A Meeting of Fire

Dark Feathers ~[HIATUS]

"Aaah, my phone!" I squirmed as I bent down to grab but it was slowly rolling to the grid that closed off the entrance to the sewers. I watched in horror as it slowly slipped through one of the slits and disappeared, leaving a small splash as it hit the dirty waters below.  

"Here, I'll get it," the man suddenly perked, bending down in front of me. He, insanely, began to try and squeeze his hand through the bars, and, of course, unsuccessfully.

I grumbled leaning, in closer to him, peering in to witness this incredible recovery of my phone.

I felt myself laugh and glance up into his eyes, which were full of concentration, all focused on fulfilling this task he clearly stated he would perform.

"Do you really think that'll work?" I giggled, feeling his presence so close to mine. It wasn't usual for me to lean this close to a stranger before but there was something about him that made me relax; made me feel so secure and protected. Those warm eyes of his made something inside of me feel warm as well; almost homely. I felt comfortable near him, almost as if I belong near him. Like we were, somehow, connected.

He sighed, pulling his hand from between the bars and shook his head. "Nope," he concluded, pulling himself up into a standing position. "I don't."

One of his hands reached out, offering some help for me to get up myself. I gladly received it, lightly pressing onto his hand with my own as I straightened myself up. The touch of his skin against mine left tingles along the outlines of my palm. His fingers had lightly brushed against my hand as they slid away, almost as if they were brushing against my heart; causing my whole body to be absorbed in this strange feeling. Inside of my stomach awakened butterflies which had been asleep for so long that I had forgotten they were there. I smiled up into his warm face, the curves of his night-black hair highlighted his features perfectly and enhanced that strong, jaw-line; tracing itself around his masculine bone-structure.

"Maybe you should phone the fire brigade," he suggested, raising his eyebrows that was a clearly innocent way of enquiry, almost as if he were asking a question with them. "They deal with things like that, right?"

I nodded then, however I was laughing at his mistake. His face became scrunched up then, almost as if he were trying to peer into my reason for giggling.

"I can't phone the fire brigade," I finally explained after I took hold of my consciousness that was no longer devoured by my laughter. "I can't phone anyone. My phone is in there."

On the 'there' I pointed straight down towards the entrance into the sewers that my phone had fallen into. I smirked up at him, highlighting his mistake while realisation spread across his features and laughter began to escape from his lips.

"Ah, yes, I see," He nodded at himself and raised his gaze into mine, his eyes filled with more of a joyful laugh rather then humiliation. The outside corners of his eyes were creased as the smile of his face broadened. He chuckled to himself as he stepped towards me, a grin embracing his beautiful face.

"I am sorry, once again, for my stupidity," he said as solemnly as he could, but I could hear his laughter breaking through. His body bowed towards me, and as he straightened up,  he lifted his hand in front on me in a way of encouraging a hand shake.

I nodded towards him in a polite, fun way and took his hand in mine, feeling the tingles racing through my fingers once again.

"May we start over, ma'dam?" he asked, his voice imitating that of an English gentleman, as were his words of the language.

"Of course, kind sir. Do not worry yourself over the matter," I replied, copying his style of speech.

He shook my hand gladly and spoke, "My name is Jung ByungHee, but you may call me G.O." He smiled, still claiming the same accent. "Now," he said, losing his English and dropping his hand, yet still with a sweet smile across his lips. I felt a sudden drain from me when his skin left mine. A feeling of disappointment flowing through me.

I watched as he reached into his trouser pocket, pulling out a sleek, black, blackberry and clicking his thumb against the buttons. "Time to call the fire brigade," he chuckled.

I am so so so so sorry for not updating this!! I do have my reasons, I promise:

  1. I was working on my 'main' story: saranghae, even if you let me go - MBLAQ Mir & You fic 
  2. I started an apply fic so had to do that - The World Fame Race - check it out my pretties ^^
  3. I was invited by YoomiXStar to co-author an awesome idea - The Dream Entertainment
  4. I had school and work
  5. I didn't really have any inspiration until now, although I don't particularly like this chapter.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it - it probably though, right?

I haven't checked over for mistakes yet so sorry if there is any.

Thank you to everyone who has subbed/commented/read or even just viewed this fic - I know it is kind of a big risk because I havn't really done a fic this deep (maybe even dark?) before so I don't know how I am going to do in it.

Well thank you anyway!!

Luff De AA' (check my profile if you are unsure of what that means LOL)


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update please
mirjoona #2
I looooove your writing style!! :D
heehee hi there =D<br />
<br />
i think this fic has definitely got potential. sorry if i'm not making a simple comment saying it's good and im waiting for more (which is true) but it's always difficult to find readers who will help improve writing (i say this in the most loving way)<br />
<br />
i think the tone is perfect for this type of fiction. its very descriptive and in depth, which is always a good fundamental for a piece. However, in both this chapter and your preview, i noticed one thing in particular. it's always tempting to use "i" because you're talking in first person and when you write, you don't really catch it. i have trouble with repetitiveness as well, but try to vary sentence structures, this will help you stray away from starting sentences with "i" and "my."<br />
<br />
hope this helps! can't wait for updates =]
loving_eida #4
not cheesy :lol: i love G.O . thanks for this fic !
hyeamazing #5
Wahooo!!!!! Finally a G.O story...I just loveeeee him! <3 I'll get to the first chapter ASAP! <3
Accidentally_in_love #6
thank you everybody for you awesome comments!! It makes me sooo happy ^_^
*mblaq*<br />
lmao typoo... -_-
gosh your writing style is awesome and cant wait to read^^<br />
btw i think i will fall for mblaw cuz of this story ;)<br />
update soon kimi^^
ChristalSJ #9
Woah! Nice! I like it! Please update more!~ <3 ^^
mblaqism #10
G.O looks soo hot in the poster haha<br />
really liking your story so far!<br />
waiting for your first chapter :)