The Three Word



Title: The Three Words 


Pairing: Tao / Sehun , Tao / Soojung , Jongin / Sehun , Luhan / Sehun , Joonmyun / Yifan 


Other characters: Exo , maybe other idols 


Notes : Sehun and Yifan are girls in the story. The names will not change. Maybe other genderbends for other idols too. 


Genre : fluff 


Warning : genderbend 


A/N: this is purely my  idea and I did it because I am in need of a very fluffy taohun fic and bottom sehun and this happen. This is a genderbend story and if it's not your cup of tea, there's an exit. Hehe. Anyways, I hope you'll comment because I love to read comment. Happy reading? 


P/S: Don't expect me to uodate very fast. I have other fics that I have to update and currently am working on it. I just cannot resist posting this up. 







Zitao got left by his fiance' days before the wedding and he lets his parents choose a bride for him. That is where Lee Sehun comes into his life.




"I'm Sehun. Lee Sehun"


"Tao, Huang Zitao


"Let's be friends"


"What do you think of falling in love Sehun?" 


Sehun smiles as she stare up at the stars.

"Falling in love is a beautiful thing if you fall for the right person"




"Tao," Tao hum as his lips lingers against Sehun, their breath

mixing with each other. His hand never left her and he thinks

this is perfect.


"Take me. Slowly. Make love to me" 



"Tao, I still love you"


Tao stare in disbelief at the woman standing in front of him.

It was Soojung and Tao couldn't think straight especially when

she grab his arm with tears in her eyes.


"Pease Tao, save me from this hell"



"Do you love me Tao?"


Sehun ask looking at him with tears in her eyes.

It pains Tao to see those tears and know that he

is the one that cause it. "I-I -I do" he stutters out

and Sehun's flash a look of hope as she grab his hand.


"Then say it. Say that you love me"




But Tao can't say those three words. 





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taniasantika #1
Chapter 2: please update authornim!!
this story is really great
2447 streak #2
Chapter 2: ooooohhhhh... they finally met...
even i am surprised no glares were exchanged in the meeting! i mean, arranged marriage OMG, there's bound to be an angry party... but i guess them seeing each other minimized that feeling?

Kris as the doting older sis tho :)))
If Tao cant say it then I will! XD

Tao Loves you Sehunnnnnnn!!!!!!!!

will wait for your update :))
BrandNew #4
I'm curious with krisho here :D