Say Something


Jongin wanted to end his life when a certain owl-eyed-annoying-full-of-stories person stopped him from doing so. Jongin grew fond of that person as he told Jongin a story every time they meet. Until the day came when that person can't tell any more.


First time writing a one-shot! asdfghjkl I hope this one will turn out nice ^^ I have other stories, too, in case you want to check out ^^~ Thank you!


P.S. I was listening to Say Something when I thought of this so...haha. If you want, you can put the song on repeat and play it while reading. 

[All Of Me] 052817: UPDATED!


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pineapplejuice #1
Chapter 1: Ps don't swim. Huwaaaa nice story.. Good job ^o^
flurries #2
Chapter 1: Let's all go swimming and meet that little owl. :) It's beautiful. Thanks for this!
Chapter 1: I can't cry because my mom's in the room. And trust me, it's hard holding back. </3
SmallestAsme #4
Chapter 1: It touched my feeling!
Wolfie_Tak #5
Chapter 1: Let me spell P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N for you author nim T__T
I wanna swim now after finished the story XC
PomPomPomegranate #6
Chapter 1: My eyes are gonna be puffy when I wake up later on today. Author-nim why must you make me cry this late/early at night?
Chapter 1: OMFG OMFG I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! (I'm back :))
docryi #8
Chapter 1: this is perfect omg <3
Chapter 1: It was really sad. I cried. But the ending~„ good job, author-nim^^…
SoSquishy #10
Chapter 1: this is beautiful author-nim. beautiful. I really like this. Eventhough it's sad and broke my heart, this is still beautiful.