Part 5

You, me, him & her.

Part 5

“You gotta be kidding me?!”

“I am not, Hikaru.”

“Don’t tell me that you’re still..”

“Of course no!”

“You got Ai already bro. Don’t hurt her. She had enough with her ex deshou?”

“I know.”

“You do?”


“Then don’t go to her.”

“I’m just returning her stuffs. Who knows that it might be important?”

“… you got a point, but, wouldn’t you just return it to the hospital?”


Yuto sighed while looking in his hands. Hikaru aren’t supporting him to go to Nana and returned her medicines. But he wanted to see her.

“Alright, I won’t go.” He lied.

Yuto POV

Shirayuki Nana, my ex. My ex fiancée, a girl that I have been in love with before I met Ai. Hikaru aren’t being supportive enough for me to go and see her, but deep inside, I’m dying to see her again. I know it’s wrong but. I wanna know what been hiding behind Nana’s false smile. I’m happy for her if she met the right guy but she didn’t seem like enjoying her life at all. The day she left me, are the day that made me wondering why for these years. I keep questioning myself what’s my mistake.

“I’ve met someone who’s better than you, I’m in love with him. I’m sorry.”

Isn’t that cliché?

“Then don’t go to her.” Hikaru looked at me with his eyebrows twitched, he’s worried.

“I’m just returning her stuffs. Who knows that it might be important?” I had my palm on my forehead and looked back at him. He look away for a moment, seems to be thinking something.

“… you got a point, but, wouldn’t you just return it to the hospital?” He patted my shoulder and stood up, leaving me puzzled. A part of me wanna forget her but other aren’t.

“……” I played with my necklace.

“Alright, I won’t go.” I lied. Hikaru turns to me with a smile and nodded. I smiled back and grip onto the plastics in my hands.

I head to Nana’s place and lied to Hikaru saying that I’m going out to Ai’s.

As I arrived I saw her, showering the plants she grew herself.

“Nana.” I called as I stepped into her garden. She had this surprised looks on her face and stepped out to stop me from going in further.

“What are you doing here?”

“This.” I showed her and she quickly grab it from my hands. I smiled and put my hands in my both pocket, staring down at her.

“Arigatou, you can leave now.”

“Do’ita, why are you so cold? I came to visit you.” I frowned and patted her head, somehow her hair felt different than last time I remember..

“Stop it!” She flicked my hand and fix her hair, I noticed she had her eyes grew wide.

“Where’s your husband?” I walk aside and manage to step into her house, she ran after me and place a hand on my chest, trying to stop me.

“He’s sleeping.”

“Well, wake him up. I wanna meet him.”


“Mr? Hey! “ I shouted and looked around. I saw stairs and pushed her aside again before walking upstairs and take a look in the said bedroom. I ran back down and stood in front her, giving her a questioned look.

“H-He’s out for work.”

“Don’t lie to me. First you say he was sleeping and now he’s out for work? What a joke.” I fake a laugh and cross my arms, waiting for her answer.

“Get out!”

“I don’t even see your wedding photo.”

“I said get out!”

“You aren’t wearing your wedding ring either.”

“Yuto! Please, I beg you!”

“Nana.” My heart sink as I saw her tearing up and suddenly she covers , running away toward the sink and vomited.

“You.. are not pregnant, aren’t you?”

“…..” She wiped and turns the tap open, she leaned on wall and stares straight at me. “I don’t know if I should tell you the truth or not.”

“Tell me. I deserved to know.”


“Onegai, Nana.”

Nana looked down and tugs onto her hair, revealing her wearing a wig. I widen my eyes at the moment and she quickly tries to cover her head. I immediately stop her for doing so.

“I don’t even have the hair that you loved to play with anymore.”

Her tears were pooling in her eyes as she smiled bitterly at me.

“I’m sick, Yuto.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why should I? Who wants to get married to a person who are going to die?”

“ I will!”

