

Youngjae breathed in shakily as he stared out the window, blinking back tears before they could fall. He wouldn't cry in the back seat of a taxi, he refused. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Tonight was supposed to be romantic, fun and time spent with his boyfriend on New Years. He didn't know why he expected any different of Himchan, the older man getting wasted even though he promised he wouldn't. It was fun at first – Himchan's party lifestyle. The clubbing, the drinking, it was really fun at first but Youngjae was sick of it now. He was so ing tired of Himchan's drinking and the loud noisy clubs.


Himchan had promised him they were going to a nice restaurant and then to the river to watch fireworks but just like always, the older had an emergency at his club that needed to be taken care of. Everything Youngjae had been keeping locked up inside came out. “If you hate me so much, then why don't we just ing end it?” Himchan had shouted at him.


Fine.” Youngjae hissed back and took off, shoving his way through the people dancing and here he was now – in a taxi at 10PM on New Years night, trying not to cry. He hated this. The driver announced they were there and he let out a soft sigh before reaching into his suit jacket and getting out the money. He shivered as he stepped out of the taxi and walked towards his home. It was cold, really ing cold and all he wanted to do was go inside, take a warm bath and cry about how ty tonight was.


The man walked up the steps, sliding his hand into his blazer for his keys. His eyes widened when he realized there was nothing there. He nervously patted down all his pockets before cursing. He'd ing left his phone and keys back at Himchan's club. “Goddamn it.” Youngjae hissed, kicking the cement railing. He let out another curse when he realized he'd just scuffed up his nicest, most expensive dress shoes.


Youngjae covered his face and screamed into his hands, how could he be so ing stupid? He was stuck outside on New Years night in Brooklyn, New York with no way of calling for help. He just wanted to die.


“Are you okay?” Youngjae let out a soft yelp, spinning around to look at the man who had just spoken to him. “Whoa, sorry, didn't mean to scare you.” The stranger smiled sheepishly. Youngjae nervously swallowed as he looked over him – he didn't look like a murderer or anything but then again, what did a murderer look like?


“I'm locked out.” He admitted after a long, tense silence. The man's lips formed a perfect 'o' as he nodded in understanding. “Do you have a cell phone I could use?” Great, just great. He scolded himself. Now some random stranger knows you're locked out and don't even have a phone. Good going. Are you trying to get killed?


“Uh.” The man hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding his head, reaching into the pocket of his jacket. Youngjae couldn't help the look of surprise on his face when he was handed an old flip phone, who in the hell had a flip phone these days? “Thanks.” He murmured before entering in his boyfriend's phone number. The phone rang and rang until it was finally sent to voice mail. He groaned in annoyance. “Look, I need my keys and phone so if you could ing put down the booze and stop partying, please bring them to me.” He ended the call, handing the phone back to the stranger. “Thank you.”


The stranger nodded his head before motioning down the street. “I guess I'll be going.” He murmured and Youngjae silently nodded his head, unsure of what else to really say. He sat down on the steps of his home, watching as the man walked away, turning around the corner and then he was alone again. Youngjae hid his face in his hands, everything suddenly hitting him.Tonight wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be good. He tried to blink back his tears but they wouldn't stop and finally, he was too tired of fighting them. He was cold, tired and frustrated.


“Hey again.”


Youngjae looked up, wiping at his eyes. “Yeah?”


“Now, I know I must seem really creepy but I was wondering if you would like some company?” He asked, smiling sheepishly again. “It's New Years Eve, you shouldn't have to be alone.”


The younger man pursed his lips, looking over him. He was handsome – really, really handsome in Youngjae's opinion. Well dressed, mature, clean and he'd been kind of enough to let him use his phone to call for help. “Only if you tell me your name.” He said.


“I'm Daehyun.” Daehyun held out his gloved hand for Youngjae to shake.


“Youngjae.” The younger replied, their hands lingering before Daehyun was sitting down beside him. Youngjae took in a deep breath, shivering and wishing he'd worn more than just his suit jacket. It was ing freezing.


“Do you want to talk about it?” Daehyun asked, staring forward.


