.


“Does your throat still hurt?”


Eyebrows meeting in confusion, it was the question that broke the growing tension.




Is what Joy answered as she was too shock to even think of a better response.


Leaning forwards without thinking much, their lips touched that was being separated by a thin layer of clothing that was none other than the face mask.


Pausing momentarily, her eyes then twinkled in delight after her mission success.


“There! It should go away now right?”


Seulgi then stated nonchalantly, shoving her phone to the other who read the first few lines in her bewildered state.


It was something about placebo effect and the benefits of kissing the wounds of a child to take away the pain.


Blushing furiously, the self proclaimed genius girl felt warmer than usual.


“You idiot!”


She then stated to the clueless girl as she held her trembling lips that was thankfully hidden beneath the mask.




Feeling her now thumping loud heartbeats, she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep now. However, she can’t deny the fact that she felt a little better.


Smiling at the sight of the leaving girl, the other just laughed at her actions while finishing her remaining snack.


The next day, to everyone’s surprise, the group maknae got out with a brighter looking face while a groggy member trailed off behind.


A cough was then heard.


“Ok...don’t tell me the cold got passed down to you?”


Wendy then stated.


Looking at her back to confirm the words, the youngest felt half guilty.


Ever since the event from yesterday, she practically cursed the other and wished the cold would go to the older girl instead.


Smiling weakly at the words, it made Irene pull the small girl beside her in a protective hold.


“Ok, you two are isolated for tonight. I can’t really afford Seungwan getting infected next”


And with that, the obviously biased leader went to drag the health buff and off they go to nowhere knows.


Leaning slowly, Joy smirk at the older girl, having thought about something.


“Unnie, I read in fairytales that beast turn back to normal after a kiss…so shall I...kiss you too then?”


She then said mischievously.


Widening her eyes at the statement, it was those words that fully woke up the half asleep bear.




Feeling cold lips grazing her cheeks, warmth and redness conquered her face before she saw the smirking face of the taller girl who ran away after her assault.


Shaking her head, it was when Seulgi felt her heart thumping in pleasant beats that made her smile widely.


Whether it was the effect of the kiss or what, she knew she was feeling better already.




There! Since I was in a rush to finish it this moment before the idea leaves me, please excuse the typos and errors. I'll correct them out some other day.


Hope my readers enjoyed~ especially my fellow ChicBear Hunters. Hwaiting guys!


PS: I'm not loosing you guys right? No one's commenting me anymore and I feel disheartened somehow. Anyway, were all just busy I guess. >_<


Until my next fic. Jya neh~ ^^;

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yuki_momoko #1
Nice story authornim: )
more story to come. JoyGi or WenRene. XD
celestine_121313 #2
Chapter 1: We're still here authornim. Keep em coming. I like his story. Too cute.
Chapter 1: Horray for yer new shot! You haven't updated for a while author shii. I hope you know I'm still here to comment yer~ :)
Fighting always! I'd always be here to support yah!
TheGreatMitchell #4
Thumbs up to this wonderful oneshot ^^