The Ship Note

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This is a story that was inspired by Death Note and a tumblr post made. Although this fan fiction was inspired by these two ideas, it still contains an amazing plotline developed from our imaginative minds. While some elements of the Death Note is present in this story, we added our own twist to it and completely turned everything into a love story. Please enjoy this brief prologue of the fan fiction and give support to our first fan fiction!! Thank you very much and God Bless~


The Ship Note

Prologue - Before It All Began

Have you ever heard of that cliché saying? The one that goes “Everything happens for a reason”. To be honest with you, I never believed in that saying. No matter how many times He tried to teach me, my stubborn self would argue that some things just happen because it can’t be controlled. So what made me change my mind? Well, it was probably when I witnessed a love story that was so spontaneous yet perfectly planned. It was then that I truly realized that everything that’s happened, everything that’s happening, and everything that will happen is all part of His plan. A part of our story...

So, if you aren’t convinced...would you mind reading this one entry?



Ship Note Entry 00 - The Notebook & Cupid

   Valentine’s Day. A day where all the love within us is poured out into sugary sweets and romantic gestures. A day where new love stories are born from mutual feelings, while some come to a bitter end. A day when not only feelings of affection arise, but also feelings of fear, rejections and last but not least -- stress. Well for Cupid at least…

   Many people picture Cupid as a flying baby in a diaper carrying a bow and arrow to shoot potential lovers. Actually, he’s the total opposite. Well...kind of.

   The personality you have in mind is true. He’s basically a child in a grown man’s body. An image thats not so appealing. And that bow and arrow? He’s stored that ancient thing years ago.

   If you weren’t aware, we live in the age of technology and the internet. No one has time to work with outdated tools, especially a man (yes a man) as busy as Cupid. Like the rest of this world, he’s moved on from those ancient bow and arrows. Though shooting arrows at people was a fun way to pass time, it was most definitely inaccurate. There would be incidents when his special love arrows would shoot the wrong person, or even some inanimate object. He was so tired of facing the consequences from making those mistakes to the point where he hated the fact that he volunteered for this position. I mean he was a baby when he volunteered.

   Anyways, he decided that the only way to prevent those errors from happening was to adapt to the modern world -- a world that’s gone digital. But remember that he, for the past millennium, still has a mindset of child. Using a computer was way too advanced for his little under-developed brain, meaning that he had to take his advancement into the modern world one step at a time. Getting rid of his old bow and arrow system was the first step. The second step was finding an alternative system, and that system was a notebook infused with the same magic as his bow and arrows. This was a notebook that would instantly create a love story for people, but also one that comes with rules and regulations. He liked to call this revolutionary notebook, the “Ship Note”.


Ship Note

How to Use It

  1. Two living humans, of the opposite , whose names are written in the book shall fall in love.

  2. The note will not take effect unless the writer has the subjects’ faces in their mind when writing the subjects’ names. Therefore, people sharing the same names will not be affected.

  3. If the cause of love is not specified, the subjects will simply fall in love at first sight.

  4. The Two subjects MUST see each other within two days in order to fall in love. If the the couple doesn’t meet within this time limit, their names will disappear from the book.

  5. The Owner of this book cannot guarantee their meeting by writing, “they met…” or other variations.

  6. Maximum time for the written couple to fall in love from the time their names are written in Ship Note is two years.

  7. Whether the couple breaks up or not is not up to the owner of the Ship Note. The Owner only has control of their Love Story from the day they fall in love to their 22nd day anniversary.

  8. If the couple breaks up after the 22 days, a red “X” will be over their names.

  9. If a person is paired up with another person more than twice, the said person has the power to choose between the people they are paired up with. However, a person can only be paired up with FOUR or less people.

  10. The owner of this Book cannot fall in love as long as he/she has possession of it.



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