The Suicide Note



Super Junior are known to their fans as very kind, caring, warm, playful, etc. all types of positive descriptions you could give to people. It is true though, but we still can’t deny the fact that they are men. Men who, sometimes, couldn’t resist temptations, not to mention, lust. 

This resulted to the death of a girl named Lee Seongyu, a trainee in SM Enterntainment. Little did the members know that her death will bring so much badluck to their group as the life of each of the members were taken one by one.

How could these killings stop? Is there a way? Or should they just wait until their time comes and it will be their turn to be chased by Death?



So this is my first time writing a horror fiction. So what I did was I read some horror fanfictions but all I saw were mostly not so scary and some so I gave up and just watched a horror movie. This turned out to be a bad idea because by the time I finished watching, everybody in the house was already asleep. And because of our computer is at the living room and all the lights were turned off, I didn’t have enough courage to go outside my room. So I just stayed on my bed, imagining weird and different things around me, and waited until I finally fell asleep.


I am really the type of person to get scared easily. It didn’t come into my mind that “horror” was the first theme for this game.


Oh! Chincha!


Anyways let’s see how this story ends. And I hope the readers, especially the judges, love this fic. Muwaaah! Love lots. 


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Kimgaram123 #1
It's 2024 please update
Chapter 1: It's so creepy and scary!!!
Chapter 1: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG creepy! but you killed kyuhyun oof! kkkk~ i also didn't like heechul's role! >.<
still, nice story! :))
I cannot believe that Sungmin would do that to the highest extent... it's creppy.
Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppyyytt to the highest level O.O
omg creepy o:
loved it tho!
-natsukim #7
wop! creepy..