Have no fear, Cape Crew is here!

Baek in a Box

With Yixing at his side, Baekhyun couldn’t quite contain his excitement. The Earth could have stopped spinning at that very moment and he would have never had realised. His friends were as noisy as ever, running laps of the lounge room, their shrill laughter echoing down the hallway but Baekhyun didn’t notice.

His eyes fixed on the television screen as he tried his hardest not to blink. From his side, Baekhyun was sure that Yixing was the same. It was something that he had been waiting for all week; a new My Little Pony episode.

The upbeat opening song reached Baekhyun’s ears and he clapped his hands excitedly, bouncing on the spot in time to the music. Yixing giggled happily, swaying from side to side slowly, transfixed.

“Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie!” Baekhyun exclaimed the second his favourite pony appeared on the screen. “Mister Giant, come quick!”

Worried, Chanyeol left his easel in the kitchen and hurried down the hallway, his eyes darting around the lounge room frantically.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned.

The only thing Baekhyun liked more than My Little Pony was Chanyeol (and maybe ice cream), so it was easy for him to justify missing a few seconds of his favourite show. Turning away from the television, Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol, waving at him excitedly.

“It’s Pinkie Pie!” he squealed, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Come watch, come watch!”

Allowing his shoulders to slump in defeat, Chanyeol shook his head. Crossing the room, he sat cross legged behind Baekhyun, scowling at the television screen. What ever happened to the way things used to be? Surely he would have put up more of a fight against watching something like My Little Pony with Baekhyun.

But things change, Chanyeol supposed. And he was sure they had changed for the better.

Baekhyun bounced up to Chanyeol’s side, tugging eagerly on the sleeve of his jumper.

“Who is your favourite pony?” he asked, staring up at Chanyeol eagerly. Chanyeol’s brow furrowed. He didn’t know their names.   

“Uh,” said Chanyeol. “That one.”

Baekhyun’s head whipped in the direction of the screen before he gave the sleeve of Chanyeol’s jumper another sharp tug.

“That’s Fluttershy,” Baekhyun said, his voice serious. “You don’t look like the Fluttershy type.”

Sighing inwardly, he cast his gaze downwards to where Baekhyun stood, his tiny fist still wrapped around the sleeve of Chanyeol’s jumper.

“Then what type do I look like?” he asked. Baekhyun beamed happily.

My type!”





Baekhyun padded down the hallway, his arms tucked behind his back; keeping up with Chanyeol was hard work – for every step he took, Baekhyun had to take about twelve. But Baekhyun didn’t mind. Just getting to be with Chanyeol was more than enough, regardless of the effort it took.

“Mister Giant?” he chirped, concentrating on not tripping over his socks.  “Am I annoying?”

“Only sometimes,” Chanyeol said as he set about, tidying the house. He had read the story of Hansel and Gretel today just before lunch and Zitao and Sehun had taken it upon themselves to leave a trail of potato chip crumbs through the house so that they could ‘find their way back.’

“Sometimes?” Baekhyun asked as he picked up his pace, hurrying along after Chanyeol. “Luhan told me that when you really like somebody, you annoy them.”

“Oh,” said Chanyeol. “Do I annoy you, then?”

Baekhyun nodded cheekily. “Only sometimes,” he mimicked, almost colliding with the back of Chanyeol’s leg when the other came to a halt.

“Do I?” Chanyeol asked. “When do I annoy you?”

Baekhyun scuffed the wooden floor with his toe. He wasn’t expecting that. He had to change the subject.

“Mister Giant?” he began softly. “Would you be sad if I ever went away?”

Chanyeol’s eyebrows rose, disappearing behind his fringe. Was Baekhyun planning on leaving? What was he supposed to do if Baekhyun did go away? Chanyeol didn’t want that to happen. Not ever.

“Of course I would be,” he answered, watching Baekhyun closely. 

“And would you cry if I ever died?”

Where was he getting these ideas from? Chanyeol knelt down, reaching out to Baekhyun who scampered into the palm of his hand. Placing Baekhyun on his shoulder, Chanyeol frowned.

“Of course,” he said slowly. “I would cry a lot.”

Baekhyun smiled at this, nuzzling his face against Chanyeol’s cheek.

“Would you like me if I was big, like you?”

“I like you now.”

Baekhyun felt his heartbeat quicken at these words, his face slowly turning red.

“And would you be mad at me if Pinkie Pie came to live with us?”

Wait, what? Chanyeol resisted the urge to laugh. “Maybe you’re a little more than sometimes annoying.”

“Is that a yes? Fluttershy can come, too!”



Busying himself with the lunch dishes, Chanyeol hummed quietly to himself in the kitchen. He had left the others to their own devices – so long as it did not entail demolishing his house – so that he could get a few things done in the afternoon.

But the house was quiet. Suspiciously so. Chanyeol was certain that they weren’t having a nap but when he had gone into the lounge room, his arms covered in dishwashing detergent bubbles, Jongin had reassured him that they were simply playing hide and seek.

Sure, Chanyeol thought to himself as he headed back into the kitchen. If only they played hide and seek more often – he could finally have some peace and quiet.



“Over here!” Zitao whispered, beckoning his friends towards him furiously. “It’s over here!”

Jongin snorted, folding his arms across his chest. Shooting a sideways glance towards Baekhyun, his lips tugged upwards into a playful smirk. “Don’t get scared, Baek.”

