Let's call it a date.

im a girl u know?

[Dujun's POV]

Sort of had a good night sleep. I'm excited for the date and all but I'm nervous at the same time.

It's not like anything is different, we always eat out. Why am I acting up?

Seriously this weird feeling has gotta be dealt with. I stood up from my bed went to the closet to pick out something to wear.

Hmmm i shouldn't dress too much, she'd think i over prepare. Jeans, Shirt, Sports Jacket, Chucks. Done.

I headed out to ~~~~~ house. It's a bit early. Well i could just hang around there. That wouldn't be new.

I'm at their front door. Didn't bother to knock like I always do. I passed through the kitchen and saw ~~~~~ Mom.

"Hey Eommoni."  I waved at her then took a seat at the dining table as she was preparing dinner for her and ~~~~~ dad.

"You guys eating out again?" she asked while chopping some peppers.

"Yeap, just the usual weekend. want me to help you?" But something is really different from this night out compared to what me and ~~~~~ usually have.

"No thanks, you'll smell like pepper if you help me " she chops the last pepper " You can head to ~~~~~ room if you want. I think she's already prepared. Saw her dressed up already." she added.

I headed to her room, held the doorknob and twisted it open  " Yah, let's go."

She's wearing a black spaghetti camisole and seems like she's looking for something.

"I'm not done yet, im looking for my red plaid shirt." she said looking through her closet

"it's on your bed stupid" i saw it under her blanket. and threw the shirt to her

"Oh my bad" she giggled as she caught it.

"kaja" she said as she puts on the shirt.

"Hey look, couple shoes" raising her foot . We were both wearing black chucks.

"Hmm guess so."

We headed out of their house. I still dont know where we'll go. "Where do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Your treat?" She asked.

"hmmm nope."

"Still thrifty as ever" Then she rolled her eyes on me.

"Just kidding, sure. My treat. " I said

"Well I did say i want some rice cakes" She gave me a wide smile.

"Okay, rice cakes it is. Then how about we watch a movie after?

"still your treat?" She asked while raising an eyebrow.
"What else can I do? Yes ma'am it will also be my treat."

"Where is my Dujun? And what have you done to him?" she tugged my ear.
"AAAAHHH that hurts. It's me okay? Jeez can't i just be nice?"

"Hmm okay. YEY RICE CAKES. LEGGO!" she put an arm around mine as we started to walk.

Oh i wish this would last forever. So we got to the rice cake shack and I ordered for two plates of Rice cakes. She looked for tables as i was ordering.

"Having a date? The ahjumma asked as i was paying.

"Ne." Then i gave her a smile.

"You look good together." Ahjumma said.

"Oh Kamsahamnida" and a gave her a small bow as i headed to ~~~~~ with our rice cakes.

"Yah let's eat." I placed the two servings of rice cakes on our table.

I couldn't help but smile as we were eating. The casualness of our conversation is ver y comfortable for me. Laughing hard like there's no one around us.

"Im full." She said. But i couldn't help but notice that there was some sauce on her lip.

"Wait there's something...." i didn't hesitate and just wipe the sauce of her face. She froze a bit. I can sense it. Doees she also have feelings for me?

"Oh thanks, but i think i can wipe it off myself. " Awkward.

"Well sorry. It was quite distracting."

"You're lucky, this was your treat. Now, Can we please watch Warm Bodies pretty please~" she was giving me the puss in boots eyes.

"Chick flick?" I asked

"No it's about zombies."

"Well that's fine with me. Let's go." we headed out of the rice cake shack.

We got in the theater, and sat in our seats. She was holding the pop corn while i was just getting some from her.

Aside from the gore the movie also has a few chick flick-ish scenes. I didn't notice ~~~~~ was getting cold from the movie theater.

"Dujunie can i borrow your jacket?"

I took my jacket off and placed it over her shoulders.

"Are you sure you wont get cold?" She asked.

"I wont."

"But your hands are already cold." She grabbed my hand with one of hers, and i took the opportunity of not letting it go.

"Just stay that way, and i wont get cold." I said. So we watched the movie like this , holding each others hands, like a couple. Well on my side i did like it that way.

So the movie ended and we were still holding hands.

"So you're still not letting go?" ~~~~~ asked.

"Nope, i like it this way." Then i tugged her out of the cinema. still not letting her go.

We were on our way home and i was still holding her hand. Then we reached her front door.

"I've noticed you're being fond of holding my hand." She asked as i was about to let her go in her house.

"Yeap, i kinda like it. So see you tomorrow?"

"It's sunday. What will we do? She was trying to let go but i still held onto her hand

"The usual, movie, video games, pizza and whatever we can think of."

"Okay, bring your video games ok?" "Ok" then i let go of her hand. She was about to open their door

"Oh ~~~~~," She stopped on her way. Then i took a step closer to her , cupped her face and kissed her forehead "Goodnight ~~~~~"

Then i started to head my way home.

I hope she wont turn me down when i gather up the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. Oh when will be that day?

[Your POV]

"Oh ~~~~~" i heard him call me, so i faced behind, he was a step closer, cupped my faced then kissed my forehead. Then bid goodbye.

WHY WAS IT ONLY ON THE FOREHEAD? I was expecting somewhere else. Oh my girly senses are tingling. Why was he so sweet all day?

Will he ever ask me to be his girlfriend? Dujun-ah, please stop messing with me. I think I'm starting to fall for you.


I know i'm really that lazy to update. I'm really sorry. Huhu To my dearest readers i really love you guys thank you for still being there.

to my subscribers who were there from the beginning of this story that i kept hanging . i'm really sorry. Dont worry the next time i update i'll make sure i finish this :D


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purplefox10 #1
Please update soon! I really like this story :D
Chapter 14: they are so cute together~
Chapter 14: update please, it's been awhile since your last post, i've been waiting like crazy
Chapter 14: Kyaa! Cute chap! Update soon author-nim!
Chapter 14: please update i love it please update i love it but you should put a idol girl name but still i love your story please finish this i hope we can be friends fighting
Chapter 14: both of them r so sweet.. ;)
Chapter 14: update...palli palli :D <3
Chapter 14: Woohoo!!! YOU UPDATED!!! I've been waiting forever. Thank you sooooo much. Can't wait to see how he's going to finally pop the question. :)
Chapter 13: OMFGGGG ! YOU UPDATED ! \o/ I have been waiting for so so so so looooong !! :)
Chapter 14: FINALLY!!!! thank you so much for updating this story i've been waiting for so looooongggggg . nice work