I'm Not a Kid Anymore!


Joon has admired Seungho his entire life. Seungho is his hero, his savior, his role model. Throughout his entire childhood, Seungho had been his guardian angel, protecting him and guiding him. He knows that the other simply views him as someone younger he needs to take care of, but he wishes, that just for once, he could show the older just how much he has grown up.

The perfect opportunity arises when Joon finally enters his first year of high school...


Hey, guys! It's me again... I'm sure you guys are getting sick of me making new stories, but I think I need a break from Woogyu right now tbh... Anyways, I know that this pairing is not as popular but I can't help it, I really want to write about this! Lately I've found myself having more and more free time, so I guess I'm going to take up writing again, yay (creates false hope). So basically in this Joon is four years younger than Seungho (it may seem a little weird but bear with me here). Please support this story well! I will stop being a horrible person and start updating more frequently! Thank you!

first chapter almost up! thank you for my current subscribers for your patience!


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Chapter 2: this story is interesting. Also the pair you picked is rare which makes it appealing.

well done!
satrina7 #2
Chapter 2: ??? so where is part 2?
CahAmzalak #3
Chapter 1: That's just so cuuute. *o* I really loved it, please update soon~
YangIceTea #4
Chapter 1: How is this unsatisfying.? I really like it. And I love the little seungho and changsun.. (♥///♥)
Will wait patiently for the next updates.. :D
ohhh joonho... i can´t wait =3