“No.” Youngjae shook his head and the older man hummed in reply. The two sat in silence but it wasn't really uncomfortable, not at all. Well, the silence wasn't uncomfortable. Everything else was, his hands freezing, nose runny and cold from sitting on the steps. “My boyfriend is an -” He suddenly blurted, Daehyun looking at him in surprise because he said it so loudly. ”Sorry.” He lowered his tone, rubbing his face. “We were supposed to have a good dinner tonight and then go to a fireworks show.” Youngjae explained, the stranger nodding his head to show that he was listening.


“How long have you two been together?”


“Three years.” The younger answered, shaking his head. “Three ing years. He owns a lot of clubs. I was only twenty when I met him, so, yeah, it was really fun at first but I'm so sick of clubbing, drinking and partying.”


“Yeah, I understand. That lifestyle gets old really quickly.” Daehyun looked forward again. “It eventually messes you up too.”


“Exactly. I'm pretty certain at this point my boyfriend's an alcoholic but he won't listen.” Youngjae closed his eyes, mentally telling himself not to cry. “When we're at home, when he's not drunk, everything is really good. But, it never lasts. I just don't know what to do.”


“Can I give you some honest advice?” Daehyun asked, moving so he was facing the younger man. Youngjae nodded his head. “End it. He doesn't sound like he wants to change and it's only going to make you hurt.”


“I did kind of end it tonight. Kind of... I mean, we have done this before.” Youngjae rubbed his cold hands together. “He'll apologize and then I forgive him. It's hard to end things with someone you've been with for so long.” 


“Here.” Daehyun slid off his gloves, holding them out for the younger to take.


“No way.” Youngjae quickly shook his head. “Absolutely not. Put your gloves back on, it's too cold.”


“Don't worry, I'm used to it.” He reached out with his free hand, grabbing Youngjae's own and placing them into his palm. “Please, I insist.”


“Are you sure?” Youngjae frowned, staring down at the thick black gloves in his hands. He felt so bad, why was this stranger being so kind? Daehyun nodded his head, giving a small smile and hesitantly he slid them on. “Thank you. Really, thank you.”


Daehyun suddenly stood up. “Instead of sitting out in the cold, there's a diner nearby that's open until two tonight. Do you want to go there?”


Youngjae frowned, he really did want out of this cold but he had no money. “I used all my cash on a taxi to get back here, so...” 


“Don't worry about it.”


“Daehyun, why are you being so kind to me?” Youngjae asked as he stood up from the steps. “Are you secretly trying to get me to go off somewhere and kill me?” And when Daehyun's eyes widened in horror, he laughed. “I'm kidding. But... It's just weird how kind you are. No one's nice in this city.”


“I know that, believe me.” Daehyun and him started walking. “Honestly, I don't want to spend New Year's alone. I'm actually being selfish.” Youngjae couldn't help but smile at that, his stomach doing flips. He really liked this guy already. Maybe, tonight wasn't going to be so bad after all. They casually spoke and it felt like they'd known each other for years.


Youngjae couldn't remember the last time he'd spoken so casually and carefree with someone. It felt good and for the first time, he felt at peace. They made it to the diner, Daehyun hurrying to open the door for him, Youngjae letting out a soft thank you as he walked through. They eventually found a booth in the back, sitting across from each other.


Daehyun rested his cheek against his knuckles, watching as Youngjae looked over the menu before finally settling on a burger and fries. The waitress finally came over and the older motioned for him to order first. He pursed his lips when Daehyun only ordered a coffee. “Well, now I feel bad.”


“Why?” He raised an eyebrow.


“Because if I had known you were only getting coffee, I would have gotten the same.”


“Youngjae, I invited you here.” His tone of voice was so gentle and expression so sincere that Youngjae felt his heart fluttering, stomach doing flips. “Please, relax. Remember? I'm being selfish, I don't want to be alone on New Year's.”


Youngjae shook his head, a small smile on his lips. He's so kind. He thought, taking the time to admire the stranger's face now that he could see him better. Daehyun was even more handsome than he'd originally thought. Thirty something, judging by the small wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. His lips were full and plump, jawline sharp and so attractive. Yeah... tonight wasn't going to be so bad after all. Definitely. He hadn't felt so attracted to someone since Himchan. Slowly, Youngjae looked towards the man's hands, letting out a soft sigh of relief when he saw there wasn't a wedding ring.


