h a l l o w


The Blood Moon Festival, the catalyst brought on by tragedy to usher in calamity, wants a new bonded pair...



Okay, so this started off as an Omegaverse idea, but if you've ever read anything I've ever written, if I get a chance, even the SMALLEST itty bitty chance, to worldbuild, I'm jumping on that so damn fast. And that's exactly what I did. SO. What we have here is more clan!wolf!omegaverseheirchacy than omegaverse. HOWEVER don't mean things ain't gone get nasty down the line. I just...this is far more epic than I planned for. 

For the first couple of chapters flashbacks and current points of time intermingle, towards the end they are seperated into interludes so you know...just keep reading? 

Oh. Like 5000 ships in this. 


Couple of other things. 

When a Hakka villiage is describe it's this:


There is a character guide here, but UNLESS YOU WANT SPOILERS GALORE I suggest you not read it until you are at the most current chapter. 



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970 streak #1
Chapter 4: I actually don't like to read abo anymore. But, I wanted to read onho and I saw it was you, I started reading this. I had suspected that Minho wasn't as he presented but how was he able to fake it other than the smell depressants?
Chapter 49: i love this story..
going to re-read as i just can't get enough of this eternal pure beautiful OnHo love story..
never regret my decision or time that supposed i used for sleeping - to read and complete reading this story..
good job author-nim.. ^^
Chapter 8: oh my god!!!
i love this chapter so much ><
kibum and jonghyun are so cute..
i'm dying to
bbonkey #4
Chapter 49: thanks for not giving up on this fic, even tho it took years to finally complete this story. i'm soooo happy for the happy ending, i love youuuu
Chapter 37: SPOILER ALERT!!! ... I've been marathoning this story from the beginning since it's now complete, and it really is an epic... but I made the mistake of reading the comments and saw a major spoiler about the END. greaaaaat. Now I'm really leery about finishing it.
Minhobum #6
Chapter 9: A friend recommended this fic. Just finished chapter 9. Oh my goodness this is the best thing I’ve ever read! I feel like I’m watching a movie with every line. I don’t know how you do it but I hope you continue to write for a very long time. I’m so excited to read the rest!!!
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 43: Idk why or what but it seems there some words missing
Chapter 47: I didn't expect this. I though they gonna live happily till the end. It's really surprise me, omg....
Thank you for your hardwork
I love your story ♡♥♡♥♡♥
It is soo good ♥♡♥♡♥♡
Thank you for your work, I will read it many times
Wonderful characters and beautiful story ^_^