*Chapter 40

Something Behind That Cold Heart
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It’s already been a week since Mina arrived and it’s already been a week since she put an action in her plan. Every single chance that she can see to break the two apart she takes it without hesitation. Every lunch, she would purposely walk to Teen Top’s table to flirt with L.Joe in front of Yeonrin. She would always pull L.Joe just to flirt with him when he is alone and sometimes she would let Yeonrin see it.


But all these things were ignored by Yeonrin. L.Joe would always tell her to get lost and pull away from her or would just shrug her off and will go to Yeonrin and they would always be sweet. And it irritates Mina. That’s why she prepared for the last blow that would break the two apart.


Little did she know that Yeonrin is affected by what she is doing and every time Yeonrin and L.Joe are alone, they would fight. At first Yeonrin let it off because she understands because L.Joe will always utter sweet stuffs to her, cooling her head. L.Joe would say that he only loves her and she just needs to trust him but as time goes by she doesn’t even know if L.Joe is really telling the truth. She started to doubt his love because sometimes, he would them in a very close position and L.Joe would just pull away when he sees Yeonrin.


Teen Top saw them fight. Like every moment of every day. The couple is very secretive and they would fight in their hideout, yelling at each other but Teen Top saw all of it, they would just listen to them outside of the room. They are all worried for them and they always confront Mina to stop bothering L.Joe but they don’t give a hint that the couple is fighting because she might do worst.


“Come on Yeonrin!” L.Joe yelled. “It’s not what you think.”


“Not what I think?” Yeonrin let out a sarcastic laugh. “How many times did I saw you pinning her on the wall? She seems like she is enjoying it and you didn’t even bother to pull away? Wow.”


“Don’t you trust me?”


“I trust you.

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lovelychunsa1004 #1
Chapter 54: This was a good story, good job!! 💜
Chapter 57: it's fun seeing you back here again
writing as always been a way off escaping reality. you wanting to continue writing is given and making sequel is okay but if you can write new ones is also accepted
Kyoya_kumo #3
Chapter 2: "The sun is shining..." the first thing that came into my mind is BTS I need u...
waniey951215 #4
Chapter 56: scene where Yeorin save L.Joe at the ending is so cliche but still love this anyways! well done ;))) <3
Sharissa #5
Foreword and intro make cry i suddenly wanna fall in love (maybe not)
Chapter 39: I hope she fails.
Chapter 38: No way! It cannot be...