
Against The Limits

 The uneasy feeling Jimin got from someone he truly abominate didn't fade away as quickly as he thought it would. Not even after he woke up on a different day, or tried to do several activities to forget about the encounter. Nothing could make him feel relieved or fill his mind with peacefulness while knowing that a dangerous individual from his past is back to haunt him down. 


 Yet he wasn't thinking of himself as a target, but someone that he considered as an important human being might take the position of a prey. That was what he feared the most, to see his student being manipulated by his worst enemy and falling into his dirty tricks and wicked traps. He didn't want to see her getting hurt or being bothered by him, or by anyone else. 


 And of course, deciding to protect someone from the devil isn't an easy thing. He can't simply become a shield and block every single attack she'd receive at all times. She also has to watch her own back, sometimes demons walk around with masks covering their true form. Jimin just hoped that she wouldn't be fooled by his good acting skills in appearing as a saint. 




"Yo, are you daydreaming or something?"


 As Jimin's mind came back to earth upon hearing the familiar voice, he saw a waving hand in front of his face trying to pull his head out of the clouds. He switched his gaze to Shion's confused face and stared at her blankly. 


"Hey, where's my Jimin?" 


 She shook his shoulder when his face was awfully expressionless and it surely made her worry a bit. A small smirk traced his lips and she immediately stepped back, well aware of the things he might do or say whenever he had that look on his face. 


"So now I'm yours, huh?" He raised an eyebrow as the mischievous attitude started to take over him. 


"Yeah, my own slave." She gave him a naughty smile while trying to keep up with him. 


"Well," He got on his feet and took a few steps towards her, "Isn't my master looking good today?" His eyes stared directly at hers without glancing downwards to her outfit. 


"I always look good." She retorted cocksurely. 


"Of course. But today, You look like a teenager with that little black backpack." He stood right in front of her, a little too close just to have a loose grip on the shoulder strap. Shion instantly clutched his wrist and gave him a threatening look.


"You aren't allowed to touch your master, don't you know that?" She gave him a warning with her serious words before shoving his hand away. 


He snickered, "What if my master wants to be touched?" She was taken aback by his atrocious question yet showed no reaction to it. But when Jimin decided to lean closer, her heart started racing and her eyes displayed anxiety while his own attired wickedness. 


"Aren't I suppose to fulfill your wants and needs?" He carefully gazed into her pure orbs like he was trying to find something within them. He caught a bit of jitters swirling in the center while other emotions stayed still. She tried looking away but the distance between them wasn't much of a help. Stepping away wasn't an option either since it would only make her more vulnerable, and Jimin will eventually make a joke out of her. 


As Shion was lost in her own train of thoughts of the current situation, Jimin moved closer to her ear and tucked her hair behind it. "You should learn how to be gentle with your slave, I don't always like it rough." She heard his awfully deep voice whispering right into her ear and she instantly gaped with a light blush shading her cheeks.


 Jimin backed away and returned to his table like nothing happened at all. Shion stood there staring at him for awhile before walking to her seat. "ert", he heard her mumble as she settled down and look out of the window, ignoring him like he was just an object on a table. He chuckled quietly then turned his attention back to his phone. 






"Weird, he didn't send me a text yet nor did he even call." She checked her phone for the third time for any notifications from her teacher. Non were found. It was 2:15 and she already finished her classes for the day 15 minutes ago. He usually contacts her right after that but he strangely didn't, for the first time ever since they started messaging one another.


"Maybe his phone ran out of battery or something." She thought as she wandered around the building for a chance of bumping into him. A few minutes ago, she went to check his office but he wasn't there, then she figured he might be in his last class but the room was already empty.



"Where could he be?" A desperate sigh fell heavily from her lips when her feet weren't ready for another round of 'let's find the missing math teacher.' 


"I searched for him everywhere but he's nowhere to be found." She mentally complained to herself. 


