He is... It [YeWook]


Ryeowook feels it, knows it is there but not see.

Every night of the new moon the same feeling.

But tonight something will be different.

Ryeowook discover what is ... It.


Pairing: YeWook / Yesung x Ryeowook

Group: Super Junior

Rating: PG

Lenght: OneShot



Ok, this is my first history of Super Junior and i'm really nervous for this.

I hope you like and enjoy.

Pd: is my first history of horror/suspense too. xDDD


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1647 streak #1
It's such a pity this is just a little snippest, because this plot gives so much room for more. It seems they have a past together I would have loved to know about... and what is Yesung doing with Ryeowook now? Killing him? Seducing him? Like I said, a pity it ends here, because the plot is good, and so I'm a bit sad this is all we get here.

But thank you for writing and sharing this here. And thank you for keeping it for Yewook lovers to read years later, but your account seems not to be active anymore.
Chapter 1: woooaaahhh.this is a mysterious case...