Baek the Bear and the Great Picnic Scare

Baek in a Box



Rubbing his eyes, Chanyeol pushed himself into a sitting position. The room was pitch black; he could barely see his hands, despite them being only a few centimeters away. From across the bedroom, he heard the gentle snores of the nine tiny beings, sound asleep in their bed box.

Dropping his gaze, Chanyeol could just make out the silhouette of Baekhyun, lying spread-eagled on his back, snoring contentedly. In his slumber, Baekhyun’s cape had twisted around, wrapping comfortably around his arms and legs like a cocoon.

Furrowing his brows, Chanyeol stared down at the sleeping Baekhyun. Strange, he thought. He could have sworn that Baekhyun had kissed him. Chanyeol shook his head warily, stifling a yawn. Baekhyun was in much too deep of a sleep to have kissed him.

A dream. Chanyeol must have dreamt that Baekhyun kissed him. Lying back down once more, Chanyeol closed his eyes once more. What a strange thing to dream about.

The corners of Baekhyun’s lips tugged upwards into a small smile as he waited until he knew that Chanyeol was asleep once more. He had fallen for Baekhyun’s plan. Readjusting his cape (he hadn’t planned on it tangling so much when he dove under the blankets to feign sleep), Baekhyun stared up at the ceiling.

His date with Chanyeol had gone wonderfully. At least, for the most part, Baekhyun enjoyed himself. But he couldn’t help but think that Chanyeol didn’t. Was it because he was worried about leaving the others behind? Or maybe it was because Chanyeol was uneasy about having him sitting out in the open?

If that was the case, then the next date they went on would have to be in a secluded area and – Baekhyun shuddered at the thought – everyone else would have to come along, too. So he would have to share Chanyeol’s attention with nine others.

They would have to be distracted … Only then could Baekhyun spend time with his Mister Giant.

But where would they go for their next date? Baekhyun had to plan.

A piercing howl cut through the stillness of the night and Baekhyun whimpered quietly, drawing the blankets up to his nose. It sounded like it was coming from outside and that was too close for Baekhyun’s liking. He lay as still as possible, listening to the howling – it didn’t seem to wake anybody else. Perhaps he was dreaming?

Another howl drifted into the darkened bedroom and Baekhyun let out a tiny squeak, burying his face into Chanyeol.

Jongin had told him about a movie he watched once with a wolf – a werewolf. Was there a werewolf outside? There had to be!

Another whimper escaped Baekhyun’s lips and he pinched his eyes shut tightly. The date planning would have to wait – if they survived that was.

As terrified as Baekhyun was, he knew that if it came down to it, he would protect his Mister Giant from the werewolf.

That thought alone was enough to calm him and slowly, Baekhyun drifted off to sleep, snuggled into Chanyeol’s side – dreaming of being his knight in shining armour (and cape).



“A picnic?” Chanyeol had asked over breakfast and Baekhyun nodded eagerly, far too excited to even consider eating.

“Yes!” he exclaimed. “They only have a few days left here before Mister Joonmyeon comes to collect them, and they’ve not once left the house!”

Chanyeol tapped his chin thoughtfully, chewing his peanut butter toast slowly. Baekhyun was right, they really hadn’t done anything but be cooped up indoors for most of the week. What if they told Joonmyeon that he hadn’t taken them anywhere?

“A picnic it is,” Chanyeol replied after a few moments of contemplation. “Since it was your idea, Baek, why don’t you help me put together the food?”

At this, Baekhyun’s eyes lit up. Yes, yes, yes! His plan – everything was falling into place!

“Um,” Baekhyun began, thinking long and hard. “Strawberries!”

That would be the only thing he would want to bring along to a picnic. Everybody loves strawberries.

“Of course,” Chanyeol chuckled, breaking off the corner of his toast and passing it across the table. Baekhyun took the crumb, nibbling on it happily. “There will be an entire punnet – maybe even two.”

Baekhyun wriggled in excitement. But there couldn’t just be strawberries at a picnic. He had to think of other things, too.

“Erm,” said Baekhyun. “Cupcakes! Do you like cupcakes, Mister Giant?”

Chanyeol nodded. “Sure. I like the icing best. Anything else you’d like at the picnic, Baek?”

Baekhyun’s brow furrowed as he lapsed deep into thought once more. “Toast!” he said happily. “Mister Giant’s toast was delicious!”

With a shake of his head, Chanyeol smiled. “Toast it is. I’ll get everything ready now, can you tell everyone to get ready?”

Baekhyun nodded; everyone else had long finished breakfast and were now playing in the lounge room.

“Okay!” Excitement bubbled within as Baekhyun hopped from one foot to the other.  

Before he had the chance to clamber down the side of the table, Chanyeol scooped him up with ease.

“Before you go,” he said, fishing around inside his pocket. “I saw this when I was out the other day. The lady at the check out thought it was strange that I was buying dolls clothes, but I thought it would suit you.”

Baekhyun extended his hands, making a grab for the fleecy brown fabric. A teddy bear jumper! A bright smile lit up Baekhyun’s face as he nuzzled the jumper to his face.

“Thank you, Mister Giant!”

“You’re welcome, Baek Bear.”



