confused love ( prince or ordinary boy?)


Hana yumi is a princess and have to cover her identity. She just want to go to japan. But? Why korea?

Ordinary boy? Yes.. he is hyun sik . A smart student. He accept hana no matter what. He is caring and .... jealous but he ia understanding.

Prince chaming ever. Yuki!  But ... what the relationship between hana and yuki? 

So, who is yul? Same face as yuki?! Yuki is first love hana.

But, hyun sik is hana's new life. But yuki is come back to get her love. 

Hana seems confused!  Dont confused ur mind becaus you wll decide the confusing by reading . So this shortlove one shot need ur comment to choose ur hero.

Prince or ordinary boy?



What??papa!! Its not fair! I wanna go to japan not korea!!" Shout Hana.

"princess, thats only a place we re safe,

"so, japan is not the place??

"no, did u remember hana, our cousin in japan, prince yuki!!"

"papa,erghh !!

"All of  them didnt know we in korea,its weird my princess everybody love korea and not you??

"erghh, why should i love korea? Im malaysian after all!!

"kpop?running man?

"nonsence, im not like that, papa!please its childish!!


"stop calling me princess, if i not in japan!!

"hey, sweetheart, this is your high school,

"erghh!!japan is more beautiful!! Hana left her dad as she walk into the school but her father take her hand.

"princess, ops this is your bag, " "hmm..c u.. "sweetheart, ajushhi  ihmin will take u home later

"hmm, just said driver or..

"said it nicely..


"You are the new student?

"nope, transferred student, bcause after this i will transfer!!

"oh yeaa, im your teacher,call me SAM

"means ur name is sam?

"nope, its teacher in korean..

"what the..

. "sorry hana??

"errr nope,nothing!!

In the classroom.

"class, today.."

"sam, can i just sit at my chair?all tye student look her . Maybe bcause she is not korean but its okay bcause she is pretty.

"no, introduce first..

"hmm im hana, malaysian, emm , thats all, and im not interest to all of childish thing.the students just smile  but a boy wondering about her.

"yaa hana, pls sit front of hyun sik"

"okay..... sam..."hana seems hard to say that word.

(Rest time)

"hey, im hyun sik.

"nice to meet u then, hana said.

"lets go to canteen, let me show you,

No, but maid i mean my dad prepared this to me"hana shows a box of food to him,

"ohh, can i share with you, bogoppa!!

"ehh wait , you can speak english??

"why korean can speak english? Huh"hyun sik answered. 

"but its very fluent." Hana seems weird, she thought korean just proud of their languange .

"bcause im the top student.

"ergghh annoyed!!

"hey lets share your food!!

"no its mine!! Hyun sik tries to take from  hana.

"hyun sik yaaaaa, , mne acik cam ni !! (That's is not fair!!!)

"what are u talking? "ops my own languange hahaha" hana suddenly can accept the situation without realise she have to hate korean.

"hahahahaha" hyun sik also laugh with hana.

hyun sik laught0 cause all of the student in the class become weird, before this, hyun sik never makes funny to the girls

"hyun sik oppa!! Annyeong!!

"hi,, 'cantiknya dia!!!(how beautiful she is!)'hana kagum dlm hati.

"oppa! Duguya?"deu ri ask angrily.

"yeoja chingu?..... Girlfriend! When hyun sik talk thenword girlfriend, he smilea at hana.

"kojimal"deu ri shout

.yukss what is it?korean drama? "wait! Im not his...."

"sshhuuhhh hana, let me settle! Dont worry, shes jut my fan, i mean my loyal fan

"haha i seee"


"ya deu ri tesso yo!!

"anin, bianeyo yun si aaa, yeoja chingu??ande yo!!, "deu ri take the box of food and spilt it to hana's clothe.

"yaq deu ri, pabo aneyo? "pabo? Yeoja chingunen pabo!! Ya korean arayo??ara!!

