The Last Wishes
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Cherie get out from taxi and stand in front of one apartment building. She don’t know why she want to come here. She seat at the bench and look up at the building. MBLAQ dorm is here. She saw one van pull over at the entrance and MBLAQ get out from the van. No one will saw her there, it dark where she was seated. She became Seungho stalker tonight. 

 “Hyung, where are you going?” Ask Cheondung when he saw Seungho not going in with them.

 “Get some fresh air.” Seungho said. 

 “Just let him be. He need time to be alone.” G.O said.

 “Hyung, you seems like know something that we don’t know?” Mir said.

 “I know because I dated more girl that you all.” G.O said and get in the elevator. All of them follow him in. 

 Cherie saw Seungho walking alone and she follows him from behind. She feels lucky just by looks at him from behind. They keep continue to walk like that. 12 o’clock sharp, night air full with fire work. Cherie stand beside Seungho but far and they enjoy the view. 

 “Merry Christmas!! Fire work so beautiful tonight.” Cherie send SMS to Seungho. Cherie takes several steps back so Seungho don’t see her. Seungho take out his phone from his jacket and smile at his phone.

 “So, you smile when you get message from me.” Cherie said to herself.

 “ Merry Christmas to you too. Yes, it beautiful. What you do?” Seungho replies.

 “at outside watch firework. It’s so cold tonight. Wish I could get a cup of coffee.”

 “I will go for coffee after this. Do you mind to join me?”

 “I’m walking to coffee shop right now…” Cherie lies and she saw Seungho start to walk looking for nearest coffee shop. When he arrived at one café, he take a seat next to window so he still can see the firework. Cherie get in the café when he still busy read the menu. She take a seat at the back so, Seungho back at her back. 

 “ Such a warm café at cold night and I order caramel mocha.” Cherie SMS.

 “I order coffee latte.” Both of them enjoy their drink in silent and Cherie ask waiter to give Seungho a piece of chocolate cake but put it in her bills. 

 “for you, sir. It’s on the house.” Said the waiter and Cherie and heard it loud and clear. They never go out together except the day they doing the mission to help Eien to find a sponsor. After that day they never go anywhere alone anymore.

 “What would you do after the coffee?” Ask Seungho. 

 “I don’t know. still not sleepy yet. Maybe will watch some late movie.”

 “I’m not watch movie for ages now. Hope have some scary movies now.”

 “Oppa, I’m not watching scary movies. Maybe a funny story. Are this is a date? ^_^” Cherie jokes.

 “Sure.” Cherie let Seungho go out first and she follows from behind. When they arrive at the movies theater, they only have 2 choices. Love 911- romantic movie or My PS partner- romantic comedy movie.

 “I will watch My PS partner.” Seungho SMS.

 “Oppa, let watch love 911.”

 “Ok.” Seungho go to counter and buy ticket. Cherie go to counter after he purchased. 

 “Where he seat? Can I get a seat at the back row?” Cherie asked. She get the seat at the back Seungho row. She enter and take her seat. Seungho’s back just a few inches from her. When the movie starts both of them watch it in silent. 

 “I guess this is the end our dates?” Cherie asked when the movies end.

 “I guess so.”

 “So, good night oppa. If you need me to go for a date like this again just give a call.” Cherie replies.

 “Ok. Take care. “Seungho message and he hail a taxi. After he get in, Cherie also hail a taxi. They take different direction to go home. Just like what Cherie did today. Exactly opposite to her feeling, she hope she do the right thing. 

 Cherie remember back what is her condition in this engagement. She want Robert will let she do whatever she want including dance, show and being with MBLAQ. He will stay away or close his eyes and ears to whatever she do. Cherie let her hand clean from any work at Saunder except Muju resort. She will handle that resort until the end. 


 Cherie practice hard for the show. She asked Alex to help her to look out for Muju and if something happen he will inform her. Right now she only want this show to be success. Indy and Eien will join her after works. G.O came whenever he has some spare time. Cherie asked Z for costume and music backstage. She will handle the publishing the flyer. While she do this, she know she weaker day after day. 

 Cherie go to hospital for a check-up. Ara do some blood test on her and after a few hours, they get the result. Ara don’t know how to break the news to her but Cherie quick to read her expression.

 “Bad news? How many months do you aspect I have?” Ask Cherie calm. She know sooner or later she has to face it.

 “Maybe less than 3 months left.”

 “Ok. It’s more than enough for me.”

 “Cherie, please don’t tired yourself out and take care yourself more.”

 “I will after I finish this show.”

 “Why is this show so important to you, more than your own life?”

 “This is my last show with my friends and I want they remember this moment forever. We never try to perform on big stage before and I want Robert to see me on stage.”

 “Please be careful.”


 Cherie change her clothes and she need to meet with Steven connection in media. She want they do massive publish in media for publishing their show. Cherie books Myeongdong Theater for their show. It’s really beautiful and suitable place for them. After meet with Steven friend, she go to practice again. 

 “Cherie, your phone is ringing.” Indy said. Cherie stop dance and she get her phone.

 “Oppa…” Cherie call when she saw G.O name on the screen.

 “Cherie-ah, Seungho have a little accident again and broke his arm.”

 “What?! Where is he right now?”

 “Hospital. Ara noona treat him right now.”

 “I’m coming.” Cherie grab her bag and rush to hospital. She don’t drive her car now. Indy or Eien will used her car and she just ride bus or taxi to go anywhere.

 “How is he?” Ask Cherie when she saw G.O stand outside the emergency room.


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