
The Better Man
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Warning: This is quite a bit rushed since I just have a very very short spare time. Don't really expect too much so you won't be disappointed. >_< but then again, I always try to do my best. Happy reading~ :P




Minho approached Shinhye with a smile as he placed their food down in front of her. Shinhye smiled as well but there was something more into it that he can’t really pinpoint. He silently placed her juice in front of her and waited for her to start eating before he could pop the question.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Shinhye told him softly.

“Why are you smiling like that?” Minho asked her back.

“Ah, it's uhm…because...” she blushed and looked down at her food. “Do you know what day it is today?”

“Wednesday, February 18. Why?” Minho asked incredulously but Shinhye seemed to be a little disappointed that he can’t really remember the date. “It’s not anyone’s birthday as far as I know.”

“It’s not…uhm, it’s about…date…it’s like the one year mark since you asked me out…”

One year that that one important day changed Minho and Shinhye’s life completely. Shinhye had gone out with one of the cutest guys in campus, and Minho knew he was about to date the most intelligent girl in the school. A study buddy, protector, lover, best friend, sibling, all of them wrapped in one.

“Oh, really? I’ve been like courting you for a year already? Time flies so fast.” Minho smiled thinking about their first non-official date the day—and a year—before.

It was the most important one since it was the day that really changed him in a better way. He was never counting the days she had spent with Shinhye, but instead just enjoying the company and their time together. May it be for studying or just having fun. He wanted her to be his girlfriend already but knowing Shinhye…it’s slowly but surely. Maybe she was ready, maybe she’s not, but he knows waiting for her should be worth it. She’s not being a trophy girlfriend but the serious and long-lasting one…for forever if they can.

“Yeah…it’s been a year.”

“Shinhye, I will wait for ten years if I must.” He held her hand.

“You don’t have to wait though…” she muttered.

“What? What do you mean?” he even tilted his head and Shinhye rolled her eyes.

“Just ask me! Stupid!” she knocked her knuckles on his head. “Why would you have to wait for years when you can just ask me now?! Is it that hard to do? I will say yes anyway! Yes, I want to be your girlfriend!”

Shinhye blurted out that the tables next to them, as well as the other students, turned their heads to them. She really didn’t care for she was too focused on her frustration and annoyance with Minho’s sweet talks without the official ‘label’ between the two of them.

“Can you please repeat the last one?”

“No, I told you to ask me. There should be a question first before you answer, right?”

Minho smirked as he cupped her face caringly, “Park Shinhye, will you be my girlfriend”

“Yes—YAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Minho carried her and twirled just to show everyone his happiness. Shinhye finally noticed the eyes that were staring at them at hid her face on his shoulders.





Minho waited patiently for his girlfriend to come out of the building. He made sure he looked presentable in front of her officemates and most especially to Shinhye. He checked his watch and saw that she still have 5 minutes left before she can actually leave her office. She was the boss and he knows that, yet being the responsible person that she was, she’d never leave her office without getting things done. Minho was so proud of her that he sometimes wanted to make a tarpaulin for her everyday just to show how proud he really was. The two of them were able to bloom in both of their chosen careers, as well as a human being with the help of each other.

“I’m so sorry…am I late?” Shinhye ran towards her boyfriend, her heels making loud noises at the hallway. As always, Shinhye’s action would amuse Minho and make him chuckle. “What?”

“You’re not late, I’m just early.” he kissed her nose. “But, we’re going to be late to the party if we talk longer like this.” He helped her with her things and bag as they finally went to Minho’s car.

“I still don’t get the purpose of that party. I mean, we’ve spent our anniversaries together without any other people…why can’t we do the same for this year then? It’s not that I don’t like it but come on, it’s OUR celebration.”

“It’s because it’s not like any of our anniversaries. Let’s do it for a change!”

“It’s not like I have a choice anyway…wait, do I look okay? I don’t even have make-up on! I look hideous! I don’t think they’ll recognize me!” Shinhye hysterically got her kit from her bag and patted some powder on her face. She wasn’t that superficial or too girly but knowing that it was a party, and a special occasion, she had to look her best.

“Shinhye, relax. You look okay—no, beautiful.” Minho put her hand down and held it as he drove to a restaurant t

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[2/2/15] I am going to apologize again for not updating this time. There was a sudden surge of papers that I had to do so it took me a looooot longer to update.


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Cilipadi #1
Chapter 2: I just found this fic and love it!!!
Len1970 #2
Thanks for updating and not leaving this fanfic!!
Len1970 #3
Thanks for updating and not leaving this fanfic!!
Chapter 2: Thanks for your efforts towards this fic, came back to re-read.
Chapter 2: This was a really nice and good story writer-nim!Thanks so much...Waiting for a new one!
Chapter 3: Haha what a cliff hanger...
Just found out this fanfic of yours last week. Will read it soon. :)
Chapter 2: I'm glad i found and re-read this fic. Thank you!!
congrats for winning the bid