"sorry? You ask me, i dont understand but you are stupid girl!!, Even i dont know what you talking about but im not like, thats why ihate koreaa!!hate korean, Thats why japan that i love.. Hate korean like you!!"hana took back her box food on the floor.

"naga!! Deu ri naga!!

"anin. Then  hyun sik push deu ri to corridor of class. Then he help hana to clean te floor with food.


. "dont talk to me, hyun sik, bcause of you, my food like this, and my dress and my..

"sorry, are you hungry?"hyun tries to comfort her.


, "let me treat you okay?

"promise? Hyun sik amile happily.

"ehh awalnye princes

, "haha sajeee!!

"well korea is not like u thought isn it??

"hmm yaaa, maybe?but jqpan in my heart.

"transferred student!!chinca

"oottte yeoja, namja??

"namja ya, japan transferred student!!

Bo?daebak. "japan transferred student? Is it real.

"hana yaaa!!" Shout hyun sik from the back, hana hears some of voices said hyun sik name and wondering why we are close enough.

. "ye ape?(yes what?)

"what? You languange??

"hahaha, ya, eh hyun sik.

"yesss, we yo?

"emm did a transferred student really from japan??

"why? Its not weird!! You are from malaysia, so its possible to other country to transferred here. "really? Yahh a bit weird but..

"hey did u mean it, you hate korean and love japanese?

"ohh , its ..

. "honest.

. "okay, yah actually hmm i wanna school at japan but my dad .. He really wanna go here, so i have too

. "emm , thats possible.. But maybe you can change your mind, pls close your eyes.


"just close your eyes!!" Perlahan2 hyun sik mencium pipi hana yg gebu.

"ya!! Bo ya?

"your cheek burn to red."teased hyun sik.

"stop it!!

"lets go to class, its late!!

"hyun sikk!! Mane acik!!! You are liar!! The noisE from outside. and?..

"Im yul from japan."Soemone introduce his name. Taht New boy.

"hyun sik yaaa, wait for...sam?"she surprised as she know at that time is the first class.

Sorry." Hana said.hyun sik too said that. The students more attention with hyun sik and hana after that.

. "biane.."kate hyun sik kepada han, tumpuan pljr lebih kepada mereka drpd pljr baru tu

. "class, yul will be sit beside hana"

"konnichiwa, ain hana dess!! Yul just smile a bit.

"ceh berlagak!!"(arrogant boy!)

"hey hana, today i want to fulfill my promise

. "no

, "why? "you make me embrassed!!

"hey come on,hyun sik tries to say nicely.

"okay double food!!

"okay!!when hana and hyunsik walk together, yul just look them jealously.

"im sorry hana, i have too.." yul said in his heart.

"chinca passhhtooo!!


"hmm okay, bolehlahh (yes )

"hey thats my languange..

"i know!

"how do you know?

"you know me, haha, hana tomorrow im not in school.

"why? "u know, i want to make car licence,

"ooh, soo i will be alone

"hey,just a day, dont worry hana yaaa..



"hey hana, your hyun sik not coming today, are you broke up?

"min ah, no , he have to take lisence car today.. Btw hyun sik not mine.."hana answered and she blusher

Haha "kere yo?? Hyun sik never smile to anyone except for you.

"hmm, we re just friend, thats all.

"okay then,

Yul  just listen the conversation . 

"yul, you know i wanna know about japan ....can you. Story about japan to me??

"no, i dont want!!

"psyco!! Hana shout at yul .

"hana, did u remember that..yul start to talk with hana. And hana shock.

We "huh?what yul, i thought you are arrogant boy..

"sorry .. I

"me too


"haha because i said u psyco? but yul your face, let me see.. Hana touch yul face with both of her hand.

"what are you doing hana.? Yul shock and his heart like explode.

"your face like my cousin but impossible right?

"is he japanese?

"yea.. Yul touchhana face like hana do to him. "you face like .... A doll then


"kidding.. Lol.. But i can be your cousin if u want to "

seriously?but you know my cousin is my first love, a long time ago " hana stories about her past to him.

