A true Cassiopeian

A true Cassiopeian



Do not tell me you are a Cassiopeian,


Just because you're following a trend.


Just because you've heard some of their songs.


Or just because you think they are “hot.”




You can claim yourself a true Cassiopeian when,


You've seen their hardships.


You've felt the sadness in their tears.


You've bared bashings from others who criticize you for loving them.


You've felt warmth in your heart when thinking of them.


You smile out of no where thinking of how silly they are.


You think about their well being, and if they've eaten.


You've felt the unexplainable joy of knowing they're alive.


You've cried like I have over their break up.



DBSK are NOT just another trend. They worked with their own blood sweat and tears to bring KPOP to Japan.


Between not eating and working 20 hours a day to complete their activities, we fell in love with them.


We did NOT fall in love with their bodies, or their looks.


We fell in love with their music and all of the hard work they've gone through to be noticed.


We admire their strength and strong will to become famous and be noticed.


Their music is not pointless, it has meaning. They trained in SME for a long time to be put together.


Each with their own stories.


Most of them have harsh backgrounds. Yuhno slept in a subway station when he was a child, in order to live near his job and pay off his families bills.


Yoochun left his struggling family in America to work for SME. In hopes make a better life for his mother, father, and little brother. Who still live in America. Every time the boy's families came to their concerts to visit them. Yoochun was left in the dark, wishing his family could be with him as well.


Junsu dreamed of being a star since he was little, and was assigned by SME to join a group of three. Then his voice went through a dramatic change that lasted for six years. Causing him to train, for six years.


There is much more to DBSK than meets the eye. Their music has soul in it, from Junsu's soulful singing, to Yoochun's heart filled piano playing.


If it was not for them, Kpop wouldn't even exist in Japan.


When they first debuted in Japan, they had it hard.


Sleeping in low grade hotels. Eating crappy food. Being deprived of sleep. Preforming under bad conditions, with only 100 or less fans there to cheer them on.


But now, even people in America are beginning to notice them.


Even thought it's too late.


When I saw the new JYJ album being released, my heart broke, and my stomach dropped.


I saw the chances of DBSK comeback, disintegrate into thin air.


So no, not in the next year, nor five years do I expect them to come back together as five.


But one day, I know that they will all be up there on a stage.


Singing a song together in harmony.


They are not, and never will be one hit wonders.


Six long years of joy they bring us, and happiness they spread.


They are the GODS of Asia.



These are the thoughts of a TRUE Cassiopeian.


So please, STFU if you just "love them" for their looks.


You are not, and ,never will be a True Cassiopeian.


Unless you learn to process and absorb them like we have.


Sure, call us obsessive and crazy.


You just don't know what it's like to be a true Fan.



To be a Cassiopeian








These are rightfully my writings. I felt this and put it on paper, and decided to post it up and share.  Please do not copy and paste this somewhere else without my permission.



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b2utyYTF #1
love your story
babymichiie #2
Thanks for sharing this.. People used to bash me saying I am a crazy idiot for going insane on DBSK.. but with your post here, I felt the strength that I need again..<br />
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And now I know I am a true Cassiopeia.. I cried when I watch Proud everytime.. even sometimes when I would just randomly hear there songs on the radio.. tears would just flow..<br />
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I too believe that they will be together again one day.. I don't care if it's next year or 5 years later.. or even 10 years later.. This is a faith that I will never stop keeping.<br />
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I believe in DBSK as a five.. and I believe in the fandom of Cassopeia.. and most importantly, I believe in the saying " Always Keep The Faith ".<br />
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Thanks for posting this again.. This leaves a lasting impression to me.. I cried when I read this..
Thank you for writing down what I cannot put into words. =)<br />
You've captured the true essence on what it means to be a part of Cassiopeia. I've always been bothered when people who only like dbsk because they are "hot" call themselves cassie, yet forget about them when they are going through troubles.<br />
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Its very hard for me to watch "Break Out" (the infamously last mv they did where not once did the members dance together). It took me about an hour to finish watching that mv, because I would have to pause the video every few seconds because I would start crying. <br />
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People might call me overdramatic, but I can't help these strong feelings that overcome me when I think about all the chaos and misunderstandings and enimosity going around.<br />
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And now, there is talk that Cassiopeia is splitting into 2 different fanclubs: Orion (JYJ) and Gemini (HoMin)? That, I do not understand....<br />
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Thank you for putting into words what many Cassiopeians cannot.<br />
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Always keep the faith until all FIVE are ONE~
leedictator #4
This is so true .. Thank you for writing & posting this ^^ I`ll support JYJ + HoMin forever, I`ll support them till they become DBSK again. AKTF ~!
Omo. You're so right. I felt kind of angry to those cassies who were once a fan and then gives up because they know that DBSK is on hiatus. They do not realize this is the time they need us the most. We should be supportive of them. I know this is stupid but I'll admit that whenever I hear some news about them, I always cry. I'm not a fan of them from the start, actually i was a fan last 2009 and it was in december so I cannot say that I've been with them through the start but I know I'll be with them forever. ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH. <br />
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Ps: I hate it when people say that DBSK id disbanded already. I know that someday all of this drama will end and they'll become a living legends. :D<br />
Thanks for this...
Oh my gosh. Thank-you so much for this. And you're absolutely right about everything. I'll wait for them to come together on stage again, even it takes me the next five years since they mean so much more to me than that. The day I found out about JYJ activities and the high possibility of them seperating for good, I started balling. (I was actually at school looking on my ipod for twitter updates, all I saw was, "Did you hear? They might be breaking up?") It was awkward in class after that since I started crying randomly during AP Biology. So thank-you. Thank-you so much.