Nana had her eyes wide and narrowed her eyes in disbelief . “You wouldn’t.”

“I’ll prove to you!”


At the moment suddenly my phone rings, written Hikaru’s name on the screen. “Hello?”

“Yuto, where have you been? First , Ai has been looking for you. Second, you lied to me!”

“Listen Hikaru, I can’t talk now.”

“Yuuuutoooo!” I heard Ai’s voice called.

“Ai.” I muttered her name, I found Nana suddenly flinched and turns away from me.

“Yuto, where were you? I’ve cooked something special ! Let’s eat dinner together with Hikaru and Michi ne?”

“Alright, I’ll be there in a moment, wait for me alright?”

“Haaaaaaaaii! Love you.”

I hesitate at the moment in whether replying or not.


“Yu-“ I hung up on her.

!.. hung up on her.

I suddenly realized that I shouldn’t do it and place a hand over my forehead.

“What is her name?”

“Look, lets not talk about this.”

“What is her name, Yuto?”

“…Koizumi Ai.”

“I see.”

“Nana, I…”

“It’s alright, go back to her. She’s waiting.”

“I… I’ll come back and visit you by tomorrow.” I walked toward her and stood in front her, tilting my head so that I could look at her face.

“You don’t have to.” She didn’t even dare to look at me.

“But I want to, just let me. As a friend. ” I was determined and had her hands in mine. It was my fault for not realizing things since the beginning. I know there’s something odd about her sudden disappearance but I didn’t even look for her. She is sick and I wasn’t there for her to hold on, to support, to love till the time comes.

“….” She didn’t reply but nod once. It’s enough to lighten the atmosphere as I walked out from her apartment and saw her waving with that same smile.


Yuto’s POV END


“What was that?” Ai blinked as she shove Hikaru’s .phone back to the owner, raising an eyebrow curiously.

“What?” Hikaru and Michiyo spoke in unison.

“He hung up on me, he didn’t even reply our usual end conversation.”

“You mean with the ‘I love you’ & ‘I love you too’ ? “

“Yes Michi, he never hung up on me like that. He sounds like he’s hesitating… Hikaru.”


“Tell me about Yuto’s ex.”


“I wanna know about her, please.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I bet he wouldn’t even be here for dinner.”

“What makes you be so sure?”

“I got a text, telling me that he couldn’t make it.”

“What the f-“

“Hika-chan! No f –words!” Michiyo suddenly shouted.

“Sorry. Alright then, I didn’t know much about his private life but.. I think you should know this. Shirayuki Nana was Yuto’s first love, he care for her so much and they decided to spend their whole life together as husband and wife. On their official engagement day, Nana ran away. He received a letter from her a short after, telling him that Nana have met another guy and wanted to break their relationship. Her engagement ring was put together with the letter and Yuto still kept the ring with him as his necklace.”

“His necklace huh?”

“Now that he met you, I don’t think Yuto will go back to Nana.”


“Oh shoot! Yuto! What are you doing here?!”

“I just arrived here and you told Ai about Nana?”

“Ai said you aren’t coming!”

“I lied to you, Hikaru. I’m sorry. If I didn’t do so I wouldn’t know what actually happened.” Ai explained plainly while looking at Hikaru and patted Hikaru’s stiff shoulder.


Hikaru and Michiyo was told to leave at the moment by Ai, leaving only Yuto and her in the apartment.

“Ai, I could explain.”

“You don’t need to.” Ai crossed her arms and distance herself away.


“Why Yuto? Why must she come back and steal you away from me?” AI finally looked up at her lover and raise her broken voice.

“Ai, I’m no-“

“Don’t lie. I hate liars.” She clicked her tongue and her eyebrows twitched with annoyance.

“……” Yuto cleared his throat and sighed.

“She’s sick isn’t she?”

“How do you-“

“The medicine you brought back the other day, was the same as Aron’s.”


