Back To Square One


Wendy is back to make Irene hers once again.

please excuse me for the typos quq; I'm on phone rn and I'm too lazy to change- /smacked.


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Chapter 1: I wish this was a full story. But this one shot is better
hi_mitochondria #2
Chapter 1: re-reading this again ^^
Chapter 1: woah ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ♡ im happy i found this story, this is so cute 🥺 💗💙
Favebolous 14 streak #4
aglaonema #5
Chapter 1: ❤️
hi_mitochondria #6
Chapter 1: Wow this is a jem! This is nice!!!
Jpkyx11 #7
Chapter 1: Aha Wendy resorting to blackmail to get inside Irene's apartment :P
Chapter 1: I'm searching through older fics and found gems. I love this sweet one-shot! <3
Chapter 1: What was Wendy thinking when she chose the job? but at least, she made up her mind and went back to her true love :(