Silver Rose


Eunkyung had been warned many times by the people in her small superstitious town to look out for werewolves when the moon was full. But it wasn't until she got herself caught in the crossfire of a supernatural war that she took them seriously. {A GOT7 Yugyeom centered fic}


Werewoles are cursed creatures

They were never suppose to exist

Though they have a great many powers

The price that comes with them hardly make it worth it

However, the moon goddess, Luna, loves her wolf children and gives them a sanctuary

their mates

under the glow of her moon she send them visions of their destined one

and gently guides them toward their happiness



If only it was as easy to find them as it is to long for them



Name: Oh Eunkung

Clasification: Human [Mate]

A girl who gets her work done and tries her best. While she can't claim to be the happiest person in the world, she tries to keep herself from being sad all the time. She has been in mourning since her mother's death 5 years ago and wears nothing but black to show repect to her. She lives by herself in the cabin she grew up in and purposely distances herself from others. Her most prized possession is the sliver rose necklace her mother gave her before her death.


Supernatrual creatures that can turn to wolves at will. However, they are cursed to turn into a true wolf with no sense of humanity every full moon. Werewolves have a rich culture and history that is passed down orally. When werewolves come of age, they separate from their parents and form their own packs with other pups they grew up with. They often claim territory in forests or mountains so they can transform at the full moon discretly. Once they hit puberty, werewolves get visions of their future mate in their dreams.


Name: Kim Yugyeom

Clasification: Werewolf

Special Ability: Telekinesis

Name: Wang Jackson

Clasification: Werewolf

Special Ablility: Able to speak and understand all languages 

Name: Kunpimook Bhuwakul

Clasification: werewolf

Special Ability: Able to Charm others into doing what he wants them to do

Name: Mark Tuan

Clasification: Werewolf

Special ability: enhanced hearing

Name: Im Jaebum

Clasification: Werewolf

Special ability: enhanced strength

Name: Choi Youngjae

Clasification: Werewolf

Special Ability: Healing others

Name: Park Jinyoung

Clasification: Werewolf

Special ability: super speed


Humans who want werewolves extinct. Often times hunters come from the same family, the hatred for werewolves passed down from parent to child. Hunters are not paid for what they do but consider it their divine duty. Similar to werewolves, Hunters live together much like a pack and claim territory. They have the leader of their group and they all live together and work to get the money they need to get by. While werewolves claim territories in forests to hide in at the full moon, hunters will claim towns and cities so they can protect other humans. The first hunters appeared in the Joseon period and some of the families that were the first hunters contiune to do so even now.

Currently, GOT7 lives on the edge of werewolf and hunter territory.



Poster and background done by the lovely yixinglulu at


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Daepits #1
Chapter 8: Can’t believe i just found out about this fic!! I saw the author’s note in the previous chapter and im glad you didn’t drop this story!!
Chapter 46: I'm having major Yugyeom feels now, they're just too adorable together and the flow of their relationship was just so natural and wasn't rushed.

Lol Jackson kills me everytime he's mentioned. I can imagine the real Jackson being offended of every little thing people say to him.
Chapter 42: Something confusing me, At chapter 13, jr said yugyeom mother entrusted him to the pack, but in this chapter he is a lone werewolf ._.
195 streak #4
Chapter 46: YaaaaY! Patiently awaiting the first chapters!
CuteSnowflake #5
Chapter 46: i'm interested XD
Chapter 45: This is the third time I read this story and I STILL LOVE IT!
aabriannaa #8
Chapter 9: kookie is to cute OMG <33
Chapter 45: I LOVE this story. I was worried that Eunkyung was going to be into the Hunter world. I'm glad that things changed. You had me on the edge of my seat. You did awesome. LOVED it!
Chapter 45: I like this story!! <3
Why must they so cute~? I love when you make the giant baby as your leading character, huh (bcoz he's my bias! ^^)
At first, I hate the hunters because they are too pushy but after Yugyeom's fighting, I feel bad for them bcoz they they have to stay guard for werewolf...
Thanks for sharing this story! ^~^