

“Love is in the air”

“Love is everywhere”


A few may believe such, but others surely won’t.

But as the saying goes, “to see is to believe”, unless you experienced it firsthand, you won’t really know.


Hello fellow shippers ^_^


I don't know why I kept pushing on posting this story at the back of my mind, it's been months since I made it and it was only now that I get to post it.


To all who saw it from For Velvet Forums on WenRene thread, I'm sorry I only posted it now here on AFF (since the link got deleted somehow). I originally made it for WenRene so they are the main pair here. Belated WenRene Day~ But still, better late than never. >_<

To all the JoyGi ChicBear Hunters, sorry I can't update yet but I promise to make it up...just wait for me and hang in there.TT_TT


And lastly, congrats on our girls for winning~! You girls rock! 2015 is Red Velvet Year. Hwaiting to RV~!!!


Ok, now that I've said my sentiments, without further ado~ enjoy the story (again XD).


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: I just discovered this good story
-WenRene15- #2
Chapter 1: I'm years late but I just want to say that I really love this story. =)
Chapter 1: daebak daebak daebak!!!
such a well-written story ^_^ hope to read more red velvet stories from you ~:)
WenRene or JoyGi, write more good stuff. Cheers author shii. :)
celestine_121313 #5
Chapter 1: This is the first wenrene fic ive read. Its a nice story. Congrats authornim. You nailed it. Full of love! Keep it up. Be it WenRene or JoyGi fic, we'll definitely support your stories. Daebak authornim! ☺ excited to read your next fic.
yuki_momoko #6
Senpai nim!~ Present! Though I'm a little bit late to comment. >_< I just got busy up with my work, keke
It was so nice of you to post it here as my request. :D Thank you and I L-U-V all your stories <3
TheGreatMitchell #7
Chapter 1: So cute !! Rly looking 4ward to your next fic :3
Chapter 1: this makes me squealing countless time XD so cute and beautiful, good job! ^O^
Chapter 1: Yes i will surely do find you lol. I just cant miss that dj reference you used in your story. Love is in the air~ love is everywhere unlimited and free my love ~ ahaha
Danshinduo #10
Chapter 1: Please be an official JoyGi fic writer hehe