“I won’t!” Baekhyun pouted as he crept closer to Zitao’s side. Baekhyun curled his fists tightly and gritted his teeth. He wasn’t going to get scared. He was brave.

A flash of black scurried past them and Baekhyun let out a small cry of surprise. Doing his best to ignore the teasing jeer from Jongin, Baekhyun started after Zitao’s discovery, following it under the gap between the couch and the carpet.

His friends stood around the base of the couch, waiting anxiously.

“It’s a puppy!” Baekhyun called excitedly from under the couch. It took a few moments before he could crawl out, his hair covered in dust. “There’s a puppy in the house!”

Wiggling out from under the couch, Baekhyun dusted himself off quickly before shooing his friends away from the couch.

“The puppy needs space! It must be scared!” shooting a stern glances to those standing the closest to the couch, Baekhyun squatted down, peering into the darkness under the couch. “Come out and play, puppy! Please?”

Zitao frowned, folding his arms across his chest. “I know what I saw,” he said. “And that wasn’t a puppy.”

“Was so!” Baekhyun defended. It was a puppy! It was fluffy and black.

“Puppies don’t have eight legs, Baek,” Zitao tried to reason. He knew that Baekhyun loved puppies, but this … This was something else.

“Well this one does,” Baekhyun huffed, his eyes narrowed. He turned back to the couch in an attempt to coax it out of the shadows.

“It was a spider, Baekhyun,” Kris said slowly, putting his hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder. “A big one at that. Come away, it’s dangerous.”

Baekhyun’s eyes went wide. Dangerous? Spider? He had never seen a spider before, but if it was dangerous … Baekhyun puffed his chest out proudly. “I’m the leader of Cape Crew,” he said, his gaze still fixed on the couch. “I’m not afraid of a spider!”

Rubbing his eyes, Yixing moved away from the cluster of people surrounding the couch, sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the television.

“It’s dangerous, Baek. Please don’t.”

But if something dangerous was in the house … Baekhyun’s eyes widened.

“We have to protect Mister Giant!”



Shouts drifted down the hallway and into the kitchen and Chanyeol frowned, tossing the damp tea towel over his shoulder. Where did all of this ruckus come from? Did Jongin take the remote from Baekhyun again? This wasn’t going to end well …

Moving quickly down the hallway and into the lounge, Chanyeols canned the room, fully expecting to find the two wrestling for the remote in front of the television. Instead, he saw them scampering around the room, their arms flailing high above their heads; bellowing as loudly as they could.

“What’s going on?” Chanyeol asked sternly and almost immediately, Baekhyun skidded to a halt in front of him.

“Stand back, Mister Giant,” he said, holding up a hand as if to warn Chanyeol not to come any closer. “Cape Crew will protect you!”

“Protect me?” Chanyeol asked, his brows arched. “From what?”

Was this another one of their games? Somebody else was the big, scary monster and he had to be protected?  

“The spider!” Baekhyun squeaked, shooting a nervous glance around the room. He refused to let Chanyeol take a step closer for fear of it attacking him.

(“Baekhyun thought it was a puppy!” Jongin called from across the room as he chased the scuttling, eight legged intruder.)

Chanyeol smiled. “Thanks for trying to protect me, but for something like this, I think you should come and tell me – what if it was a deadly spider?”

Plucking a tissue from the box, Chanyeol stooped down and wrapped up the spider, carrying it to the windowsill. Baekhyun followed after him.

“Mister Giant?” he asked as Chanyeol let the spider outside. “Was I brave?”

“Oh yes,” Chanyeol smiled. “Very brave. I felt so safe with the Cape Crew here to protect me.”

Baekhyun beamed proudly. “Really?”

Turning to his friends, Baekhyun nodded, readjusting the cape around his neck.

“As long as Cape Crew is around, Mister Giant, we will always protect you!”

Nami-is-here-friends wanted to see a ninja spider~
(I hope nobody has arachnophobia... ) 
And Yong-seob wanted more Baekyeol and Yixing. 
Thank you for your collective ideas,
they really helped shape this chapter.


(I didn't really want to go into depths with the spider thing
due to a lot of people having a phobia of them.
Several of my friends, for example.)

Updating as much as possible during my Uni's mid-semester break.
(Which is during week nine/ten? Sure. MID semester.
*has three weeks left of Uni for the year*)


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[Baek in a Box] Guys, please DO NOT translate this. It was a gift for a friend... I don't want to have to take this fic down.


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Chapter 1: 1st chapitre, I love it already 😍
Chapter 15: Even though this is VERY late, I have to say that I feel special that, when you had time off that you could do ANYTHING you wanted to relax and just be rested and happy, you chose to write for us. Thank you. This is SUCH a great fic and I am really looking forward to reading BTTB!!
Chapter 8: I had to laff at the end.......he drew on the wall....kekekekekekekekeke
1105 streak #5
Chapter 1: "Mister chanyeol giant? " asgdysdgd why is he so cute!
1105 streak #6
i remember reading this box of fluff ages ago. here to read this again!
Chapter 4: This is so cuuuuteeee ♡♡♡♡ Since Baek is also a smol bean irl, its not really hard to imagine this story!!
Chapter 23: oof i loved this so much! I ended up sleeping at like 3:30am last night coz i just couldn't stop reading this~ (also my fault for starting it at like 1-something AM xD)
Chapter 1: oh my god! this is so cute! mini-baek!!! <3