The Day After...

Your Secret Is Safe With Me

From the moment I woke up this morning I was in a bitter mood. After yesterday' wasn't sure how I could face everyone at school. Especially Baekho....
'He's your BEST FRIEND...what even happened? Why would he betray me like that?! He was supposed to have my back!....was what I did so wrong?....NO! THAT PUNK DESERVED IT! AND IF HE WANTS TO MOPE AROUND AND SNEAK BEHIND MY BACK THEN SO BE IT!'
With that thought in mind, I rolled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Unfortunately for me and my sour mood, Jaehwa was hogging the bathroom.
"Dammit Jaehwa! Quit hogging the bathroom! You're not the only person who lives here you know!" I hollered. She opened door and peeked out at me with questioning eyes. Her hair was up in a dumb frilly headband and she had her toothbrush sticking out of . Raising her eyebrow, she took out her toothbrush to speak.
"Well gooooooooood morning SUNSHINE" she garbled out with a mouthful of toothpaste. Even so, I still got the full sass she intended to give me.
I rolled my eyes at her. She said nothing and finished brushing her teeth. Afterwards she stepped out of the bathroom and curtsied to me saying "it's all yours, your highness" before giggling and running off to get ready. Glaring at her retreating figure, I went into the bathroom so I could start the day.
'I already hate this day...'
Minhyun's POV:
My alarm clock ringed, doing its programmed purpose of awaking me. But I was already awake. I had been up for about two hours since I could barely sleep and kept waking up at random points, ultimately deciding on just staying awake after a while. Normally less sleep would mean cranky Minhyun but I had so much energy and excitement! Rolling over in bed I shut my eyes and thought over yesterday's events with Aron. A smile instantly made its way to my face.
'Having Aron-hyung over was the best!!! We get along so well and are so compatible! It's like we're already dating!' At that thought I let out a rather girly squeal of delight.
Just then my mother walked in my room.
"Yah! Minhyun...I came in here to get you to wake up but once I heard that...noise I knew you were already awake. Get your lazy up and get ready! And quit squealing like you're some teenage girl with a crush on a boy band member!" [IB: *cough cough* me XD actually for me it's MANY boy band members...] She left my room so I could get ready.
'Why does she always come in when I'm having a moment dreaming about Aron?! UGHH....well she brings a good point. The sooner I get ready, the sooner I leave, and the sooner I leave, the sooner I can see the real Aron...' I immediately jumped up and begin to get dressed.
After getting ready I got in my mom's car and away we went to school. It's as if luck was on my side because as we were arriving I noticed Aron walking through the school gates. I hastily said goodbye to my mom and ran out to meet up with him.
"Aron hyung!" I called. It seemed as if he was turning around in slow motion, wind blowing lightly through his hair, eyes twinkling in the morning light...
He seemed a little confused but once he saw me he smiled and waved, stopping his walking so I could catch up. When I did we continued walking into the school.
"So...Aron are your injuries?" I asked, suddenly remembering what else happened yesterday. 
"Oh I'm totally fine Min...a little sore. But other than that, I feel fine." He said, using that nickname for me again. I melted a little. I wanted to say more but I realized that we were already arriving by my homeroom.
"Well see you later." I said and he nodded, smiling before walking down the hall to his homeroom. I sighed, bummed out that our time got cut short.
As I was turning to walk into homeroom I noticed Baekho walking down the hall. Something about him seemed very different than usual. Normally he has this nonchalant aura about him but today he seemed very concentrated and determined. For some reason I didn't like it. It gave me some sort of bad feeling. He turned his head and we locked eyes. I didn't realize I was glaring at him until he looked away and I felt my face relax. All throughout homeroom and into my first class period I felt a bit upset. After seeing Baekho I just got the feeling that something bad was going to happen.... I just hope that it didn't involve Aron or I...
'Speaking of Aron....I wonder if my mom would let me invite him over this weekend...we can play that video game again! Knowing his competitive nature he'll definitely want to have a rematch!'  I smiled thinking about spending the whole day hanging out with Aron. And just like that my mood went back up. 'I'll have to ask him later...I can't wait!'
Walking through the school's gates and gazing at all the groups of people happily conversing made me frown even deeper than I already was. Walking by I noticed that Aron kid and the tall one of the gay duo...Minhyuk or whatever? They seemed so happy and it made me clench my fists in anger.
'this is all THEIR faults...why I outta go over there and smack those smiles off their faces!'
I would've done that too...but I just wasn't in the mood. So instead I went into the school and straight into homeroom. When I sat down I noticed Baekho walk in and sit down next to me. I looked in the opposite direction. I wished he would have picked a different seat but this was his assigned seat and Mrs. Lee HATES it when people switch seats unless she's assigned them. But still, Mrs. Lee's wrath would've been so much better than this suffocating awkwardness. On a normal day, we'd be sitting close and talking about whatever dumb thing we did the other day and the next dumb things we'd do later. But today, we sat almost a whole desk space apart and were totally silent. People in homeroom must've noticed the atmosphere because it seemed everyone else was silent too.
"Alright class! It's such a bright and beautiful day! Who's ready to learn?" Mrs. Lee exclaimed cheerfully as she waltzed in the door. After attempting for five minutes to get a lively reaction out of us, he immediately knew that this wouldn't change so she changed her plans and just allowed us to work by ourselves on some textbook work. Once class was over everyone rush out except for me. I just sluggishly made my way into the hall. 
'That went terribly....and now I have ANOTHER class with him...I think I'll just skip'  The little voice in the back of my head informed by that if I skipped the teacher would have a fit and Baekho would be lonely. 'But Baekho wouldn't care if I skipped now....he's probably hoping for it...'
I didn't think anything else of it. Instead, I walked to my favorite hiding spot in the school....
