Chapter 20

Delicate Dove



It was a beautiful Friday morning streaks of the sunlight shined down on the sidewalks of Seoul. Many people walking along the footways on both sides of the street. It’s about Two O’clock in the afternoon and many office workers are out on their lunch break. Surround by office workers in a hurry to get lunch or just getting is a small boy around the age of seven years old standing by the bus stop.The boy is absolutely beautiful you could mistake him for a girl. pale and pretty fair skin, medium length black hair, pump rosey cheeks, and pink plump lips. The boy is wearing khaki shorts, with a white button down shirt tucked into his shorts, navy blue jacket over his shirt, a yellow hat on his head, white tennis shoes, and a yellow messenger bag to match his hat. This young boy is Kim Jaejoong.


Soon the bus comes and the bus doors open up, Jaejoong steps onto the bus and put his little hands in his pocket to pull out some change. He got the right amount of change he needed and stood on his tippy toes to put it into the machine. The bus driver chuckled at the adorableness and asked him to hand him the change. Jae pouted not being tall enough and handed the bus driver the change. The bus driver put the change into the machine.


Jaejoong smiled. “ Thank you, sir.” Jae said in his cute small voice.


The bus driver chuckled again and nodded.


Jaejoong then walked down the aisle of the bus and found an empty sit and slid over to the window. Soon the bus pulled off. Jae smiled looking at the nice view as he looked out the window. He is going to go visit his mommy at work. He has to take three buses to get there. Know he’s on the third bus ride.He’s half Korean and half Japanese, his father is Korean and mother is Japanese. Know it’s just him and his mother. His father passed away when he was just two years old. His mother and father had a nice middle class life until he died. He was killed in a fatal car accident.  Since his father passed away they had to move to a much more smaller house Two bed room, with one bathroom, a small kitchen, and small dining room. Him and his mother have been facing really hard times, but that doesn’t bring them down. His mother is very hard working even if she struggles with talking in korean a little bit. She always come home late looking very tired, but she quickly brightens up when shen sees me. In Which he has to take care of himself, but he’s okay with growing up more. His mother always fixes him a great delicious lunch for school, banana milk with onigiri,with cute faces on them that makes him giggle, and some healthy fruits and veggies. He doesn’t really have any friends, all his classmates teases him because he has no father and also because he’s lower class. He always tried to keep his mother happy, because she always worried about him, because he’s born with a heart disease. He takes a lot of yucky medicine that he hates, but takes them so he won’t make her worry too much.  


Soon 20 minutes passed and Jaejoong pulled the line to stop the bus, letting the bus driver know that this is his stop. Jaejoong stood and wave good bye to the bus driver as he pulled off. He then turned around to face a huge hill he has to walk up to reach his destination. He sighed and started to march up the hill with his rose pink cheeks puffed out.


After 15 minute walk up the long hill Jaejoong is at the top of the hill panting bending over with both his hands on his knees. Heaving some more trying to catch his, he then straighten up and smiled turned around to face a huge golden gate with the last name “Jung” on it. He slipped through the gates wide bars and started to walk up the path to a huge mansion. Hethen started to search around the huge mansion for his mother, maids, butlers ignoring him rushing to do something.


Looking some more he then so his mother, Kim Keiko. ( Keiko Kitagawa)  Wearing a black pencil skirt reached her knees,white blouse, and a black and white apron. Her long black hair pulled back into a tight bun, light make, as she didn’t really need any at all.  folding some towels by the pool. He smiled and quickly ran towards her.


“ Okaasan!” Shouted Jae as he ran towards her.


HIs mother turn to look and her eyes widen in shock. Jae finally reached his mother and hugged her. She then kneeled down to his level and started to check him.


“ Mom, I’m fine.” Jae said as she looked worried as he looked at her smiling.


“ How did you get here- Are you okay?” Asked his mother in worry.


“ Nothing is wrong, mom. I just wanted to visit you. Oh and I took the bus.” Said Jae pouting.


Keiko smiled and rubbed Jae’s back soothingly, slightly frowned. “ You know children aren’t allowed her, you should go home and rest.” Said Keiko.


Jae look down. “ But I wanted to see you.” Jae said sadly with a pout.


Keiko smiled again and caressed Jae’s chubby cheek. “ How about this go home, and I’ll see if I can get off early, and we can go out for ice cream.” Said Keiko.