"thats why you are curious about japan."guess yul

"one of the reason but now hyun sik maybe make me...

. "im ready to be your love , replace your cousin

"haha what a joke!!

"this is serious hana, pls i give you time.

"heyy, we just talking today and just 3 minutes and you..

"love doesn care about time, hana..."said yul.

In hana's home

How if yul serious but... , then whats gonna be????????

"Hey, what are u doing ?

"oppa, when you are here?

"call me sempai!!

"now we re in korea,

"haha okeyy my dongsaeng!! "whats wrong??

"i hate to love but i had it

"whats so hard?

"you know one is korean , and one japanese her face looks like our cousin yuki Prince yuki?


"hey , study first okay?

"but oppa..

"just choose your own heart, whether he can wait you or not

"thanks eventhough you are not helping me at all.


"hyun sik, how about yesterday.??

"happy for yesterday??

"yeaaa, ehh what??

"everyone know about you hana and that new guy,!!

"stop it, i can explain.

"okay follow me, hyun sik membawa hana ke taman skolah.

"explain now? "yea, actually yul face just like my cousin and my cousin is my first love, i just chatting to him yesterday,then he ask me to...

"so whats your decision ...??tye hyun sik dgn nada sedih

"i decide to....hana memegang muka hyun sik dan mencium pipinya.

"choose you.

"HEY, this is not fair, jerit hyun sik.hana pula berlari ke kelas dan terjatuh dlm pelukan yul.hana sangat trkejot.

"sorry!! Pelajar2 semua yg melihat semakin kecoh. COUPLE COUPLE. Yul tersenyum manakala hana mula meronah merah memandang situasi trsebut.

"Hana? Hyun sik menegur, mereka cepat2 meleraikan pelukan.hana terus menuju ke dalam kelas. Hyun sik merenung tajam ke arah yul.

"hyun sik..

"it was an accident right?

"thanks bcause understand me"

"okehh, hyun sik menarik nafas lega.

"What?? Prince yuki here? Impossible,

"hana , trust me, i mean princess, only two ways mone you have to marry him or two you have to escape from him

"and i choose for two

. "but prince yuki now find his first love andd.. Its you..

"but not now papa, its too late

"too late? You have anyone?

"yaa, papa, korean

"then....i will think!!

"huh, i dont get it??

"wait and see, sweetheart..


"latte "

"coffechino!!" hyun sik menerpa.


"hey, alone??

"no, i was actually..


"oppa" "

"hey who is it?? Hyun sik brtye curiga.

"my oppa.

"my donsaeng!!"hahahahahahaaha... Hana dan oppanya bergelak bersama.


"of course lahh"hana menjawab.

"sit my brother in law??

"hey oppa!!


"whut the?? Biane hyun sik, my oppa annoyed right?

"just like you"hyun sik mgusik.

"right bro!! Yeahhh Ketika itu yul masuk ke kafe.

"i think its him, hey yuki!!

"yul masuk dgn selamba tnpa prsn ape2.

"yuki, oppa where?

"dugu ya?? Hyun sik myoal.

"itu yul lah oppa, that person

"its SAME!!

"ive told u already,

"yul, join us!!


"yul, its mine oppa...

"hi yul, konnichiwa!!

"konnichowa dess"

"hey dongsaeng, miss japan?,

"no, just a memories..hahaha" yul memandang hana dgn syuman, manakala hyun sik hye geram berapi disisi yul.

"how about our memories? A kiss , are u forget, hana?"hyun sik membls kata. Hana yg sdg minum hampir terbatuk.

"hyun sik, shuhuhuuuuh.. "

hyun sik u kiss my sister?,

"sorry i didnt mean it but it was

"how gentle you areee, but is not first kiss am i right? "yess, it was, i forgot but it soo memorable??

"how about my kiss then hyun sik?? Is it memories "you kiss him?