“You really deserve someone who will make you happy.” Daehyun suddenly said, his expression thoughtful as he sipped on his coffee. Youngjae didn't know what to say to that, giving a small shrug. “I mean it.”


“Well, what about you?” Youngjae paused for a moment, gathering the courage to ask his next words. “Are you with someone who makes you happy?”


“Oh, no.” Daehyun laughed. “No, no, I haven't really had time to date... not for a long time.” He trailed off for a moment, chuckling softly when he noticed Youngjae's interested expression. “I've just been trying to get my life straight.”


“Can I ask what you mean by that?” He pursed his lips thoughtfully. “You just seem so put together to me.”


“Well, thank you. I really appreciate that.” He let out a soft sigh before sitting up straight. “I'm a recovering alcoholic and been in some trouble with the law... DUI's. I've been sober for going on a year now but it's been really difficult putting my life back together. Some days it feels like I've made no progress at all.”


Youngjae's lips formed a little 'o' – he hadn't expected that from this man. “If you've been sober for a year, then yeah, you've made amazing progress.”


Daehyun smiled at that. “Thank you.” He sighed softly. “I wish other people thought the same.” Suddenly, there was a sadness on his face and Youngjae hated it, he really didn't like seeing this man look so sad. “I've been trying to get a job ever since I left rehab but no one wants to hire me.” He smiled sheepishly. “I don't blame them though but I wish someone would give me a chance. I finished school, I've got a good degree but I made really bad decisions and now I'm paying for them.”


“I'm so sorry.” Youngjae breathed.


“It's okay.” The man lifted his coffee to his lips, taking another sip. “It'll get better with time, things always do.” Daehyun met eyes with him, his expression intense. “But, that's why I think you need to end things with your boyfriend. He'll drag you down with him, you could lose everything... your family, your home. Everything. You don't want to get stuck in that world.”


“Like I said, you're so young... there's still plenty of time to get away.”


Your home. Those words stood out to Youngjae, repeating round and round inside his head before mixing with the other things Daehyun had said. “Don't worry, I'm used to it.” - was Daehyun homeless? “Daehyun? Are you, um,” He didn't know how to say it without coming off rude or nosy. “Sorry, I'm not trying to sound rude I just... are you homeless?”


The man looked away for a moment before nodding his head. “I am.”


Youngjae leaned back against the booth, suddenly feeling so guilty. Daehyun was using the little bit of money he had to pay for this food, wasn't he? “I'll pay you back for this in the morning, I promise.”


“No need.” Daehyun quickly said, finishing his coffee and pushing it away. Youngjae bit down onto his lower lip, staring at the man across from him. “Why do you look like you're about to cry?”


“You're so kind.” Youngjae breathed.


“I'm not.” The man looked almost shy, looking away and staring at the TV on the wall. Youngjae wanted to argue to make this man understand just how much better he'd made his night but instead, he finished his food. His heart was fluttering and god, he hadn't felt so giddy in such a long time. How was that possible after only knowing Daehyun less than an hour? “The ball is about to drop.” Daehyun suddenly announced, the younger man glancing towards the TV. “Oh.” The man let out a surprised noise, his ring tone going off. He shifted slightly, glancing at the number before handing it to Youngjae.




For the first time, he wasn't excited or happy to see it was his boyfriend calling. For the first time, he didn't feel relieved that hey, Himchan actually noticed he was gone. He shook his head, handing it back to Daehyun. “The new year is almost here, I'm not spending it arguing.” He smiled gently. “I have good company.”


Daehyun chuckled at that, his cheeks a faint pink and Youngjae wondered if it was just from the cold earlier or if he really was blushing. He had a feeling it was the latter and that only made Youngjae like him more. The workers excitedly gathered around, the countdown beginning and everyone in the small diner joining it. There were cheers and shouts of 'Happy New Year!', the sounds of fireworks going off in the distance and when Youngjae looked at Daehyun, a peace came over him. Things were going to change this year.


And he wasn't so scared anymore. Daehyun looked away from the TV, grinning brightly as he met eyes with the younger man. “Happy New Year.” He said, his tone gentle and kind.


Youngjae glanced over his shoulder, making sure no one was watching. He got up from the booth, moving to Daehyun's side before leaning down to place a fleeting kiss against his cheek. All of this was so crazy and hell, this was completely out of character for him. “Happy New Year.” Daehyun's lips twitched upwards, Youngjae watching in amusement as the man tried not to grin before looking away and faking a cough, his hand covering his mouth.


