Love Letter


You were sitting on the hospital bed writing a letter to Leo, your bestfriend and loving boyfriend. Why were you in the hospital you ask? Well you were diagnosed with cancerous tumor a few months ago, now that it has been months the doctors are just fighting to keep you alive a bit longer. 


A bit of a short Leo angst....i've been feeling like I should write some cliche stories, here is the product of that feeling ^^

The headlines were exploding, 

"Vixx's Leo reported to be in a relationship with non-idol"

"Vixx's Leo in relationship."

A few weeks later, this brought a pile of sympathy for Leo, but more hate for me. I was called a gold digger, a leech, and others saying I only dated Leo for his money so he could pay for my hospital bills....that isn't it, I have my own money. Sure I may not be rich, but I could manage. The headlines were all the same...

"Vixx Leo's girlfriend admitted to hosptial, request for privacy"

"Vixx Leo request to take leave from tour for his girlfriend"

and many other variations of these titles were on breaking news. I felt bad for Leo he was getting so much hate, netizens saying he was neglecting his group and that he should leave the group or break up with me. Whenever we were on a private date he would always apologize for not spending enoughtime with me and for how busy he is, I love him so much, he's so sweet. 

No matter how sweet he is, I just had to ruin his life with mine,

in which was ending soon. 


-=- I hope you like this~ Please comment I enjoy all types of comments (I don't mind the criticism so don't hesitate ^^). Thank you for giving this one shot a chance! -=-


Last part of the Epilogue being written~


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Such a beautiful story *sobs sobs* i read it along with the songs and it just felt so sad...good job author-nim!!! JJang ida!
Chapter 1: Okay this is sad but great story :)
xiumin120801 #3
Chapter 1: Yes yes yes i want an epilogue!!! Please;((((