Time To Bond

Love Can Change Everyone




"Picnic!!!" I squealed due to excitement as we arrive at the park. We found a place to set our picnic mat and started to unbucket the food we brought.



Awed at the moment, I smiled to myself. Its been a long time since we go out together.



"Stop it Suzy you look crazy smiling to yourself like that. Tsss.." I pouted as I heard Jira.



"I told you don't pout, it will never work on me." She added that makes Luhan chuckle.



"Whatever.. Let's just eat." I started filling my plate.



"As always, you ended up eating after loosing a conversation with Jira." Luhan teasingly laughing as he gets sandwich to eat.



"I was just happy we had a picnic again that's why I was smiling widely earlier." I defended myself.



"Well, I was just saving you from embarrassment." Jira said as she shrug her shoulder.



Thinking about it, L.joe was still with us the last time we go out like this. Who would ever thought that everything would turn out like this. How I wish he was with us now, I do have urges on him for what he did to Jira but I quite miss him. That jerk!



"I feel bullied." I acted hurt. "Where's L.joe when I need to be rescued from Jira?!" I remember it was only L.joe who could make Jira stop.
















Okay, what happened?????









My bad I unknowingly spill a name. I swear I didn't mean it!!! T.T



"Hahaha!! I remember it." Luhan awkwardly laugh breaking the sudden silence.



I looked at Jira, eating barbecue at the moment and acting she didn't heard what I said.



Haaaaii.. I exhaled. 



"By the way way Jira did you like the barbecue? I marinated it overnight then grilled it early in the morning." I asked changing the topic.



"You did great, it exactly taste like my mother's barbecue." Jira said trying to smile.



I mentally slapped my face. Great, how could I forget it was her mom who taught me to marinate and grilled barbecue.



Tsk!!!! >.< I keep on making Jira remember persons who she suppose to forget for a while to have a fun day. Sometimes I really doubt my intelligence for being careless most of the time.



I looked at Luhan with pleading eyes. I need his help, my mind isn't cooperating much at the moment and I think I would ruin our day if ever I would open my mouth again.








Careless as ever, Suzy trying to light up the moment ended up on making the other way around.



As if it was always been my cue to say something.



"Do the two of you like to go biking?"



"I do! I do!" Suzy cheerfully agree as she drag us to rent bikes.



We pick the bikes we like and pay for it's rent. Strolling for a minute we decided to have a race on which Jira decline to join. As much as we like to persuade her, we let her alone as she wishes.









I don't want to ruin this day, I know my friends had been putting so much effort to make me smile, to make me happy. I'm trying, I really do. 



I need a time alone, I know that's what I need at the moment. 



I decided to sit in a bench near the lake. Looking at the calm water I let my tears flow, I had this emptyness insides me that longs for something indefinite. I feel something lacks but I don't know what. I don't know why I feel so down and helpless that all I can do is cry. 



Letting myself cry for minutes, I'm now staring at no where trying to fix my thoughts and feelings. I want to be happy thats what I know but something stops me to.



Staring blankly a cone of ice cream suddenly appeared in front of me. I looked at my left and saw a very cute child offering me an ice cream.



"For me?" I asked.



The child nodded smiling widely and said "A handsome young man asked me to give this to you and told me to tell you that a beautiful lady shouldn't be crying." I furrowed my eyebrow.



"And..... ahh... ahh.. right I remember! He said that you should smile more." This little boy it so cute, I timidly smile and accept the ice cream.



"He was there. Huh?" The child pointed but to his dismay no one was there.



I had this urge to pinch his cheeks as he pouted but before I could do so he bid his good bye.



"Jira!" I snapped as I heard Suzy calling me, I was spacing out again.



She run towards me together with Luhan and curiously asked. "What's with the the ligther mood and an ice cream? As far as I know you were never fond of it." 



I shrugged I don't know either, I don't understand exactly..



Everything went smooth and light afterwards.





A day went by and they decided to go home, I think they sensed I feel exausted and tired alreay. They decided to send me home first in which I didn't argue as I let myselt into sleep with our ride back home.


I wake up as I feel a light tap at my shoulder, I opened my eyes and saw Suzy smiling. "Where already at your house." She said. I fixed myself and went out of the car, I'm in my way to the main door with the keys in my hand and saw Luhan already there. He looked at me as he felt my presence and there I see his confused face as he turned the knob and the door opened.



"I thought you locked the door before we left?" He asked.



Nervousness suddenly filled me up, I'm very sure I locked the door before we left. Have I been robbed? Immediately I went inside with the sudden question in my mind to check if my thought was true and stumble down Luhan in the process.



I stop in my track and looked around, I exhaled deeply as everything was fine and in place, maybe I really did forgot to lock the door. I close my eyes and feel myself calming down. Suddenly , I felt arms hugging me tightly from behind. Stunned I wasn't able to react, it snap me back to reality, blood rush then hint me and I manage to put down whoever the person hugging me with a thud.



"What the hell!" Shock I was as I saw a guy in white shirt winced in pain as he rub his back but I maintained my unreadable expression.



"Tss!" I turned my back to him, as I take a step Luhan came running.



"What happed I heard a loud..." Worried he was, he checked me and was about to bombard me with questions but he stop as he saw the person behind me.



"What's with the commotions? What is that you OPPA?!" Suzy then came bemuse.






A/N: Who gave Jira ice cream? Who is the guy in white shirt? 


I hope you enjoy the update :)))








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nanaboo17 #1
Chapter 21: i think the one who gave the ice cream was L....
hope the pills just a regularnopills like paracetamol...
i dont want L to knwo about her ilness just yet

anyway its been a while authornim :)

i was really waiting for your update and now you update im so happy xD
Chapter 20: update soon author nim ^^
Chapter 20: Woahhhh so the guy is no other than her cousin Charles. ...... so it's Woohyun who give her the ice cream... n here goes curious Myungsoo what will her answer would be will she get out of his questions a live? The story is getting interesting more n more often OMG I'm so excited for the next chapter please update soon author_nim n Hwaiting ♥ Xoxo ♥
Chapter 19: Awwwwww an update I was waiting for it.......who the guy is it L.Joe or someone else like myungsoo n woohyun? N the guy who told the little boy to give her the ice cream I'm guessing is one of the boys I'm asking so much questions mian cause get so excited to know the guy identity n author _ nim you're awesome writer please update soon n Hwaiting author_nim ♥ Xoxo ♥
nindyakesuma #5
Chapter 19: Don't tell me, he is L.Joe ?? Oh my, I hope infinite can bring back the old jira..
Chapter 18: i really love it i hope you update soon i'm really excited to what well happen next n this story is very amazing i can't wait xoxo
new subbie cant wait
Chapter 12: V also here..nice..once again,WoohyunU>^^<
nanaboo17 #9
Chapter 11: wait dont tell me his father wants her to get married ... ow im curious right now

pleeeasee updaate sooon ne:)