Her Guardian Angel

Beyond Infinite
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Chanyeol had decided to stay back at the hospital later than usual tonight. He had a busy day at the hospital, and had no free time to update his journal. As he typed away on the computer, his mind should've been focused on writing about today's protocols and reminders for tomorrow's patient care, however it kept wandering off to Summer and needless to say, he was extremely stressed out and worried over her. Ever since that day, not a minute went by where he didn’t think about her. He would text her, but sensed the distance in her communication. He would call her, but she wouldn’t pick up.

Though admittedly, throughout their friendship, Chanyeol knew he should’ve been suspicious about her relationship with her estranged father. He was never home. She always told him that her father worked late nights at the office and often went out drinking afterwards. He wasn’t the father she needed, she told him once. Now, he realized what a terrible error it was on his part for not paying more attention to her.

After listening to Kai, Chanyeol decided to make matters into his own hands. He did some research at the hospital and even asked some of the doctors for their opinions, and they told him that people who were abused tend to hold onto their traumatic situations, which may cause problems later on in life. What he couldn’t understand was why Summer never told him any of this. She had always appeared to hold her stance in person, never dropping her gaze at anything or anyone and yet suddenly, now he realized that he had been wearing a pair of blind eyes.

What kind of best friend was he?

Suddenly feeling extremely upset with himself, Chanyeol grabbed his white coat and got up. He wanted to take a stroll around the residency and give Summer a call.

The nurses and on-call doctors greeted him as he passed by them, and he bowed in respect. When they were all gone, he took out his cellphone and sent a text to Summer first to see if she would reply. If she replied, he was going to call her.

What're you doing? Have you eaten yet?

As he sent out the text, he got on the elevator and pressed on the first floor. Once the door opened up, he tucked his hands in his coat and got out, his stethoscope following the rhythm of his walking as it swung back and forth gently on his chest. Before he could make it to the exit, his face turned pale and a gasp emitted from his mouth as he saw Summer being carried into the hospital. An unfamiliar boy, with jet black had carried her through the doors and was running towards the front desk. Quickly behind him, another boy came running in, holding firmly onto Summer’s mother. Chanyeol hadn’t realized that he had stood frozen in his spot until he took note that his hands was stuck in mid-air, as if he had been trying to stop the kid was carrying Summer. When he felt his body was able to move again, his legs ran right after the boy with red hair.

“Please, she’s been hurt, I need to get her into the ER ASAP,” cried JB.

The nurse did her best, and quickly told him to fill out the information. He turned around to look at Summer’s mother, it didn’t seem like she was capable of doing anything of that sort at the moment.

“Mark, I’m going into the ER with Summer. Can you please fill her information for me?”

Mark nodded solemnly, and then watched as JB was escorted by the nurses to the ER. He grabbed the clipboard and led Summer’s mom to the chair. He tried asking her some things he didn't know, but she was only mumbling incoherent things that he couldn’t understand. She was crying, crying, crying…

His hands was flying all over the clipboard when a hand stopped him. He looked up to see a young doctor. On his name card, it said his name was Doctor Park. He thought something had happened in the emergency room and he stood up instantly, waiting for the doctor to speak.

“My name is Chanyeol. I am Summer’s best friend, what the hell just happened?” demanded Chanyeol, his voice was shaky and he had tears swelled up in his eyes.

Mark’s eyes widened. He scrutinized the foreign male’s body, wondering if this was the best friend that she had shopped for on Valentine’s day. “I don’t know… JB had found her and her mother near the bus shelter at her house. There was blood dripping down her face, but no one had told us why, or what was the cause of it…I really don’t know what else I can tell you.”

Chanyeol glanced down at Summer’s mother. He looked back at Mark, recalling that Kai had told him that a kid with red hair had brought Summer home that night she ran away. His mind flashed back to moments ago where he saw another boy with jet black hair carrying Summer, that boy must’ve been JB. Yet… Summer had told him that JB had taken her home that night.

“Tell me, because I’m going nuts here, was JB the one who took her home that night she ran away?” asked Chanyeol, for some reason his voice sounded so far away.

Mark blinked in surprise and then straightened up; he gave his head one quick shake and said, “No, I took her home. I found her at the shelter and then took her home by cab.”

The speed of Chanyeol’s heart went up and spiraled out of control his chest. “She wasn’t drunk that night was she?”

As if understanding what Doctor Park was getting at, Mark shook his head again and said, “She wasn’t drunk. She was tipsy, but she was fine. She didn’t drink that much that she could forget. I’ve concluded that already.”

“What do you mean you concluded that already?” asked Chanyeol, his eyes probing the younger male for answers. 