Jae squealed jumping up and down in excitement, Keiko giggle at her adorable son. But soon stopped once the head maid appeared in front of her. keiko quickly pulled Jaejoong behind her.


‘ Who is this?” Said the Head maid with a cold voice.


Jaejoong then started to wiggle a little bit as he gently pulled his mom’s sleeve to get her attention.


“ Okaasan, I have to go to the bathroom.” Said Jae.


Minutes later Keiko is standing in front of the head maid with JAe still behind her, but know they’re inside the Jung Mansion.


Keiko looked down.


“ I don’t see any maid pride or professional skills from you at all. At the very least, you should have basic manners that humans have. Isn’t that right” Said the head maid.


“ I’m sorry.” Said Keiko bowing in a respectful manner.


The head maid glared at her. “ Do you think this is a playground to take your son too.” Said the Head maid.










The sound of expensive heels walking down the luxury marble floor heading towards their way. The head maid eyes widen and she quickly bowed and so did Keiko.


“ Mrs. Jung.” Said the Head maid.


“ What’s going on here? All this ruckus.” Said Mrs. Jung.


“ Ms. Kim Keiko brought her son here. So, I was giving her a warning, madam.” Said the Head maid.


Mrs. Jung sighed in irritation. “ That could happen. Why would you make a ruckus over something like that.”


Mrs. Jung then smiled as she laid eyes on Jaejoong, Jaejoong peaked at Mrs. Jung and quickly hide behind his mother again. She then giggled.


“ You’re so pretty and adorable. If only my Yunho can be like that. You two seem around the same age. I’ll give you something tasty. Let’s go.” Said Mrs. Jung holding her hand out for Jae to take.


Jaejoong looked at his mother and she smiled and nodded her head. Jaejoong slowly came out from behind his mother and took hold of Mrs Jung hand. Soon they’re walking down a luxury hallway. Jaejoong looked back to see his mother still there with a smile.


Some time passed and Mrs.Jung and Jaejoong walked into a more private room, that had a cute white table with chairs. Jaejoong then saw his mother in the room quickly cleaning, and then left out the room.


Mrs.Jung smirked. “ Have a seat, Jaejoong.” She said.


Jae took a sit and Mrs.Jung sat across from him smiling. Jae then turned his head as he saw his mother coming back in with a tray of pastries and candies, a glass of milk. She then set them on the table and continued cleaning.


“ Continue with what you’re doing.” said Mrs.Jung .


Keiko nodded and continued to clean around the room.


“ We’re going to eat, snacks and wait patiently. Until you mother is finished with her work. Hm? Okay?” said Mrs. Jung.


“ Here. Oh!” Said Mrs. Jung as she tried to hand Jae a piece of a sugar cookie, but knocking over a glass of milk on the expensive carpet.


“ It’ll smell rancid of the milk soak into the carpet.” Said Mrs.Jung.


Keiko quickly got down on her knees and gently started to dab the milk up with warm water. “ If we use warm water, it’ll be fine quickly.” Said Keiko then wiping Mrs.Jung feet.


Jaejoong looked shakened at what his mother was doing. Mrs. Jung smirked and then picked the sugar cookie back up and held it out to Jaejoong. Jaejoong looked at the cookie then his mother, Keiko smile nodded. Jaejoong slowly took the cookie.


Mrs.Jung smiled. “ Our, Jaejoong should study hard. If you don’t you’ll have to do work like that and like your mother.”


Keiko stopped rubbing and looked at Mrs.Jung. Mrs.Jung looked at her.


“ what are you doing? If you don’t do it quickly, the carpet will smell.” Sai Mrs. Jung.


Keiko quickly went back to what she was doing. Mrs.Jung then looked at Jaejoong.


“ Why aren’t you eating? I chose it because you said you wanted to eat it. Hurry up and eat.” Said Mrs.Jung.


Jaejoong held the cookie and brung it up to his small lips and took a small bit, but started coughing as he was choking on the cookie. Keiko quickly stood up, but Mrs.Jung stopped her.


“ Where are you going?” Asked Mrs.Jung.


“ To get some water.” Said Keiko.