Aron's POV:
After waking up the first thing I did was check my face in the mirror. The bruises on my cheeks are basically all healed but my lip and jaw are still very noticeable. Grimacing, I grabbed some of my mom's concealer and tried to hide the bruises but no matter how hard I tried it still was visible. Throwing the container down in defeat I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. I was expecting to have to give some lame excuse to explain my face to my mom (maybe like I walked into a door?) But instead of my mom busily making breakfast, it was my dad who was sitting at the kitchen table calmly reading the paper.
When I walked in he looked up and double-taked. I walked by him and popped some bread in the toaster. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. In the end he chugged the rest of his coffee and left, not even saying 'goodbye' or anything. Part of me was a little upset but I was also thankful because at least I didn't have to explain myself. My toast popped up but I didn't have much of an appetite so I ended up tossing it and just leaving for school.
Somehow without paying much attention at all I managed to arrive at school. 'I guess I'm getting the hang of the area...' I thought though I honestly didn't care at that point. All I wanted to do was get the day over with! Suddenly I heard someone call my name. Confused I turned around, wondering who would call me but once I saw that it was Minhyun I relaxed. I waved and stopped walking so he could catch up. Then we walked together into the school.
We walked in silence until he asked "So...Aron are your injuries?"
"Oh I'm totally fine Min...a little sore. But other than that, I feel fine." I replied not wanting to talk about it really. He looked like he wanted to say more but we were already at his homeroom.
"Well see you later." he said and I nodded, smiling before walking down the hall to my homeroom. When I got there there weren't many people there. But there WAS JR there. I put my head down and walked quickly back to my desk by the window. More people filed in and when I saw Baekho I felt the guilt begin to eat away at me.
'He probably hates me after what I said yesterday....I was such a jerk when all he wanted to do was help...He's right to hate me...' I looked out the window, hoping to distract myself from my guilt and misery. The rest of class went by basically like looking out the window and ignoring everything else. The rest of the day felt like one big blur. And I didn't see Baekho once after homeroom and math.
'He might be avoiding me...yeah that's probably it...but  I haven't seen Ren either...I wonder if he even showed up?'
Ren's POV:
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T STAY HOME FROM SCHOOL?!" I shouted. My mom just threw a glare my way as she stirred her coffee.
"Minki know how important it is to get a good education. Plus just because this boy rejected you doesn't mean that you can skip!" I was so upset I didn't even register the second part of her sentence.
"But MOM---" "NO BUTTS!" I yelled in frustration and stomped to my room to get ready.
While yesterday I felt so determined to look nice, today I had ZERO motivation. I just put on my uniform...that's it. I didn't even comb my hair, leaving it down in it's messy bedhead look. Going back to the kitchen when my mom was I noticed that she seemed shocked with my plain appearance. I didn't mind her and just grabbed an apple before getting my bag and leaving for school.
I could already tell that this would be a long and terrible day. My mood was so low it felt like there was a raincloud hovering above my head. It seemed like because I was upset, everyone else should be too but everyone seemed cheery as usual. It annoyed me a little but I was genuinely shocked to see Aron and Minhyun smiling and talking as if nothing that happened yesterday...happened! I wondered if I should go over to them but seeing how happy they were I knew that if I joined them I'd just bring the mood down so I stood there and watched them go into school.
As I was about to walk into the school myself I noticed JR standing on the school steps. I halted and stared at him. Despite how much of an absolute he is...I felt bad for everything.
'Should I apologize? Or should I just leave him alone? But if I do that things might escalate again. I should be a man and just say I was wrong.'  I was going to walk up and do it but I was too scared. 'When am I supposed to apologize?! I can't just walk up to him during the day....he'd kill me!...But it's not like we'll just conveniently be alone together today...'
It was only then I remembered about detention. 
"Oh son of a !" I cursed.
.....hey....remember me? ^J^ I apologize for just dropping off the planet for a while....Lately I've been kinda stressed out :( I haven't been eating as well as I should be and haven't been getting enough exercise...
\\\\flashback to last day of school last year//// "THIS SUMMER I'LL EAT NOTHING PROCESSED OR UNHEALTHY AND I'LL WORK OUT LIKE EVERYDAY!!!"
\\\\Cue to reality aka like five minutes ago//// *lays on floor for hours scrolling through instagram, walks downstairs to heat up leftover baked ziti and an ice cream sandwich, then goes back upstairs and ignores yoga mat lying helplessly on floor*
*le sigh* It's so sad :( I'm so stressed out that I'm overall not in a great mood....and especially not in a creative writing one!
*le BIG sigh* The struggles.......are....real....
I'm really sorry for ranting like an ungrateful potato ^^" I hope your day is as beautiful as you are :D
Keep commenting because I love it! Love you!
-Icebook231 :3
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Chapter 16: Omg please update.. I'm going crazy over here.
eternityafterrain #2
Chapter 15: I do!!!!!!! Thank you so much for coming back!!!
Chapter 15: You just made start tearing up. Thank you for not forgetting about this story nor just giving up on it. It means so much. I will continue to support
kim_daeun #4
Chapter 14: Pleaaseeee updatee it. I love ur story so much. I am a new fan for Nuest.
Chapter 13: UPDATE GOD DAMNIT!!!!! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?!! I ing remember when this chapter came out and it's been months!!!!!
Chapter 13: what happeneddd where did u goooo ><
Chapter 13: It's been awhile! I missed you! id love it if you updated tho i really like this
idalas #8
Chapter 13: love it so much! pls make a new chapter
Chapter 7: Lol ren and his mom!!!
SoshiFan313 #10
Chapter 13: AMAZING! Love what you've written so far!! PLEASE PLEASE Update soon! (No Pressure)