Fantasies of an Average Bored Fangirl


Have you ever been so bored that you've imagined not only meeting your bias, but having a close relationship with him. Well TADA!~  This is where you're imagination comes alive.~ Just leave it all to me. :) 




Sorry for the y title. ^^"  Let me explain a little more. I'll be writing scenarios about your favorite Kpop idols! (My laptop isn't working so I'll have to delay all updates on my two other stories. So I decided to make this while my laptop is being fixed ^^)

I'll be taking requests if you guys want~ (But for now since I don't any, I'll write my own)


Here's the application for those requesting:

Profile link-

Name of your character-

Name of bias(include what band he's from)- 


(For Example: Name of your character- Hana   

Name of bias- Jonghyun( from SHINee)   

Scenario- Hana and Jonghyun go on a secret date while wearing disguises to hide from SHINee fans.)



There's two ways you can request. :D

1. Just comment below with the information. Simple right? (Bwara Mr. Simple Simple~ *clears throat * hehe anyways... ^^")

2. Send the application to [email protected]


1. Don't complain if your request isn't done quickly. I do have school.

2. Don't rush me when I'm doing your request. Again, I HAVE SCHOOL! xD Plus, I want your request to come out good and I'm sure you do too. If rush me I'll feel pressured and it'll come out really choppy and short.

3. You can request as much as you want. There's no limit. BUT don't request multiple request at once. Like...don't request two scenarios at once. Just one. When I'm done with it you can request another one. :)

4. Okay I'm going to be blunt. I'M NOT GOING TO WRITE . Yeah, that's right! I'm not going to ruin my innocence by writing something like that! So PLEASE keep the scenarios PG.~

5. Be nice when requesting something. And also comment when I'm done with your request so that I know you liked it. ^^ 


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Oh, it was a dream???? You did surprise me!<br />
Thank you so much for this 'prince & princess' oneshot!<br />
You made my day~<br />
Thank you so much!!!! :)
What a lovely dog~ :p
Thanks!~ :D
You write such great one shots ^_^ The YeSeop one was extremely cute and the TaeMin one was sweet ^_^ You're a good writer too, grammar and spelling wise - which is always a plus ^_^
Wow, so cute! I totally loved it.<br />
Sweet sweet to me! *Happy*<br />
Thank you~
Thank you~ ^^
I don't have a request, I just wanted to say that these are really good and well written ^_^
thank you for the oneshot!<br />
i love it^^