Mrs.Jung cleared . “ Are you going to throw away the carpet. Do you know how much that costs?” Said Mrs.Jung


Keiko then looked down and quickly went back to cleaning, Mrs. Jung smirked and got up and left. Jaejoong looked at his mother in tears. Why did they have to treat his mother like some kind of dog. Jaejoong then got up and hugged his mother.


“ Okaasan, can we leave? Hm? I don’t like it here. can you find another job.” Said Jae crying.


Keiko rubbed Jae’s back in a loving manner. “ I know baby, I’ll be fine, I’ll just endor it, okay. Mama is fine. How about you go back home. Hm?” said Keiko as her eyes getting water as her son head to witness her wiping someone’s feet cleaning like a slave.


Jaejoong just hugged his mother tighter.


“ Don’t forget about what I said. “ Ice cream!” Said Keiko smiling as she looked down at her some.


Jaejoong brightened up a little bit. “ Okay, I’ll go home.” Said Jae.


Keiko smiled and escorted her son out the mansion and to the bus stop and waited with Jae, until the bus came. The bus arrives and she bends down and kisses Jae  forehead.


“ Be careful, and take your medicine when you get home.’ Said Keiko.


Jaejoong nodded his head in understandment and got on the bus waving good bye to his mother.




Jaejoong sighed as time was going by and his mother is still not home. He was sitting at the dining room table coloring. He had already finished his homework. Know he’s been coloring since he finished.


He then perked up when he heard the sound the keys unlocking the door. He got up and the front door opened to reveal his mother. Jaejoong squealed and quickly went towards her and gave her a huge hug.


Keiko chuckled. “ I made it home, sweetie, Know we can go out.” Said Keiko.


Jaejoong squealed again in excitement to hang out with his mom and to get ice cream. He quickly put on his coat and they both left.


Two Weeks Passed


Mrs.Jung told Keiko to bring Jaejoong back to the mansion so he can be playmates with her son Yunho. In exchange for Keiko’s bad manner in having Jae in the mansion when he was not suppose to.


Jaejoong told in front of his mother and across from him stood a boy same age as him, but taller, with hazel brown dark hair, almond shape eyes. He looked really cool to Jaejoong. Yunho smiled as he looked at Jaejoong, Yunho thinks he looks adorable.


Yunho then stepped forward and introduced himself as he sticked out his hand. “ Hello, I’m Jung Yunho.”


Jaejoong blushed and also stepped forward and also sticked out his hand as they shaked hands. “ K-K-K-Kim J-J-Jaejoong, It’s nice to meet you.” Said Jae.


Yunho smiled and held onto Jae’s hand ran off with Jae behind him and still holding hands. “ I have to show you all my awesome toys!” Shouted Yunho.


From that day on they became the bestest friends and soon into something more.


Time went by since that day They became friends, but Jaejoong’s mother became really ill to the point where she had to be hospitalized. While she stayed there the Jung family let Jaejoong stay with them. They gave jaejoong small room, but Jae wasn’t complaining, and when they had dinner time Jae wasn’t allowed to eat with, but in his room. JAejoong also started to attend the same school as Yunho. No more taking the bus, but riding with Yuno to school with Yunho’s driver.


When attending school Yunho was always protective of him, if someone bullied Jae he would beat them to a pulp. They always stuck together. Soon by the tender age of eighteen Jaejoong’s mother died. It was hard for Jae, Yunho was quickly their for him. comforting him and making sure he ate, anything. During this time, Yunho also confessed his love to Jae, and they soon became lovers. Nothing could separate them, until that day.


Age twenty two Yunho and Jaejoong are still together staying strong, but soon separated. Yunho broke it off telling Jae that he needs to find someone better, someone with better high status, someone in high class.


“ Why? Yunho” Said Jaejoong crying trying to stop,Yunho.


Yunho pushed him away making him fall to the ground. “ I don’t love you anymore. I have feelings for someone else. My heart just doesn’t want you anymore, Jaejoong. It’s growing sick of you. I found someone more of a high status than you are. Someone that is on the same class as me. I’m sorry, Jaejoong” Said Yunho leaving.


Jaejoong fell to the ground crying as the love of his life is leaving him, unknown to him that he’s carrying, his lover’s child. Since their break up Jaejoong was kicked out the house.


7 Months Later





“ I know pronounce you husband and wife.” Said the priest.


