The Book of Peace

“Are you guys alright?” The boy asked, lowering his bow to show that he meant no harm towards them. He walked over to the now dead thief, pulling the arrow out of his chest. Sun-Hee thought she would pass out from the stench of blood that was starting to build in the air. 

“Y-yes we are, thank you for your help.” Sun-Hee stuttered, feeling faint. The boy just smiled, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he stood before them. The deer markings on his face slowly began to disappear, yet his antlers remained atop his head. The male in question gave a small smile at her answer.

“Good, I’m glad no one got hurt. Uh, it looks like you guys are traveling. Do you mind if I ask where are you going?” 

“Myroid, we’re heading for the train.” Suho answered and the boy nodded. 

“Well, I’d hate to take up your time.You should be more careful though, bandits and thieves are known to collect in the forest” He said, before turning around to leave.

“Wait!” Sun-Hee called out, reaching her hand out in case she had to grab him, but the boy turned around and cocked his head to the right. 


“You’re a guardian, yes?” She asked, although she was positive she already knew the answer. His eyes widened, distinctly resembling a deer caught in headlights and Sun-Hee almost laughed. How accurate. However he nodded at her question. 

“We shouldn’t talk about this here. Follow me” 



They followed the antlered boy to a small shack hidden within the forest, the house overgrown with roots that easily disgusted it from looking like anything. Suho had almost walked right into it before Sun-Hee grabbed and pulled him back. He let them inside, politely asking them if they wanted some tea or water, but they all declined. Sehun was bouncing on the couch and Jade smacked the side of his head for him to stop, leaving the younger to pout and cross his arms. The oracle rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help but smile lightly and the sibling interaction. The boy sat across from them in a loveseat, holding a mug, taking the occasional sip of the steaming tea inside of it.

“So, how did you know?” He asked, blowing away some of the steam from his cup. The rest turned to Sun-Hee who was the only one who could identify.

“The necklace in your antlers. It’s either yours or you found it somewhere, and if it’s yours then you’re the guardian of telekinesis. Not sure what exactly what I wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t yours.” The male nodded his head at her answer.

“I see. Can I know why you asked though?” Sun-Hee sighed. Here was the hard part.

“I’m Sun-Hee, oracle of the guardians,” At this the boy looked up, his eyes wide. “The book of peace has been stolen and I’m currently on a journey, looking for the twelve guardians who can relocate and take back the book.” The deer carefully set the mug down on a side table and stayed silent for awhile.

“Let me guess, because I’m a guardian, you want me to come with you I suppose?” She simply nodded, biting her lip out of anxiety. 


“Wait. That’s it? You’re just going to come with us just like that?” Sun-Hee asked shocked, open a little. Would this be the easy all the time? 

“Yup. I heard about the book being stolen, and my visions were blurry but I knew you were coming. I just didn’t know when nor did I know who it would be” The male says, picking up a backpack that looks like he had already packed and ready to go.

“Wait, but you’re the guardian blessed with telekinesis? Are you saying that you also have visions of the future?”

“While, yes, I do have telekinesis, it has also been said past guardians with the gift have also experienced visions of the future. They’re not very detailed and half the time they’re blurry to be honest- but they are nonetheless visions. Comes with the whole...mind thing I suppose,” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, Sun-Hee on the other hand held her head as she tried to take the information in. 

“Well, i’m ready. Let’s go.”

“Wait, we don’t even know your name-” Sun-Hee said, feeling kinda dizzy from all the events that had happened in the last twenty minutes.  

“Luhan. Call me Luhan.”

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Sorry for the delay! I've been having some family issues and so I'll be back to update next week! Hang in there!


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Chapter 7: I recently found this story.. I liked the plot.. Will wait for the updates.. I hope you will complete this.. All the best..
Chapter 3: aw our baby sehunnie I wonder what that commotion is outside I'm enjoying this so far I hope to read more and see the other boys and how they will react with the news
is this reverseham?
PunkRock123 #3
Chapter 2: Seems interesting, keep up the good work, author-nim!! ^^ i'll be looking forward for more chaps ^^
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting can't wait to
Angel14 #5
Is this a harem story ? Like one girl with multiple partner
awe, what ever happened to this?
ggexotica #7
Chapter 9: Awww.. it's not a n update. But thank you for telling: )
Chapter 6: Im enjoying this story. I like how the chapters are short buy a till have a nice amount of info and keep the story flowing. I can't wait for your next update. FIGHTING!
ggexotica #9
Chapter 6: Is it Luhan?