AFF's Chinese Lesson

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sammatha #1
wow I just found right now. I am learner of chinese language. but I still a beginer
wahhh thank you so much for this! i wanted to learn chinese and yeah this seems so helpful :D
I think this is a super cool idea and I look forward to exploring this<3.
Chapter 2: Hm, this really does put some things to place :D Although we were never told that it's not nice to use 小姐 without a name.. (buuut most of us knew what it means so yeah xD) Thank you so much for your effort to teach us x3
787 streak #5
Chapter 1: Wow, I forgot that 'h' had that sound XD
Thank you for this! =^.^=
Fighting wo de pengyou
Also lernt man in chinesisch gar nicht zuerst mal so ein paar grundzeichen? Wie sonst halt das Alphabet (obwohl 5000+ Zeichen halt doch ein bisschen viel wären .-.)
Been waiting for these lessons for a long time...i was wondering..will these lessons also teach us how to write chinese? Or just chinese phrases? Thanks!^^
I just wanted to try learning Chinese again (I failed a semester at school, I'm so ashamed :/) so finding this was good for me :D Maybe this way I can actually learn something :D