Youngjae moved back to his side of the booth and the two men spent the rest of the time chatting. It was so comfortable, so natural to talk to each other, both opening up about things they'd held in for so long. They stayed until the diner closed up and it was cold, even colder than before outside but neither seemed to care as they took their time walking back to Youngjae's home. “Daehyun.”




“Thank you.”


Daehyun shook his head, still staring forward as they walked. “Thank you.” He slowly looked at the younger man. “Really, thank you. You're one of the only people to give me a chance, to treat me like a human. I... I really had contemplated on if I wanted to live another year-” Youngjae stopped walking at that, grabbing the man's arm. Daehyun turned to face him, his face dimly illuminated by the lamppost.


“You're not going to...?” Youngjae trailed off, unable to say the words as he stared into Daehyun's eyes.


“No.” The man breathed, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of concern on Youngjae's face. “No.” He repeated. “I was, I was going to but not anymore. I think I just needed someone to show me it was worth continuing. So, thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance tonight, for treating me like a human. It had been a long time since I've talked with someone.”


“Can I hug you?” Youngjae suddenly asked.


“Um.” Even in the dim light, he could see Daehyun's cheeks turning red again. “I mean, if you want to, that... would be nice, yes.” He couldn't help but laugh at himself, he sounded so awkward.


Youngjae smiled, wrapping his arms around the man. In the span of just a few hours, it felt like he'd known this man all his life. He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply as Daehyun slowly returned the hug and it felt right. It just felt so right to be hugging this man. “I think you saved me too.” He whispered. “What you said earlier – you are right. I was headed down a bad path with Himchan.” Daehyun hummed in reply, Youngjae holding him a little tighter. “I like you so much already. Can I see you again?”


“I'd like that.” Daehyun said breathlessly. “I'd really, really like that.”


Youngjae finally pulled away, the smile on his lips refusing to go away as they stared back at each other. The younger reached down, interlacing their hands and then they were walking again, neither saying anything. Words weren't necessary, not right now. Fate, this was fate. He watched Daehyun from the corner of his eye, wondering if maybe Daehyun was an angel or something. He held back a giggle at the thought, feeling too giddy.


Youngjae let out a groan when he noticed Himchan's red corvette parked in front of his house. He looked at Daehyun, frowning deeply. “It'll be okay.” Daehyun assured him and he nodded his head, biting down onto his lower lip. “I'll wait right here.”


“Okay.” The younger man breathed before taking in a deep breath and walking towards Himchan's car.


Himchan slung the door open in annoyance, stumbling at bit from the alcohol he'd had earlier. “Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting here for hours!”


“Excuse me?” Youngjae narrowed his eyes. “Sorry, I didn't feel like sitting out in the cold until you finally decided to come around. Give me my things.” He demanded.


Himchan reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him into an uncomfortable hug. Again for the first time he realized just how uncomfortable and forced the hugs with his boyfriend had become. They didn't feel a thing like the one he'd just had with Daehyun. Not even close. “Himchan, stop.” He gently pushed the man away. “I'm done.”




“I'm done, Himchan.” He repeated, shaking his head. “I'm done.”


“I'm sorry, baby, don't be like this-” Himchan tried to grab Youngjae again. “You know I had things to take care of at the club-”


Youngjae rolled his eyes at that, quickly moving out of the way. “I'm tired of this. I'm so tired of this, Himchan. I'm done. We're done.” He took in a deep breath. “Give me my stuff.”


The older man snarled at that, reaching into his pocket and throwing Youngjae's things onto the ground. Youngjae's mouth fell open as he hurriedly picked up his shattered phone. “Are you ing serious? Oh yeah, Himchan, that will win me back!” He shouted. “You -”


“What did you call me?” Himchan hissed, his tone menacing and Youngjae took a step back.


Youngjae looked over when he felt Daehyun pulling him behind himself. “You need to go.” Daehyun said, his tone of voice firm and demanding.


“Who the are you?” The man looked at Youngjae with a mixture of question and anger.


