Unfitting Puzzle Pieces


Taemin and Kibum are from a distant planet no human has yet to be discovered, called Proiusee (pronounced P'lo-wee, thank you very much). It's connected by a border, strangely named the Flowerpath, where no flowers bloom. The two Prii's lands feet on Earth for two purposes. Taemin, to see his much beloved dragonfly eyed human, and Kibum,unwillingly goes to get a haircut. But somehow, it turns out that Kibum is also the one unwilling to leave.



“Where are we going?” Kibum asked swatting a bunch of clouds away that was blocking his view. The sun was already smiling a greeting down at him. His wings fluttered a bit as he waved around.

“Nowhere,” Taemin lied. As if Kibum couldn’t see right through him.

“Which is where?” Kibum asked, not giving up.

“Nowhere!” Taemin insisted.

“If we’re going down there, you’re paying me 10,000 faes,” Kibum said, flipping his head to fix his bangs. They were seriously growing too long. It tickled his eyelashes.

“I’ll pay you when we get back,” Taemin huffed, deflating and giving up. He was already short on faes. Kibum was too greedy.

“So we are going there!” Kibum cried, and stopped flying abruptly causing Taemin to crash into him.

“Why not?” Taemin cried. He rubbed a blue 

“Just because. If we’re going to go see that dragonfly eyed alien, I’m not going,” Kibum said. He hated that man.

“Kiiiiii, he’s not an alien! And you have alien friends. I always go visit them with you. If we go now, we can stay until afternoon,” Taemin pouted.

Kibum seemed to be thinking about it as he counted the skyfliers he caught recently in his skyflier trapper. He gained 3 today. Three pink ones, to be exact. He had too much pink ones, and he unscrewed the trapper and let the skyfliers fly away. Pink neon sparks floated up and away slowly.

Finally, Kibum stood up and crossed his arms, flipping his hair again. “Fine I’ll go. I need a haircut anyway.”

Taemin clapped, and speeded away. Kibum lazily flapped his wings as he followed. And then flipped his hair again.


“Ki-hyung, why are you so slow?!" Taemin complained as he reached the border.

"Who's the one that took 3/4th of my lunch away?" Kibum responded, looking totally peeved. Taemin had decided to speedfly and plus the energy of his ball of sunshine, he flew at an astoundingly 70 miles per hour. Kibum almost died.

Taemin smiled sheepishly, and tucked his wings in so fast Kibum thought they fell off. Kibum, on the other hand, tucked his wings in slowly.

"LET'S GO," Taemin screamed, dragging Kibum through the pathway, and in 5 milliseconds, stepped into beautiful polluted Mother Earth.

"I, will go look for Minmin," Taemin proclaimed loudly. "Meet me at the apartment. Remember where it is?"

"Do I look like a human brain? Of course I remember where the old shack is," Kibum said.


"Don't freak if I come home with a rainbow afro," Kibum warned.

"I won't. I photoshopped one on you so I won't be," Taemin said before thinking.

"You did what?"

"Nothing! Bye!" Taemin giggled and flitted away. On his feet.

Kibum kicked a rock and muttered something about how Proiusee rocks were so much prettier and shinier.

Five years is a long time.


I'm trying to be entertaining for my first :D

Is it not working? :'''(



1,000 won = 500 faes

5 years = 12 hours


skyflier = squeaky neon colored nightlight bugs (Kibum has a collection of 12,7608 colors already)

Proiusee rocks = precious stones


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Kibums #2
Woah, this seems really good.<br />
Update soon! I'll be waiting :).