50 Things That Make You Happy


Life has never been easy, it's mostly hard. With mountains after mountains, or even sometimes it buries you down deep and challenge you to crawl back up to see the world as something worth to live on again. But does he always has bad things? No, he can make sure of that. So what does make him happy?


Hello! I deleted my previous post with almost similar title, and decides to post this. The concept is still the same, but I found the previous ones a bit lacking and tadah I decided to remake it and here it is :) I don't write a spesific name for the male characters when I wrote this (my previous story had Suho as the male character) , buuuut, I wrote this with Suho in mind. So it's a optionalbias fic but just to let you know I wrote this with Suho in mind :) Don't hesitate to leave comments, and I really really really want to become friends ^^ Please take care of me well, Pawsitivelytao (@pawsitivelytao)


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EeteuksAngel #1
Chapter 1: This was really cute! Absolutely lovely! Thank you, Author-nim for writing such a beautiful story!