Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger
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I was looking around when I saw her. She sat on one of the benches not far from where I was sitting. She looked so happy. is humming something, probably she’s singing along with whatever music that is playing from the headphone she wears. She looks so adorable today with that red t-shirt, blue denim jacket, long blue jeans, and blue wedges. Her short straight hair falls perfectly and it helps to cover her chubby cheeks. Although she still looks a little chubby. But she’s cute. Believe me, I’m not even lying.

No, I don’t know her. I just met her once. That was yesterday night, on the first day of SS5 Indonesia, when I first saw her. She was in the middle of the crowd. She was wearing a blue t-shirt. Hell no, she’s not that pretty. She has the biggest eyes I’ve ever seen, yet she looked so beautiful. Her cheeks are so chubby. Her black hair was tied up. Well, I’m not really sure about the color of her hair, but it looks like black. Or maybe it’s just because the dark lighting, I didn’t even care. She wasn’t wearing a bandana with our names on it or even has a light stick. And I didn’t even know why I could spot her in the middle of the ELF. Seriously, she’s not the type of girl who will catch your attention when you first saw her, yet she succeeded in catching my attention.

I was really curious of her. I mean, who is her idol? I watched her face as Siwon passed by and she stayed cool. Then I watched her when Eunhyuk and Donghae approached ELF in her direction, she smiled but stayed still. And when everybody else passed her by or standing in front of her, she stayed calm. At first I thought she is our new fans. But then I knew she’s not. I mean, she sang along with us, not only the newest song but also the oldest one. Then I realized that from the beginning, I was just staring at her from afar. Not even once I tried to approach her. Did she come here for me? Am I her bias? I walked in her direction and stand there while singing Daydream. I have her eyes on me. I looked back at her while I sang my heart out. I startled when I saw something in her eyes. I mean, I knew the lighting was dark but she was close enough for me to notice the change of sparks in her eyes. It’s like pride. I didn’t know whether it’s true or not, but that eyes attracted me. I kept looking at her. I looked at her as if she’s the only one I could see. I forgot that it’s not only us two people living on the earth. She still stayed calm as if I didn’t look at her, as if I’m nothing. Then I knew that she’s not Sparkyu. I was a little disappointed but yeah, it was okay. Maybe she’s one of Leeteuk’s, Heechul’s, or Yesung’s fans. As we knew that they can’t participate in the concert because Leeteuk is in the military, Heechul just got out 2 months ago, and Yesung just joined military a month ago.

I was hoping that I would see her again tonight at the concert. I was looking around searching for her while singing my part. And I couldn’t find her. Maybe yesterday I was lucky I could spotted her in the middle of the ELF. Or maybe she didn’t come tonight. I should have known that before, I mean who would spend their money to buy two tickets for the same concert? Only fanatic fans would do it. And I knew she’s not one of them. But I think luck has turned itself on me. Or maybe this is what people called fate.

I didn’t know why she is in the airport this night, and I didn’t care. I will just enjoy my last chance watching her. She looked at her hand phone and then typed something. Not long after that, she’s pouting. I wanted to taste her lips when she did it. I grinned at the thought of kissing her. I mean, I barely even know her.

“Kyu what makes you grinning like that? What are you looking at?” Donghae’s voice woke me up from my reverie. The rest of the members then turned their head on me. I looked at them and grinned.

“Nothing” I said.

“Really?” Donghae looked at me in the eyes, trying to find the truth.

“Kyu are you okay?” Now even Sungmin wanted to be included in our-my and Donghae’s- conversations. He came and asked me a question with his mommy tone.

“I’m perfect and there’s nothing. I didn’t look at anything particular. I was just thinking of something.” I told them with the most reassuring tone I can manage. I didn’t want them to know about her. At least, not now! Not when she’s just a meter away from us. Because they would tease me till the end if they knew.

And to my luck, they believed in what I said. They back to whatever they’re doing before. I felt relieved. I turned my head at her and saw someone talking with her. I knew she’s her friend. Oh maybe she’s waiting for her. Her friend seemed out of breath. I thought she had been running on the way here from the entrance. She got up, grabbed her suitcase with her left hand and grabbed her friend’s arm by her right hand. Then they walkED away from that place. Right after that, I hear the calls. It’s time to go. Should I say goodbye to her? To the beautiful stranger I’ve just saw? Of course I should. We will never meet again. I’ll never see her again. Maybe we will next year at SS6 only if she comes. So here’s the goodbye. Goodbye Indonesia, goodbye my beautiful stranger. I really hope we could see each other again next year.