Mark bit his lip, contemplating whether or not he should tell this unknown male. Though he claimed to be Summer’s best friend, it seemed as though he knew nothing about her situation. “Are you sure you’re her best friend? How come you know nothing about what’s been going on with her life?”

That sent a jab to Chanyeol’s heart, and he felt his composure break down. His eyes darted downwards. “You’re right; I guess I’m not the best friend I thought I was. I have failed my job as being her best friend…”

“I don’t mean it in that way, but it just seems like you didn’t know Summer very well.”

“She never was one to talk about herself. She always said she was boring and that nothing great was going in her life. I always told her that she had little confidence in herself, but now I know it’s more than that… it was more than just her low self-esteem.”

Mark had no idea what to say, it looked as though Chanyeol was speaking to himself.

“Anyways I’ll start doing my job as her best friend better from now on. I’m sorry for prying.”

It was hard for Mark to believe how mature he was, he didn’t even tried to defend himself. He admitted he was wrong without picking a fight, and agreed wholeheartedly with what Mark said. A man’s pride was the most important thing about him, but seeing that Chanyeol admitted his wrong so easily, Mark could tell how much he cared for Summer. As much as he hated to think of it, he couldn’t help but wonder if they were more than just best friends.

As if suddenly remembering that her Mother was next to them, Chanyeol bent down and stared at her. I need to take her somewhere private and ask her what happened. It may get me fired for interfering when I’m only an intern, but I have to do what it takes to know what the hell happened tonight.

“Hello auntie. I need you to take a walk with me, is that okay?” asked Chanyeol.

Her mother had her hands in her face, but Chanyeol was patient.

“I need you to talk to me about what happened today. I need you to help Summer, please.”

After a few minutes, her mom stood up. Chanyeol held out his arm, and her mother took hold of it. Chanyeol looked at the kid with red hair, “What is your name?”


“I wonder if Summer ever brought up your name with me… I can’t remember.”

“Doubt it, I always picked on her.”

Chanyeol shared a small smile, saying nothing else. He held onto her mother's arm firmly and walked her out of the hospital so the two can walk around the residency.

Mark watched them exit, and then remembered he had to fill up the forms. He  picked up the pen and let out a stressed sigh, knowing that tonight was going to be an extremely long night. He didn't even know when her birthday was.


Jackson entered the house for one reason and one reason only.

The moment he stepped inside the house, he saw that it was relatively clean and spotless. Nothing out of the norm, nothing out of place. He went into the living room and the lights, looking for the one thing he was searching for but it was nowhere in sight.

Normally people tend to have the praying altars in the living room, so he was hoping he would find her father’s altar there. However, he was nowhere in sight. Though Jackson wasn’t surprised, considering what a horrible man he was.

Why would you pray to the man who nearly killed you?

Just as he was about to flick the lights off, his eyes caught sight of something underneath the coffee table; it was a familiar newspaper 'The Hong Kong Express'. There was Chinese scriptures written on it, and that’s when he knew that he had be

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Chapter 38: rereading this again and even tho jongin is my ult i still want to punch him in the face lmao gosh he's so stupid asdf she deserves way better and i'm glad JB is there for her
Chapter 2: I'm wondering if it was just a fling or if he truly did like someone else ;;
panda_maknae14 #3
Behind the castle walls made me intrigued with your writing lol so here I am and also, IGOT7 forever lol they are my second ultimate bias group! Next to BTS, that is n_n
IamParkJiHae #4
Chapter 17: Oh wait-- i'm crying ;-;
IamParkJiHae #5
Chapter 3: I saw this story because of Safe Haven hehe. You are such a great author, you took my interest at the very first chapter! I think this story is great so imma keep on reading this ahaha
Chapter 2: Summer, if you would ask to whom you did lost Kai, I believe you would have the biggest shock of your life. I guess. I'm nor sure I'm wrong or right yet.
anonymous_sunshine #7
Chapter 38: I stumbled upon your story and did not regret a single bit that I decided to give it a try! I love the fact that you did not focus mainly on romance. All the issues mentioned are what most ordinary people go through and you have written it so well. This is very beautiful. Thank you for writing such an amazing piece!
Chapter 38: Wow daebak amazing interesting anythiinngg!!!
This story really really tell what a teenager felt. From love, friend, break up, family, move on, etc
Gosshhh!! You are a good storh teller, author
bobjo1913 #9
Chapter 38: U did a very good job on this story!!!! Congrats u finished it in less than 2 yrs lol.
DD_DoubleD #10
Chapter 38: And I almost forgot. Thanks for updating so many chapters in such a short time period <3