"Wait, why am I even wasting my energy on finding him? Why do I care? He's just an annoying monkey that I'd like to get rid of. I should be glad he isn't here to bother me." She thought to herself for some seconds then nodded approvingly. 



 Just when she decided to do something to waste time and have some fun, her eyes landed on a female student hanging a poster ahead of her. Shion waited for the girl to walk away then went to check what the poster was announcing. Her eyes twinkled with enthusiasm and excitement when she read the word 'Playroom'.


"Yes!" She exclaimed joyfully. Her legs wasted no time as they instantly started walking their way to the exit. A couple of days ago, she heard a bunch of students discussing the matter of when will the room be ready. They also mentioned that it was in the art section, a building Shion enjoyed visiting. 


 A grin was replacing her previous frown as the way to the art section got shorter by the seconds, until she spotted someone's back that her lips returned to their original form. She curled her hands into fists while she stared at the individual ahead of her, slowly walking to the exit with his usual habit of burying his hands in his pockets. She quickened her pace to catch up to him and when she did, she smacked his arm playfully which made him stop and turn to her. 


"Yah! I've been looking for you for the past 17 minutes, where were you?" She asked, pretending to be angry. 


"I was busy with something so I didn't have the time to text you." He answered calmly. 


"Okay, but why are you heading to the exit?" She cocked her eyebrow questioningly. 


"To breathe some fresh air." His answer was too simple for her to believe, but she brushed it off carelessly.


"Good, you can do that while we both head to the art section." She suggested.


"Why do you want to go there?" He narrowed his eyes as he got a little suspicious of her reason. 


"Because of the playroom, duh. Now come on." She gestured for him to follow her but he shook his head instead. 


"I don't want to go there." He stated coldly.


"But why?! Don't you want to play games and have fun?!" She whined like a little girl to make him agree. 


"I'm not in the mood for that." He replied Impassively. 


"Fine! I don't know what's wrong with you today but I'll just leave you alone to sort out whatever that's bothering you." She huffed with annoyance at him then turned towards the exit and took three steps before her hand was captured by her teacher's. His solemn expression made her swallow the thoughtless utterance she was about to throw on him when she faced him. 


"Don't go, not by your own." His spoken words were undoubtedly guileless, they showed that he sincerely cared for her safety. Staring into his truthful eyes was never a good thing since she'd often lose herself in the purity that reflected his feelings, yet she didn't know how to avert her gaze when she was already too deep to get out easily. 


"B-But you don't need-" 


"I want to. I apologize if my behavior irritated you but I honestly was planning to go with you." He cut her off by spitting out the truth. His hand freed hers and he stepped closer to her and nodded his head towards the exit, a small smile started to appear on his face. 


"Let's go." 




 Once they reached the specified room, Shion's eyes started scanning the place in awe. To her, it was paradise. Games were set everywhere and she couldn't ask for more. She wanted nothing more than to play each and every one of them in that exact moment. But when she turned to talk to Jimin about it, she found him staring at someone in the corner next to a pool table. He seemed to be so focused on him while the other individual admired the cue in his hands. 


"Do you know him?" Shion asked.


"He's the reason why I'm here with you." He replied when his gaze got a little intense.


 She furrowed her eyebrows as his answer confused her a little, "You wanted me to meet him?" 


"It's quite the opposite actually, but since we're both here, let's be kind and say hello."


 He gave her a smile which looked phony to her in a way that made her feel bad about coming along with him. The two of them went to the male and stopped once his eyes landed on them, an obvious smirk forming on his lips. 


"Well, aren't you late for," He looked at his watch on his wrist, "20 minutes. I guess you two had something more important to do." He placed the cue on the table next to the other one. 


"Sorry, we lost track of time." Jimin plainly remarked. 


 The other sniggered, "Of course, you wouldn't really care about time when you're with her." Shion's eyes met his just as he referred to her with clear words. His way of looking at her like she was his own prey caused her some irritation, yet she refused to look away. 