I smiled at the camera with Ryeowook right by my side. This is our first picture on our way home from Indonesia. Then we did some poses like grinning, faking hurt; putting stupid face, etc when my eyes catched her. The girl from the airport earlier. The girl whose eyes are so big. The beautiful stranger. She walked in my direction and then stopped right beside her chair, across from my chair. Her friend sat beside the window and she sat beside her. I was so shocked that I didn’t even realize that I stared at her with my mouth wide open. It’s continues like that until Ryeowook whispering something in my ear.

“Is something wrong with that girl?”

I turned my head “huh?”

“Is there something wrong with that girl over there? That girl who sat there, across from us?” Ryeowook repeated his question.

“Umm no.” I said as I tried to make my face as straight as ever.

“Such a liar. You’ve been staring at her since we’re in the airport.” Ryeowook told me with a knowing looks. I’m speechless. I thought I’ve fooled everybody at the airport earlier. Now that I knew Ryeowook not fooled, I think I’m such a worse liar, even Donghae could tell lies better than me.

“So you will tell me or you want me to guess?” Ryeowook asked when he didn’t get my answer.

I took a deep breath before answering his question. “Actually, she’s an ELF.” I held my hands up when he opened his mouth to cut me, and then he closed his mouth again to let me continue. “I saw her yesterday, in the middle of the ELF at the concert. I didn’t know who her bias is, but I think it is either Leeteuk, Heechul, or Yesung hyung because she never wavered when one of us walked by or approached her. I didn’t even know why I could spot her yesterday. Well, I mean she’s not even my type right?”

Ryeowook observed her before turned his face at me and shook his head. “No. Not even close. Just her eyes, maybe. You know, you love a girl who has big eyes.”

“Yes. I thought so. I mean, those big eyes attract me. I want to look at them and observe them so I could understand why they bother me so much.” I turned to her. Now she had sat on her chair. She still has that headphone on her head.

“Why don’t you just go and talk to her. I think she wouldn’t mind if you want to take a look at her eyes. Just show her your charms. She’s an ELF right?” Ryeowook told me with that wide smile across his face.

I look at him, like are you crazy? I mean how could he say it like it’s the easiest thing to do? “She’s not Sparkyu so my charms won’t work on her. And please, my name is Cho Kyuhyun. I’m one of Super Junior member. I’m not going to do something that will embarrass myself. I’m not someone who should mourn after girls but girls who should mourn after me. So I’m not going to her. Never!”

“That’s it! You always let your stupid pride get in the way. That’s why you never got the girl you liked.”

“Like you ever got the girl you liked” I snapped at him.

Ryeowook pouted and then added “Whatever!”



I opened my eyes and blinked. Wow, I managed to sleep. It’s a little weird because all I remember is I was thinking about that girl. I yawned and turned my head at her. I saw she’s sleeping. I stared at her, observing how she sleeps. She looked so peaceful and cute. Then she stirred, probably looking for a comfortable position. She’s facing me right now, but still, with her eyes shut. I have all the freedom to watch her now. I didn’t know why but I think I love watching her sleep.

I’ve watched her for a long time when she opened her eyes. She blinked her eyes and then stared at me. She blinked and rubbed her eyes. She pinched her chubby cheek and then grinned in pain. I chuckled at how stupid she is. When realization hits her, her eyes get wide. Then she smiled at me. I turned my face out of reflect. And I regretted it immediately because I just wasted the only chance to get to know her. When I have the courage to look at her again, she already turned away. Maybe she’s asleep again, I didn’t know. She has her back on me. And for the rest of our plane ride, I cursed myself for being so stupid.



When we arrived at Incheon airport, some securities approached us. They informed us that our fans are waiting outside the airport like usual so we have to wait until the company sends extra securities and bla bla bla. I didn’t hear the rest of their conversations. I’m too busy searching for that girl. I swear if I could find that girl, I will go to her and asked her everything I want to know about her. Like her name, her business in Korea, how long she would stay, and etc. But I couldn’t find her. I couldn’t spot her in the airport. I wonder where she is. Is she still behind or has she went away before me?