“Leave.” Daehyun ordered, ignoring his question. “I've already called the police so, unless you want to deal with that, I suggest leaving.” It was a lie but Himchan didn't need to know that. Himchan looked back and forth between the two before flipping them off and hurrying back to his car. The man shouted something about how Youngjae would be back and how he couldn't make it without him before speeding off.


“Should I have let him go? He's drunk.” Youngjae breathed when he was finally gone. “What if he gets in a crash... It'd be my fault-”


Daehyun shook his head, sighing softly. “He'll be okay.”


The younger man slowly nodded his head, forcing himself to take in a deep breath. “Thank you.” Youngjae said before bending down and picking up the rest of his things. “He's never reacted so violently... I guess 'cause I usually forgive him.”


“I thought I was going to pee my pants.” Daehyun admitted, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “He's terrifying!” Youngjae bit down onto his lower lip to keep from laughing but he couldn't help the few soft laughs that left his mouth. He never would have guessed the older man was scared. Not at all.


Things were silent for a moment as the two walked up the steps of Youngjae's home. “Thank you.” He felt like he couldn't say the words enough to Daehyun. “I, um... I guess I'll go inside now.” He murmured. “Oh, wait, your gloves.” He started to try and take them off, the older putting his hand over Youngjae's to stop him.


“Keep them.” Daehyun said. “I can just come back for them later, right?” His tone was playful but Youngjae refused, sliding them off and placing them into Daehyun's hands.


“You don't need them as an excuse to come back here.” Daehyun was quiet for a moment before slowly nodding his head, pulling the gloves back onto his hands. “I guess I'll go inside now.” Youngjae quietly said and despite how cold it was, he was dreading going inside and leaving the man behind. He wanted to invite him in, but there was a part of him telling him that it was crazy, he barely even knew this man.


“Goodnight, Youngjae.” Daehyun smiled warmly. “Happy New Year.”


Youngjae repeated the words back and then Daehyun was walking down the steps and away from his home. The man unlocked the front door, stepping inside. He paused for a moment before muttering ah,  it and running back outside. “Daehyun!” Youngjae called out as he reached the last step, watching as Daehyun spun around. “Would you like to come inside? Uhh... maybe have coffee or something?” He asked, meeting the man halfway.


Daehyun could barely hold back his grin as he nodded his head. “I'd love that.” Youngjae grabbed his arm, pulling him up the steps and into his home. It was crazy, all of this was so crazy but it felt right as the two sat down in the kitchen, drinking hot chocolate, spending the rest of the night getting to know each even more.


For the first time in a long, long time, both men were looking forward to the new year.  

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Chapter 1: I've read this fic so many times. TT It's one of my go-to fics when I need some fluffy daejae.
Gosh I love this one so much.
Chapter 1: cute cute cute >.< >.< >.<
Iminthezone #3
Chapter 1: Cute af.
Chapter 1: EEEEEPPPPPP DAEHYUN IS SO ADORABLE AND CUTE AND KIND AND NICE AND LOVABLE :'D For once, I didn't sympathize on Himchan. What a trash. I wish to meet a man like Daehyun omfg unfortunately my new year this time it was as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Maybe 2017 will be a change LMFAO what am I even- XD I feel so sad when Daehyun told about himself like ugh....I want to hug him. >_< This is super nice and sweet! Perfect!
Chapter 1: This was amazing! I really enjoyed it. Lucky for Youngjae that he was able to meet someone like Daehyun. Especially since he ended up not having a lot of good experiences with Himchan as his boyfriend. Forgetting his keys to get in really in the moment but then he might not have met Daehyun and had that experience with him. He got to spend a happy new years eve instead of a sad one. Aww Daehyun is so sweet. Giving Youngjae his gloves to stay warm. I like their conversation as they hang out in the diner. Good on Youngjae for not picking up the phone and having to deal with whatever Himchan would have thrown at him. Although it seems that he can't escape Himchan since Himchan is waiting for him. I'm glad that Daehyun was still with him and was able to keep Youngjae safe. This was perfect.
trymyluck #6
Chapter 1: himchan is an but a for yongguk..kkkk...good job!!
Chapter 1: thanks for making himchan as an . finally i dont have to be torn apart between daejae and himjae. lol
this fic reminds me of the time when i had a huge crush on someome. so giddy, exciting and it... just invite him inside :D
bexbunny #8
Chapter 1: gorgeous little fic, thank you :D