Another Piece


Your boyfriend broke up with you and you're pretty pissed about it. Someone with a 'PCY' monogrammed handkerchief comes to comfort you.


Your eyes welled with tears as your hands crumpled the picture of yourself and another guy, his face violently scratched out. A tear rolled down your cheek as a struggled sigh came from you. That bastard really hurt you… He really broke your heart. After he promised to be there forever. You threw the picture as another tear rolled down your burning cheeks. “Stupid… Stupid stupid! I HATE YOU!” You screamed at the picture that was carried away by the boisterous wind, you fists balled up so tight that your knuckles were white.

There was a guy, probably your age, walking down the sidewalk. He had a uniform on… Your school’s uniform. He goes to your school! You see him in your class… But you don’t know his name. Chan..? Chan-soo? Something like that. You wiped your cheek hurriedly as you saw him stop in front of you. “Excuse me… Are you okay, y/n?” He questioned. You were definitely thrown off by how deep his voice was… And how big his ears were, but they were really adorable. You nodded and wiped your eyes again, sniffling as your gaze went back to the ground. He shook his head and chuckled a little as he reached in his pocket. You watched as he pulled out a small handkerchief with a ‘PCY’ monogram in the corner. You smiled weakly and put your hand up in rejection. “Oh… No thank you. I’m alright.” You reassured.

"You were screaming at a picture… And you’re crying! That’s not okay." He protested as he sat beside you and grabbed your cheek lightly as he began to wipe away the crusted over saline solution and thin, harmless snot. Your cheeks burned bright red as you allowed him to help. The corners of your mouth twitched up into a small smile. "How did you know my name?" You asked softly while your eyes shifted to meet his. "You’re in all my classes… It’s hard to miss you." He replied lightly as he pulled away, a small smile on his face. You instantly felt embarrassed for not recognizing him. All of your classes…? ALL of them? Wow. Do better… 
“Oh… I never really noticed you. I’m sorry— I never got your name.” You fixed. He scoffed playfully and sighed, beginning to run a hand through his hair. “And you may never get it. Then what?” He joked. You pouted a bit and rolled your eyes. “If you tell me… I’ll give you a kiss. For being so helpful.” You bribed. He raised an eyebrow, not wanting to turn down a free smooch, and smiled.

"Park Chanyeol. It’s nice to formally meet you y/n." He laughed over his words and shot you the most charming smile ever. You felt your cheek’s temperature sky rocket as your eyes adverted the hyper-charming smile. "Nice to meet you too… Thank you for helping me. I feel better now." You smiled as the words left your mouth. Actually, you weren’t sure of what you said because you continued to look at him as if he were a work of art. His swept black hair, tall frame, ridiculously adorable ears and that voice. Obviously created by a god. Whoever that god is, thank you. He nodded and stood up, a small sigh of jubilee emerging from him. "You don’t have to kiss me. I just wanted to be funny." He laughed again and looked down at you. You smiled and stood up, still looking up at him.

"What if I want to?" You asked with a small voice, your face filling with more aeygo by the second. His smile grew wider as watched you, one shoulder shrugging. "If you want…" He replied (trying to be cool). "But I have this effect on people… Once they have piece, they want the whole pie." He explained. You scoffed and smiled. "Well, I don’t like pie… Now kiss me Park Chanyeol." You mused. Chanyeol’s ears actually began to redden as he heard your words, but him still trying to be cool, he played it off.

"Tsk… Fine. You’re gonna want another piece y/n." He reiterated with a playful smirk. You laughed quietly and chewed on your bottom lip as you watched him. "Oh whatever! You’re pr—" You tried to respond but you were cut short by Chanyeol crashing his lips on to yours. He gentle but forceful at the same time. Fireworks were definitely explaining right now. Your knees transformed into jelly as you pulled away from the kiss, turning into a blushing mess. "That was amazing. You’re really too adorable for me." He teased as he pinched your cheek. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers with his.

"Let’s get some coffee… It’s cold." You offered as you looked up at him, smiling. He smiled back and said:

"Of course… But don’t worry, you’ll be asking for another piece later."


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