"How about we start playing? We can chat later if that's possible." Jimin stepped in front of Shion to block her out of Hanjae's sight, he wasn't going to let Hanjae stare at his student as much as he want, being in the same room as her was already too much for him to accept. 


"Absolutely. I was just greeting you guys in my usual way." He gave Jimin a red cue while he took the blue one which he was recently admiring. Just when Hanjae was about to break, he paused to straighten himself and his gaze immediately fell on Shion. 


"May I challenge you first? I'd like to play against a female for once," He shifted his eyes to Jimin, "If that's possible." His cocky smile was awfully annoying but Jimin didn't care about it as much as he cared about what he just asked him. 


"I don't mind," Shion replied simply before Jimin could, "I'll just replace him since he isn't really interested." She took the cue from Jimin's hands and stood next to Hanjae, confidence suddenly taking over her actions and features. 


"If I win, you won't play against him." She stated lowly to Hanjae, then leaned on the table to do the break shot. The balls were scattered messily on the table from her strong hit, and a solid one quickly made its way to one of the pockets. Both of the males watched her silently as she pocketed three other solid balls facilely. 


"Go easy on me, I didn't expect you to be this good." Hanjae spoke after being amazed by her skills. 


"Oh sorry, I almost forgot that I have an opponent." A hint of mockery was heard with clearness from her remark. She purposely shot a ball towards the head rail to give Hanjae a chance to have his turn. 


"I can't deny, you're pretty good, maybe even better than me." He admitted before hitting a striped ball with a low force. "I wouldn't be surprised if you actually win." 


"Of course you wouldn't." She smirked when he accidentally potted the cue ball. 


"It's obvious who the winner is." Shion had the ball in hand and when she placed it right in the center spot, Hanjae witnessed defeat in its absolute form as she effortlessly won by pocketing the rest of her balls, then striking the 8 ball from a difficult angle to the side pocket. 


"It clearly isn't you." She put down the cue then copied Hanjae's arrogant smile as she went to Jimin to give him a high five. 


"I'm actually quite pleased with how you ended the game," Hanjae clapped a little for her while wearing a proud smile, "Excellent skills."


"It wouldn't be such a surprise to know that this is my second time playing pool, right?" The look on Hanjae's face turned into a surprised one but he soon returned to his usual expression.  


"So art isn't the only thing you're naturally good at." He walked up to her and smiled kindly while they both shared a short stare. 

"I hope this isn't our only game, it was nice meeting you, Kim Shion." He passed by her and left the room once he felt satisfied with how everything went the way he wanted it to. 



"Well, it was nice meeting him too." Shion mumbled to herself. 


"Don't be fooled by his last words, he's nothing close to what he pretends to be." Jimin spoke earnestly while leaning on the pool table. 


"I know, I sensed his 'jerk vibes' just like I did with you when we first met." She smiled innocently to him as he raised his eyebrows while feeling offended.


"I was being playful." He defended himself.


"Yeah, by trying to embarrass me in front of the whole class. What a lovely teacher." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in annoyance as she remembered that particular day. 


"Look, I'm not going to apologize but what can I do? It's my usual way of showing my love to my students."


 His excuse sounded like Hanjae's one earlier, and all Shion wanted to do was slap herself for befriending him in the first place. Just when she was about to talk about their stupid teacher-student 'friendship', her eyes fell on something she was so familiar with right next to the pool table, and she smirked when a smart plan popped into her mind in that exact moment. 



"What do you say we play darts?" She suggested.


 Jimin pushed his body forward and stood straight to turn around and look at the dartboard hanging on the wall. "Why all of a sudden?" 


"I just want us to have fun together." She simply answered though he knew there was something behind her suggestion. Jimin agreed with a shrug, then they both went to the board with Shion being overly excited for no obvious reason.


