chapter xvi

Our Story (우리의 이야기)



“Yuri..” Jieun cried. “Am I wrong?”

“My answer will be my answer, less the fact that my bestfriend is Shinhye. The one that Yonghwa likes.” Yuri hugged her. “I know you are a great person, because you gave up so much to be with him. But, the world would never give you an ounce of pity for you to win this journey, Jieun.”

“I know. I know that it was the silliest decision to be here with Yonghwa instead of being great with my family.”

“I know you have realized that way longer than anybody else. But the reason you just love him was not a valid reason.” Yuri made her understand. Jungshin told her how good Jieun was, beforehand she doesn’t understand how this girl thinks. But Jungshin made her realized that Jieun is just a girl who wants to be with the person she likes. End of story. “Do you think, if Shinhye is in your position she would give up the better life just to be with Yonghwa?”

“I don’t know.”

“No she wouldn’t. I will bet my life, she wouldn’t do the thing that you do. Why? Because she knows Yonghwa will not like it. You need to realize that even you love the person so much, if it does not fit – you have to find what’s in store for you.” Yuri explained.

“Graduation is coming soon, Jieun. You have to decide for yourself, not for anyone else.”

“What about Minhyuk?”

“Minhyuk’s a good guy.”

“Should I just give up on Yonghwa?” Jieun cried.

“That’s not my decision to make, Jieun. It is your feelings.”


“Thanks Yuri.”

“We are powerpuff girls, remember?” Yuri smiled and realized all the things she threw at this girl. At first, she never wanted how Jieun reacts – the fact that she decided to be with Yonghwa. That fact makes no sense to Yuri. C’mon, right? Who would sacrifice a wonderful life with a love that is one sided? But Jieun had done it alone. Yuri sighed. “Maybe after all, people who do bad things have their own reasons.”






Shinhye glanced on her side. “Hi.”

Jieun slowly walks to her. “Do we need to talk?” She asked. Maybe this is time that she needs to say all the things she has been keeping. “We must talk.”

“Maybe on more private place, like café?” Shinhye smiled.

“That’s a good idea.”


Hot coffees are shouting with warmness, but the two are stealing glances with each other. Nobody wants to break silences. Shinhye seated comfortably on the couch while Jieun is playing with the tip of the cup.


“You know Shinhye,” Jieun cleared . “I really came to like that guy when he is in the most pitiful stand.” She smiled.

Shinhye knew that that guy is Jung Yonghwa. “And?”

“That moment, when he is so down I have promise to myself that I will take care of him. Not just as a friend, but a family. That guy was simply the sweetest and the most gullible person I knew. To the extent of neglecting myself just for him.”

“Sorry for being rude, but did he asked you to do it?” Shinhye asked. She is not making a fight here but she wanted to make Jieun realized the wrong choice she made.

“No he did not. But even if he doesn’t, I made a promise to myself though.”

“But that guy is suffering because of the promise you made for yourself.” Shinhye sipped her coffee. “Am I right? As if he doesn’t have the right to be free.”

“I just confessed, Shinhye. Maybe that sounded begging for him but that’s the last token for me to have the chance to win.” Jieun’s voice starting to tone down. “I love him, I did everything for him. But I lost.”

“You lost, because of me? You think so?”


‘No Jieun. You lost because of Yonghwa. You love him and stood up for him all time that you didn’t think that maybe that guy wants to protect you too. That guy wants you to grow up without him – because that guy knew that you can be more awesome than what you are doing now. That guy knew that all along. Trust me.” Shinhye tried to make Jieun understand.

“I have a question, Shinhye.”


“This time, if what I faced back then will happen to you. Choosing between the good life ahead or staying with that guy – what would you choose?” Jieun asked her. “Considering your status with that guy now.”


Shinhye was puzzled.

Sticking with her principle – she would choose the good life.

Sticking with her feelings at this point – no doubt she’ll choose Yonghwa.


“People needed to think more outside the box.” Shinhye firmly said.

“Be more specific.”

“My answer is, love can wait.” Shinhye never regretted saying that.


Jieun nodded. “So that’s your answer.”


“If so, the time you act on your answer I would be with him.” Jieun stand up. “You chose that path. You know  I admire you, you take your words seriously. Park Shinhye, the time that you leave Yonghwa because of your principle – you just gave me buckets of token to fight for him.” Then she left Shinhye alone.


Shinhye murmured. “Was that even a threat?”



Minhyuk sees Shinhye walking on the street absentmindedly. “This girl, what happened to her and Yonghwa?” He runs after her that made Shinhye surprised.

“Kang Minhyuk!” She shouted.

“Hello! Where’s Yonghwa?”

“You’re the best friend not me.”

“But you are the –

“Are you teasing me?” Shinhye knocked Minhyuk’s head.

“Nope.” Minhyuk laughs. “I actually need to see him.”


“Here,” he gave an envelope. “That guy passed the test for a big company and he used my address in applying. Maybe he is playing around again.”

Shinhye was shocked. “He is applying for jobs? I know we are graduating soon but this is so soon.” She opened the envelope. “Damn, this is huge.”

“I was like that too. But there’s a catch.”

Shinhye continues to read the letter. “Japan?”

“Hmm.” He ruffles Shinhye’s head. “And knowing my bestfriend he will turn it down.”

“Why would he turn down this big jackpot?” Shinhye raged. “This is his chance.”

You know the answer, Shinhye. I know he will never leave you. He is serious about that.


“Then what if I will be the leaving him? We don’t even have a relationship to begin with.” Shinhye firmly said.







If there’s a chance choosing a better progressive life or staying left behind with love – what is your answer? 











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Wendy-1977 #1
Yongshin tell the end.🤗😍
YongShinerz143 #2
Chapter 20: Ok, I read the same old story first before reading I have mix feelings.
One thing for sure, I admire Shin’s courage to let go of Yong. To let him achieve his dream & soar high. She gambled her heart & believed that love can wait! They have the right love at a wrong time. I guess that’s how destiny works! It has its own perfect time. Endure now, rejoice later because true love always win in the end! :)
* I’m going to read the SOS again . :)
Wilde_sparxx #3
Chapter 20: That was a great read! Though I hoped things would work out maybe waiting might be better, or they may have something mapped out for a future... I liked it, it was different.
On the flip side, I've always believed in fighting for things I love... Sometimes letting go is the worst thing you can do...
Keep writing awesome peices like this!
Gracegesang #4
Chapter 19: Awwww... Such a. Sad ending..
rubyani #5
Chapter 20: So sad but its for the best future ....hope in the end they will be together
rubyani #6
Chapter 16: Maybe I agree with shinhye can wait...but...can I ??? ^_^
rubyani #7
Chapter 15: He just say "lets start" oohhh but for me
Its like "I love you so much" ^_^ what a cheese I am ^_^
rubyani #8
Chapter 14: Aahhhh love is in the air ^_^ ♥♥♥♥
iilovABLEii #9
Chapter 20: Every living being needs to heal in order, to grow, and to love. What the past had in stored is the upbringing of the present. Same Old Story. Kyah! I love your stories so much it gave life and meaning to one's soul.
jacqueline1215 #10
Chapter 20: Please do continue with yongshin please.. I will surely miss them here but I'm looking forward for your next story.. Please don't leave YONGSHIN