✡ A Thousand Years — Time Travel


A Thousand years
Your own fairytale

It's year 3015.
The world ran out of resources and human beings now live in a world of difficult times. One day, nine girls chance upon a time machine. And the girls went on a journey to the past with Peter Pan, the owner of the Time Machine.

Join Peter Pan and the lost girls in this wonderful journey across time.




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Chapter 17: I finally caught up.. I think. It was so hard to navigate through mobile but I think I'm all caught up and with the stories. But wow. I really don't blame you for being attach with the characters as they have all grown especially with their own stories lives. Lol if that makes sense. Anyways, you've done a great job so far and I really can't wait to read the next parts. Im really going to be sad when this comes to an end.
EeteuksAngel #2
Chapter 17: Just read the author note. If you need to get rid Jaekyung, I'll understand. (I'm an author too, and I know how hard it can be to have a lot of characters.) So, if you need to drop Jaekyung, that's alright with me. Whatever makes your lives easier.
EeteuksAngel #3
Chapter 16: Awh! Poor Mizuki. :(
And cute little Minseo, the little song bird. That was just so cute! And it's super adorable how she gets along with Leo and Ravi. So cute! ^^
Eeep! that is just the cutest! It's so adorable how Jane took his phone. I always love her little notes. They are just the cutest ever!
Poor Jaekyung! :(
Hahahahahaha! I totally forgot about the frying pan incident! xD Awwwwwh! That is so sweet! Totally shipping those two so hard! Goeun is just adorable too!
(Why are they all so adorable?)

Thank you author-nims for the lovely update! It was exciting to see them all again! ^^
Chapter 16: Awww I'm so happy that you updated! It's great to see all of the girls brought back to life again. Also, my baby GoEun and Minhyuk im dead! The way he asked her out was so cute! :D
Chapter 17: aw, writing for so many characters at once must be a very tough job! but i've been enjoying every single one of these individual stories. it's been beautifully written. thank you so much for your hard work ~
Chapter 16: Hello darling author-nims! I promise you I am reading, but I have been absolutely swamped with school at the moment and don't have time to leave a meaningful comment. But the story is still super cute and it was refreshing to read it again!! However, I do understand that writing for 16 characters is incredibly difficult, so if after you weed out characters to drop, and if you still feel like you need to drop a few more, I wouldn't be upset if you dropped my darling MinSeo. While I love reading my character in cute fics like this one, if no one wants to have their characters dropped, it's fine if you drop her. She's sweet enough that she wouldn't mind. ^^~

That being said if you wanted to keep her that would be amazing, but I'm just letting you know that it's okay to drop her if it'll be any easier on you. <3 Author-nims FIGHTING!!
XaceX13 #7
Chapter 17: It's ok this is a lot to take on. It's official ryura is my favorite. Oh lord is she a sappy fool.lol
iisMoMo #8
Chapter 16: im impress and proud of you! most author never comes back but please don't worry about about my character! you can focus on the other girls. fighting! thank you for writing up till now.
Chapter 17: I still need to play catch up on the last last update. Lol but glad to know there is an update. And it's understandable about the characters and their stories. If it's easier for you you can have Geneva fade from the story. Lol thanks a lot. ^^