I sat on one of the benches in the airport. I have to come to my senses. I can’t let the whole situation affect me. If God gave me a second chance, I would never let it slip again. If we meet again, then maybe she’s the one for me. But if not, then maybe she was never meant to be by my side. I sighed.

“What’s wrong Kyu?” Siwon asked me with concern in his tone.

“No. Nothing’s wrong hyung.” I answered.

“You sure?” Siwon still won’t let go.

“Yeah. Just a little bit tired.” I told him. He just shook his head agreed.

Ryeowook looked at me with his observing looks. I gave him a smile to tell him that I’m okay. He then put his hand at my back and caresses it, trying to make me a little relax. I mumbled thanks.



A week passed by. I was doing fine and everything seemed running smoothly till I was left alone. When I’m alone, she came to my mind. At first I ignored it. But now, it makes me crazy. I almost always caught daydreaming. Everybody started to get worried over me. I knew they didn’t believe when I said I’m okay. I didn’t even believe it myself. Not just that, sometimes I even doing what-ifs. I didn’t know why I can’t get her out of my head.

Today we have to attend a wedding party. One of Lee Soo Man’s acquaintance’s daughter got married and she wanted Super Junior to sing at her wedding party because she’s one of our fans. The wedding party will be held at a ballroom hotel in Seoul Hotel on 20th floor. We’re a little bit late because of the traffic. When we arrived there, we congratulate the bride and the groom and gave them our blessing. Then we sang for them. The bride was crying when we finished. The groom said thank you to us and hoped we enjoy the party.

Everybody was going on separates way. They were either chatting with other idol from another company or just drinking and eating the serving food. I’m not in the mood to have a giggly chat with anyone so I just got myself a drink and went to the corner of the ballroom. I stood there until the music starts and everyone else are ready to dance. When a girl approached me and asked me to dance with her, I just said sorry and excused myself. I hear she mumbled something but I didn’t care. I’m thinking of getting myself out of this party. I just have to call a taxi and left. I will send my manager a message later.

I walked down the stairs slowly. Actually I could use the elevator, but I didn’t want to meet people on the way and have to chit-chat with them. So I used the stairs instead. Later when I’m tired, I can ride an elevator from the floor below. I loesen my necktie and undone my coat’s button. I walked slowly, stair after stair.

I arrived at 16th floor and I’m too tired to walk the stairs again so I think I’d better use the elevator. I’m on my way to the elevator when I saw a girl trying to unlock a room’s door. She seemed to have a difficulty. No, I’m not going to help her. I’m not an expert in opening a door. My job is to entertain not helping someone to unlock a ing door. I’m going to pass her by when she turned around and revealed her face. I stopped walking, eyes widening in shock. It’s her, the girl that took control over my brain this entire week when I’m alone. My beautiful stranger.

She stared at me for a while and then gave me a little smile. She was ready to leave when I remember my promise that if God gave me a second chance, I won’t waste it. She’s already walking halfway to the elevator when I woke up from my thought. I hurried after her and catched her hand. She turned around, eyes stared at me with a question.

She stared at me with those big eyes. Now that I looked at them from close, I knew that those eyes are beautiful. The color is brown. I’m getting lost just by seeing her eyes.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked in English. Her voice was so smooth.

“Shouldn’t I am the one who asked you that question? Is there something wrong with the door?” I asked her back in English. In this situation, I really thanked Henry for always forced me to learn English. Even though my English is not that good, at least I could understand what she was saying and I could talk to her so that she’’ll understand what I’m saying. I focused at her beautiful eyes so much that I forgot to let go of her hand.

“Oh, I don’t know but I can’t open it with my key.” She told me. She then saw my hand that still hold hers.

I let go of her hand immediately. I didn’t want her to think that I’m weird or something. “May I see the key card? Maybe I can help you?” I offerred my help.

“Are you a specialist in opening a door now? I thought you’re an idol?” she asked me with a chuckle, but hands me the key anyway.