"yes how gentle i am"

" donsaeng is  so naughty!! ?then hana oppa hit her.

"awww it hurts oppa, !!


"im not sure if i have  to stay here, its.." yul want to go but hana stop him.

"hey, yul come on!! "hana want to stop him.

"err?. Hana u know! I need your answer okayy?? Pls?" Beg yul

"you know the answer yul" hyun and hana oppa just look at the situation.

"you will finally..know the truth , hana" yul said . Hana just let yul go and keep quiet.


"what did he mean? Hana oppa asked

"ntah, tak tahuuu( i dont know)" hana answer. She confused.

, "somethings wrong hana,why suddenlly , he and you .....

"jgn pndg cm tu x suke tahuu( dont look at me like that!)

"soo.?. You still choose hyun sik??

"yes, i love him

"so yul?

"i dont know,

"u have to answer him

"if yul are the first i know maybe i will be with him, but its too late?

"if yul is prince yuki,so?

"nonsence lah oppa, but if that the real, maybe erghh i dont know prince yuki is my first love!

"so, means you had to leave hyun sik, alone?

"nope, he's mine now..



"examm!!hey top student, teach me!!"ask hana. 

"hey, subject?

"ermm, korean.. I ve fail the highest mark is 35 , haha

"its terrible!!" Hyun sik teast her

"so, i need top student with me now cheoball" hana begging him cutely.

"okey you have to need me,,always. Their eyes look each other.

"annoyed," hana look at her book back. Her heart fluttered.

"im top student okaehh" hyun sik answer proudly.

"arasso, top student ajusshi" said hana.


. "hey bad girl, go away with what mine!!"deu ri  shout with annoyed.

"we yo?? Hyun sik dekoya!!" hana reply her back.

hyun sik smiled.yul walk into hyun sik place to stop the fight.

"shut up you! Dont say korea at me!"deuri said .

"bo? Keresooo, the u dont have to speak english with me, just talk with your languange and one more thing, ihate a girl like you! You being mess with mine"

"yaaa, "deu ri want to slap hana but yul stop that..hyun sik look and he totally lost to the action. He really sorry to hana

"hyun sik, if you can't protect your girl, let me protect her."

"ergghh"deu ri out from the class angrily with her members.yul took hana at the upstair of the school.

"biane hana ya!"said hyun sik in the class (monoloque)


" let my hand go"hana shouted to yul as she want to go.

"so, hana i want your decision

"btw thanks about... 

"u dont have to thanks to me, its my responsible,answer yul.

"but u know im with hyun sik.... we are"

"can you both just broke?

"bo? We yo?we just...

"arghh, can u just accept me, why is it so hard? Huh?

"sorry , can we re just be friends,

"no, we dont, i wanna be your lover, your protecter, everyone can be your friends but not everyone can be your lover, so i beg you, hyun sik cant protect you.

"he can

"if he can , why he cant stop your fight with deu ri??

"he just..

"let me honest, im tired to act with you..

"act? What do u mean you act?

"im not yul , im prince yuki your first love"

"stop the joke yul"

"hey, kawaii, girl, u dont forget this call right??

10 years ago.


"why you are sad?"yuki asked hana when he see a girl cries at the castle of his cousin.

"my mom, my mom ...hana cries after her mother death.

"my dad too, he's gone, he's never come back as your mom." Yuki told her to calm her.

"huwaaa my mom!!" Load hana cries .

"hey kawaii girl dont be sad.." he tried to comfort her.

"kawaii?? "it is mean cute, or comel? In malay..." said yuki eventhough he japanese. He know the word because he is cousin of malay!

"hey how cute??"hana tries to smile.

"kawaii girl..  i like you.

" me tooo... haha" hana answer.


"What is it, you are... " hana shock. 

To be continue. *confused love began* next chapter

"What? Hana do u a princess?" Hyun sik ask.

"Pls keep hana secret, deu ri" hyun sik beg deu ri.

"Then u have to be my boyfriend"



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