
My girlfriend comes from the past!
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Suzy POV

Eversince the incident a year ago, Jiyeon became distant and quiet, she doesn't eat a lot wich is really weird and she is always distracted...

I don't know why her meeting with our "Hero" changed her so much but i'm worried...

I asked Vic unnie to try finding Lightning but she disapeared, it's like our "savior" never existed...

Jiyeon is always carrying a whistle, i think she said that if we get attacked again she just needed to blow in it and Lightning would come to our rescue.

I didn't think that what happened back then was really a battle between persons from the past but i'm starting to think that either Jiyeon hit her head really hard or that it was true...

Jiyeon POV

It's been a year, a year of lonelyness...

I don't know why but, as soon as Lightning went away i felt like a part of my heart was gone with her...

I feel alone even if i am surounded by people,

I feel empty even if i eat,

I feel like, without this mysterious girl, i can't live...

Even if the girls would keep saying that it was probably made up and that it was not true , i believe every words my savior told me like i knew she was saying the truth.

Victoria POV

Today is the begining of our second break since our debut, it's a 5 month long break.

It's been exactl

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Chapter 5: I'm really sorry authornim but i don't know that story.
Chapter 5: i don't know the fic,sorry.
Chapter 5: I really wanna help but i dont know the fix. :p really sorry
paperz #4
Sorry, I couldn't help u... never read fanfic about that...
J_T-ara_M #5
Chapter 5: I'm sorry.. i wanted to help you but i don't even know that fanfic T.T
Chapter 4: What is going to happen? Please update soon~ ^^
Chapter 2: I think jiyeon like lighting haha I can't wait to see the next chapter
Chapter 2: Oooooh. I like this a lot!!!!
Chapter 1: This looks interesting! Can't wait for more~
jovy0025 #10
Chapter 1: I can't wait for next chapter