Yunho smile and leaned forward to kiss KIm Junsu, will, now Jung Junsu. Junsu comes from a wealthy family and has been in love with Yunho a for a year know. They dated and then Yunho, proposed to him, even though their families are the reason behind their marriage. But he was happy, he really does love yunho.


Everyone stood up in the huge decorated luxury church, clapping in joy as the two walked down the aisle as people cheered, unknown to them a heavily beautiful man around sevens months pregnant, Jaejoong was watching them in tears.


Jaejoong just accepted his fate and moved to Japan as he saved up his money when he was leaving with the Jung’s. Saving up his money from working at the different part-time jobs.


Jaejoong gave birth to a handsome baby boy. Jae smiled as he held his soon in his arms as the baby slept. “ Yoochun, my Yoochun.” said Jae as he looked at baby Yoochun, and giggled as yoochun gave a big yawn.


Years passed and Yoochun is now three years old. Jaejoong is struggling badly, trying to feed his baby and himself. Also struggling with rent and everything. He has three jobs, a waiter at a cafe, a hostess at a bar, and lastly he sales clothes he make on the street in in little own booth.


Now he’s standing in his booth straightening the clothes and handing out flyers for people to come and check out his booth. Yoochun was sitting a yellow blanket and the ground with his toys. He was chewing on some of them while looking at his mother.


Some lady came in the shop, a foreigner at it, she had long straight brown hair with bright blue eyes. She wore a nice fitting dark red knee length dress, long lace black gloves, dark red and black shoes, and white pearl necklace around her neck and a pearl bracelet, a black fur coat.


She looked around and squealed when her eyes laid on Yoochun, Jae smiled and walked up to the lady.


“ Can I help you find-” Said jae but was cut off.


“ Did you make all of these?” Ask the lady in  perfect Japanese smiling.


“ Y-Y-Yes.” Said Jae stuttering.


“ I would like to buy everything you have.” Said the lady.


Jaejoong eyes widen, was this lady kidding. “ E-E-everything.” stuttered Jaejoong.


“ Yes, and I’m not joking.” Said the lady


Jaejoong quickly put the clothes together, but the lady stopped him.


“ How about you come work for me? I never seen clothes well put together and the patterns are just wonderful.” Said the lady.


Jaejoong eyes widen even more. “ Excuse me.”


“ Come work with me, you make wonderful clothes. I’ll help you. I see passion and potential in you.”Said the Lady.


Jaejoong stood there for a moment, this could just be a scam, but felt that he should take the offer. He might as well. He looked at Yoochun, and smiled as he chuckled at him as he continued to chew on his toy.


Jaejoong then looked at the lady. “ I would love to.” Said Jae.


The lady smiled. “ Your name.”


“ Kim Jaejoong, and you,” Said Jaejoong as he held his hand out.


She smiled and gently shaked his hand. “ Coco, Coco Rocha.”




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springmiya #1
Chapter 37: I think taemin is hurting over a message just by the last to chapter he drinking a lot , he's taken his anger out on yuya, poor yuja, yoochun comfort you wife
sheilapiglet #2
Chapter 37: Taemin is so annoying. I don't understand how he can just walk in and out of the house without permission. I wish Yuya was a bit stronger and not let Taemin walk all over him and his relationship with Yoochun. I look forward to the story moving faster and him telling YC that he's pregnant. I hope that YC keeps his promise this time about spending time with Yuya and puts him as his top priority before it's too late.

Thanks for the update!
sheilapiglet #3
Chapter 36: I'm confused. I feel like I've read this chapter before but it says that it's newly updated. Plus this story says it's completed so I thought it was suddenly ending, but it's not. Did you change something?
Neng2ovid #4
Chapter 36: Your back. Thanks for the update.
mayela #5
Chapter 34: hola haga lo q sea mas facil para ti pero no tardes yo apenas la comense a leer ayer y no dormi en toda la noche hasta terminarla me gusta mucho saca la secuela pero identificala. omo la segunda parte de esta es super genial te felicito gracias x compartir
Chapter 34: choose the one that easier for you..
turyka #7
Chapter 34: I think you should do what make you feel more confortable.. You can always add the link on another note.. Fighting!!!
sheilapiglet #8
Chapter 34: I personally think it should be separate but you can just add a link to this story for easy access...but it's really up to you...I'm just hoping that you update soon because it's been a long time