“You could say this is my other job.” I said with a grin on my face. I didn’t know that chatting with her would be this easy. If I had known this earlier, I would have talk to her sooner.

I went to the door that she was trying to open earlier. I saw the number of the key in my hand and the number that written on the door then I bursted in laughter. She saw me with a frown on her forehead but I was so busy laughing until my stomach is hurt.

“What’s wrong? Why are you laughing like that?” she asked me.

I didn’t answer her questions, instead I grabbed her right arm and dragged her to the 5th door from there. Now we were standing in front of a door with a written number 1618.

“What are we doing here? Aren’t you going to help me open the door to my room?” she asked me.

I looked at her with a wide grin on my face. “This is your room miss. Your room is not 1613 but 1618. That’s why you couldn’t open the door earlier.” I told her while swapping the key card and unlock the door. Then I give the key card back to her.

She took the key card and read the number that written on it. Then she blushed and said “Sorry, I didn’t know that I tried to open the wrong room.”

I still have the laughter in me. I didn’t know why I won’t stop laughing. But then I heard voices come our way. I stopped immediately and push her inside her room. I closed the door immediately. I looked at her who looked at me with her eyes widening in shock.

“I’m sorry. You do know that I’m not someone who can get caught in front of a hotel room with a girl. It will become a scandal if the wrong people caught us. Some maybe will believe that all I did is just helping you, but the rest will still see that as an excuse. Since I don’t want to risk anything, I’d better hide myself right?” I told her before she misunderstands.

She nodded her head in agreement and then added “Oh yes, of course I know. Feel free to sit wherever you think comfortable.”

“Are you usually let the guy you didn’t know to sit in your hotel room when there are only you two?” I asked her with a little higher tone than before.

“No. And it’s not like I don’t know you or anything. I know you won’t do something crazy.” She said calmly.

“Why won’t I?”

“First, you’re an idol. You have an image you should protect. 2nd, I’m not that pretty.” She said again.

I laughed at her reasons. Really, she’s funny. “Oh I’m glad that you find me funny.” She said with sarcasm. “Is there something you want to drink or eat? I mean I can treat you as a thank you, well even if I know that you have more money than me.” She added.

“Ahahaha, no thanks. Not because I have more money than you that I think you can’t buy me a meal but because I just come from the party in the ballroom above and I’m really full right now. So maybe later” I told her while watching her putting stuff into her suitcase.

She stared at me in disbelief “Waaah you didn’t even deny that you have more money than me!”

“Well, that’s your words not mine. I’m not going to complain as long as it’s sounds good.” I smirked.

She smiled and said “Ahhh I shouldn’t praised you. You have big enough head without I praised you.” She paused for a while, turned and continue doing things she done earlier, then added ”I can’t promise you about later though. I have to catch my flight so this is the right time to pay you back.”

I froze after hearing that sentence. I just met her and she’s all ready to leave, like really leave. You must be kidding me.

“You must be kidding me!” I shouted to her.

She turned around and looked at me in the eyes. “Excuse me?”

“You must be kidding me!” I shouted to her again.

“No, I’m not. And I didn’t know why you raised your tone at me.”

I blinked several times “Sorry I didn’t mean to shout at you. I just… I don’t know. I think fate is playing with me.”

She continues what she was doing earlier and said “What are you talking about?”

I stared at her. She’s going to leave. I have gone crazy for her this entire week and when we finally met again, she was about to leave. No! I’m not going to lose her again. There’s no way I would let her go. Never!

“Marry me!” I said.


 “Marry me!” I told her again, this time louder.

“Is that some kind of jokes?” she asked me in a joking tone.

“No. So marry me!”

“Are you out of your mind?” She asked again without turning her head at me.


“Then why would you ask me−a stranger−to marry you?”

“Because I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay.”

She turned her head and looked at me in the eyes. “And why is that so?”

“I still don’t know. Listen, I first saw you at the concert in Indonesia. Your eyes attracted me. And for this whole week, I couldn’t shake you off of my head. I think I’m in love with you. No, I really am in love with you. That’s why I want you to stay.”

“What about the ‘marry me’ thing?”

“I think it’s the best way to make you stay.”

“Are you always like this with people that make you attracted to them? When you think you’re in love with them?”

“No! Are you crazy? This is the first ti

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