"What about your deal with the devil?" He took a single dart and scanned its old print and details, looking more interested in its shape than Shion's not so evil idea. 


"The winner will have the chance to give orders or even control the loser for just one day." She stated proudly. 


"Any other rules?." 


"The first to reduce their score from 100 to zero with only three darts wins." She announced. 


"Okay then, I'll be playing first." He stood 7 feet away from the board, and with great caution, he threw the dart and scored 25 points as it hit the outer bullseye. 


"What a good way to start the game." Shion stated before standing behind the red line and carefully aimed for the inner bull. With a heavy exhale, she threw the dart and instantly scored 50 points. 


"But 50 points are much interesting." She confidently spoke like a diva but immediately regretted it when his second dart hit the bullseye and scored 75 points in total. 


"25 isn't that bad if it's what's left for you to reduce." His remark made her feel a little nervous as she held the dart with trembling fingers. She frowned when the tip lingered on 20 and she knew she was done even though the differences were only 5 points between the two of them. 


"I guess I'll be named the winner." His careless manner in aiming the last dart for the outer bull and effortlessly succeeding in reducing his score to zero was enough to make her feel like a big loser. It was her idea, her plan and one of her favorite games. And yet, she lost so easily that it literally hurt her pride. 


"Do you want to have your last turn just in case you score something?" He was mocking her with that question and she didn't know how to respond, so she just went to the board and removed the darts and placed them in their boxes. And when she turned around, she was met by Jimin's arrogant smirk and her eyes tried to find something else to stare at. 


"Are you upset?" He asked. 


She shook her head.


"Then why is your face blank?" He poked her cheek repeatedly until she held his index finger and looked straight into his eyes. 


"Don't give such hard orders." She mumbled. 


"Don't worry, I only want one thing from you and you have to agree to it, okay?" He waited for her to nod then smiled happily like he was finally getting what he wanted for a really long time. 




"Go out on a date with me." 








Well, that's the only thing that's good about this chapter lol. I wrote it during mid term exams and while I was so freaking depressed for no reason, well you know, life is hard *silently cries next to a window*.


Anyways, I honestly don't know what are the details of the next chapter but I have a few ideas so I'll just mix everything and create something out of them. 


I hope you like this chapter even though it's a ty one because I haven't been writing much lately, just reading about mental disorders and serial killers....




N.T.K ~♢

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ohyhun #1
It's 2017 and I'm still anticipating your update :( I like this story too much
sugarcookie123 #2
Chapter 17: YAAAASSSSS !!!!! I am so happy right now !!!!!!! Woohooooo !!!!!!!!! I wish I had someone like Jimin in my life !!!!! Thanks for the update author nim.
btsbiased26 #3
Chapter 17: Omg I'm so excited this story is back!!!
sugarcookie123 #4
Chapter 17: Author nim i really miss this story. I hope you're not sad lately and don't worry, this story is amazing and i am sure everyones waiting for an update. Fighting !!!
ohyhun #5
Chapter 17: Everything will be okay!! With problems at school, family, and everything... it'll be okay in the end, just stay positive! And yes please! I really hope you continue this story, no matter how long it'll take, I'll still be waiting for updates 'cause I know it's worth it. :)
oladilia1310 #6
Chapter 17: Stay strong!! Don't worry. I'll be patient waiting for your update. I know everyone have their own problem so, just take your time :)
Hwaiting for everything authornim!! ^^
ejj0920 #7
Chapter 17: You are wonderful and amazing no matter what you do so BE STRONG I understand the high school stresss (but I don't know why I'm on this site anyway)
btsbiased26 #8
Chapter 17: Yes! Im so excited for a new update whenever it comes
Chapter 16: I've just found out this story and it's sooo cute! And you're funny, authornim! I love your sense of humor. ^^ Hope you could find time to update this~
P.S: Let me punch Jimin for the dessert comment.
bluebelly #10
Chapter 16: Omo this chappie is so cuteeeee