We're going to be parents soon?

What happened?
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Minhyuk’s Pov.


We were sitting inside the waiting room from the doctor. Eunkwang was leaning on my side, holding my hand tightly, don’t want to let go of me. So I held his hand in mine and intertwined his fingers with mine. His smile broke the tension in my head and I relaxed a bit. I know I shouldn’t be nervous right now, but I can’t help it. My boyfriend is the one who should be super nervous but his smile is telling me something other.


Soon the doctor called us in and we sat down in front of him. We were waiting to get told what to do now.


“Okay Eunkwang shi please lift your shirt up a bit so I can check your stomach for any problems. It was only puking the whole day right?”, doctor Kim asked my baby and he nodded then.


“Yeah, but it’s mostly in the morning. It’s always around 7-9 o’clock.”, Eunkwang said and lifted his shirt.


The doc started to feel on his stomach, what made me a bit angry and jealous. I don’t like it when someone is touching him. I tried to control my feelings and started to look around the room.


I could feel Eunkwangs eyes on me, so I looked at him and saw his relaxed face. His eyes told me to stop being jealous. He was right, I should stop being jealous, ‘cause he wouldn’t leave me for anyone.


I smiled and took his hand again. His fingers were shaking. It must be uncomfortable for him to show someone his stomach…


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Chapter 5: I need the next chapter !!! Please!!!

I love the MinKwang!!!
*Cries in a corner....

byebye... (im still waiting) xd
Chapter 2: Is it gonna mpreg?
Chapter 1: Fighting author nim!