“She’s sick and now you wanna go back to her, aren’t you?”


“Answer me!” Ai uncrossed her arms and shouted as she was looking straight at him. Her heart was beating furiously, waiting for his answer,


Ai smiled faintly and fell on her knees. “I knew it.”

Yuto was going to help her up but she hissed at his touch. “Leave me alone.”


“I said leave me alone!”

“Ai! I’m sorry!!” Yuto hugged Ai’s body and earn few struggles for her but he didn’t let go. Ai finally stopped and cried onto his chest, she had her nails digging painfully on Yuto’s arms but it’s small compared to Ai’s pain,he thought.

“I’m sorry..”


Yuto kissed the top of Ai’s head, trying to calm her down.

“I was finally moving on and now you’re leaving?”


“…..” Ai swallowed her pain and closed her eyes, crying silently.


“It’s painful isn’t it? To see the person we love heading to death?” She broke the silence between them.


“….you got the feeling of wanting to spend times with her and make her happy, right?”


“……then, go on.”


“That is what I have done for Aron two years ago.” Yuto found his lover smiling at him sweetly. Tears was still in her eyes, pouring but the smile was sincerely for him, causing him so burst into tears too, hiding it behind Ai’s neck as he hugged her tighter. “Arigatou.”

“I love you, Yuto. Now go.” Ai pushed Yuto’s shoulder and wiped her lover’s tears, kissing him on the lips for the last time before she saw Yuto turned away from her.

“Sayonara, my second love.” Ai smiled as she stared at the open door, she hugged her knees and sobbed as silence accompanied her. “Aron…”

With trembling footsteps, Ai walked into her room and reached for her wedding dress, the one she doesn’t have the chance to wear because the day she waited never came.


“Nana!” Yuto gasped as he barges into Nana’s house.

“Yuto.” Nana spoke as she looked up from her medicine, looking at him confusedly.

“I will never let you go again.”


Yuto grabbed her arm and pulled her into an embrace, he kissed her on the forehead and caress her back tenderly with care. “I’ll stand by your side from now on.”

“…isk…I thought I could go through all these by myself..” Nana buried her face into Yuto’s chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

“It turns out you’ll be needing me by your side. We’ll face this together.”

“…I missed you.” Nana hold onto Yuto like she’ll never let him go, smiling with pure happiness.

“Nana, ore wa anata no tame ni koko ni iru yo. (I’m here for you.)”


Ai placed a rose on Aron’s grave, wearing her wedding dress and smiled before she swirl around in the gentle breeze. The air blows her beautiful hair as she stopped. “How do I look?”

“You looked beautiful, Ai.”

A familiar voice hits her eardrums and moved “Jonghyun.” She turned to see Jr smiling handsomely at her. He walked and stood beside, placing his bucket of flowers aside and prayed for his late brother.

“I heard everything from Michiyo.” Jr muttered as he finished, putting his hands in his pocket while staring into spaces.


“Ai, naneun dangsin-eul wihae yeogi iss-eoyo. (I’m here for you.)” The raven turned to her, extends his warm hand with a warm smile.

Another gentle breeze surrounds them at the moment, eyes met eyes as she took the warm hand in hers.


Part 5 / You, Me, Him & Her (END)


A/N : YAY! And I’m doneeeeeeeeee! I found myself asking myself that what is lacking in this fanfic, and I wasn’t able to find the flaws. OTL

Forgive me for the wrong grammar or unconscious typos that I didn’t notice because I’ve checked for the nth times already, LOL. This is Korean mixed Japanese kind (?) fanfic. My very first cause I never wrote fan fiction about Korean guys before. I wasn’t interested enough until I met Aron and Nu’est. Well, I’m satisfied with the result! I dunno Korean much, and I’m relying completely on google translate. *squeezes my adorable cat* XDD

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chinenyuri #1
Chapter 1: so, you're a fan of hey!say!jump and nu'est?;;;;