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Title: Silly
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Ryeowook
Genre: one-shot, angst, romance
Rating & Warning: PG
Summary:  Cho Kyuhyun's career is blooming; his solo career is just on the verge of taking off. And there, in the small corridor, waiting patiently for Kyuhyun after his showcase, is Kim Ryeowook, entranced, happy. Loving.

Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior members - sighs - and have no rights over them, nor do I have any connections with their management. This is a work of fiction.








A/N.: Wow, this... is my comeback, I guess you could say? It's been so long, I'm really.... I'm so nervous, and I wonder what you guys will think of this? Please be honest in your comments... This is me, testing the waters, checking to see if I still have what it takes, if there is still a Kyuwook writer in me.... So no holding back, alright? *sighs* There goes nothing....


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Chapter 1: I just ran across this today...months after it was written!!! And I love your KyuWook stories. I love the emotion in them, even when someone is suffering from their feelings--especially when someone is suffering from them. I hope you write more. Of all the authors on here, I read your stories the most...and most of them are pretty old. Kyu seems kind of oblivious to Ryeowook's feelings in this story or he doesn't want to face the fact that Ryeowook clearly loves him. Or perhaps he even strings him along a little because he wants to keep his most devoted fan by his side. Poor Wook! Breaks my heart. I hope to see more from you in the future!
Chapter 1: Ouch! So heartbreaking! I felt like KyuKyu had feelings for Ryeonggu too even if just a little.. He didn't wanna say anything because he doesn't know about how Wookie feels, or maybe Kyu knows and didn't want to admit it? Ughh poor Wookie </3
AleatoryThinker #3
Chapter 1: That contrast between Kyuhyun's oblivious joy and Ryeowook's restraint just breaks my heart. I actually felt pain when he turned away from Kyuhyun. To love someone so much only to have to deny yourself of even their smile....What emotional torture. Your writing captured it so beautifully, I find new layers of emotion every time I read.
Wugui06 #4
Chapter 1: Welcome back! Kyuwook needs you. We need you! Hee..
Chapter 1: Aish, Cho Kyuhyun :c I hate when someone has to suffer t.t I missed this kind of angst <3 please keep writing (Andpleaseasequel dakja) <3
I am a new fan of yours. I really love your stories and I am happy you are back :)
This was beautiful but very sad and heartbreaking ;_; Is there a possibility for a sequel?
maymaymay #7
Chapter 1: This was so sad and so beautiful at the same time. Unrequited love is the worst but you also showed what good things it can bing, even if it hurts the person.
Your writing is somuch on point.
lixian971 #8
Chapter 1: ugh... i still don't get it. kyuwook are not dating? they are just friend?
sorry my brain is too slow, i think hihihi
but this is so cool but heartbreaking in the same time. ryeowook seems hurt with his feeling. but kyu... i think he knows but he didn't say anything. that's so frustrating

i'm really looking forward for you next story ^^
thank you so much for your come back :D
787 streak #9
Chapter 1: Great Story~ I loved it so much~ :D
oh you're back! miss your fic so much!😂
i need your angst please.. there's no need to testing the water onnie hahaha
can't wait for the first chap!😉