It was considerably warmer that afternoon than it had been for the past week; the sun, although hidden behind clouds for most of the day still carried heat. Chanyeol had selected a field in the countryside for their picnic – a forty minute drive out of the city. It was secluded and he was certain that they (Zitao at the very least) had enjoyed the car ride much more than being outside.

With their faces smothered in either peanut butter or cupcake frosting, they ran about happily through the grass, their heads only managing to skim above the tall blades.

Chanyeol sat with his back resting against the tree, a book in his hands, watching with interest as they played. Luhan had plucked himself a daisy and was using it as an umbrella in an attempt to shield the sun from himself and Minseok, who was shielding the glare from his eyes.

Jongdae rolled his eyes, plucking the daisy bud from the stem and placing it atop his head. It didn’t take a genius to know that hats were not only more stylish, but also more practical. The fashion statement of the year.

Closer to the tree, Jongin folded his arms together in a huff. Around his feet lay dozens of daises he had plucked, and shortly after discarded.

“They’re too big to make you a flower crown, Soo!” he pouted. “I tried!”

From his side, Kyungsoo wrapped an arm around Jongin’s shoulder and offered him a warm smile. “We can make crowns out of the grass!” he suggested. “That way, we can both have one!”

With his cape firmly secured atop his new teddy bear hoodie, Baekhyun leant forward, reaching for a second strawberry.

“You know, Baek,” Chanyeol warned. “If you eat too many, you’ll turn into a strawberry yourself.”

From the corner of his eye, Chanyeol held back a chuckle upon seeing the fearful look that flashed across Baekhyun’s face.

Quickly composing himself, Baekhyun snorted, taking the biggest bite of the strawberry that he could muster.

“That’s silly,” he said. “Mister Giant, you’re funny.”

Finishing his second strawberry, Baekhyun patted his tummy contentedly. With all of that sun, it looked nice to play in the grass with his friends. He was sure that Chanyeol wouldn’t mind.

“Ah,” he said, struggling to his feet. “I’m so full.”

“You should probably wait a little while before you go play,” Chanyeol said as he opened up his book, flicking through it to where he had bookmarked his page. “You’ll get a stomach ache if you don’t wait for your tummy to settle.”

Baekhyun pouted, sitting cross legged next to Chanyeol. Quietly he waited, until he was certain that Chanyeol was reading before he crept away, disappearing into the grass. All around him, his friends played happily. A bright smile spread across Baekyun’s face. Today was perfect.




A startled cry escaped Baekhyun’s lips, his eyes filling with tears. Quickly, Chanyeol’s head shot up from his book and he glanced down to where Baekhyun last sat; he was nowhere to be seen.

“Baekhyun?” he called, placing the book on the ground and straightening himself up.

A quiet sniff from a nearby patch of grass caught Chanyeol’s attention and he turned to face it.

“Baekhyun?” he called again. “Is everything okay?”

With his head hung low, Baekhyun trudged out of the grass. He couldn’t meet Chanyeol’s eye, he couldn’t. Baekhyun had never felt so frightened before; Mister Giant was going to hate him now, he was sure of it.

Lifting the sleeve of his teddy bear jumper to his face, Baekhyun wiped away the tears that ran down his cheeks.

“M-mister Giant,” he sniffed, his voice slowly growing more frantic. “I … Please help me!”

“Help you?” Chanyeol asked in surprise. “Baekhyun, look at me! What’s wrong?”

Slowly, reluctantly, Baekhyun lifted his head; his face was blotchy, swollen and red, his eyes puffy from crying.

“I don't want to be a strawberry!” he squeaked, fearfully. “I'm turning into one, just like you said! I ate too many and now I’m turning into one! Please help me!”

Chanyeol took one look at Baekhyun’s blotchy red face and arms and immediately, was torn between amusement and concern.

“Am I dying?” Baekhyun squeaked. “If I turn into a strawberry, please don’t eat me!”

Dropping his shoulders, Chanyeol scooped Baekhyun up in the palm of his hand.

“You’re not turning into a strawberry, Baekhyun,” he said gently. “You’re just having an allergic reaction to the flowers.”

Placing Baekhyun on his shoulder, he began to pack up the picnic. Embarrassed and ashamed, Baekhyun tried his hardest to cover his face.

“Let’s get you home and cleaned up, okay?”

Baekhyun nodded. “Okay!”



That title.
Such poet.
Much rhyme.

A big thank you to emchan for this chapters plot ideas~
Baek is our little strawberry.

So, B1A4 have their Road Trip tour right now ...
They're performing in Melbourne tonight.
And I'm just sitting at home like a potato.

Kira, you'll tell me all about the concert, right?



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[Baek in a Box] Guys, please DO NOT translate this. It was a gift for a friend... I don't want to have to take this fic down.


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Chapter 1: 1st chapitre, I love it already 😍
Chapter 15: Even though this is VERY late, I have to say that I feel special that, when you had time off that you could do ANYTHING you wanted to relax and just be rested and happy, you chose to write for us. Thank you. This is SUCH a great fic and I am really looking forward to reading BTTB!!
Chapter 8: I had to laff at the end.......he drew on the wall....kekekekekekekekeke
1103 streak #5
Chapter 1: "Mister chanyeol giant? " asgdysdgd why is he so cute!
1103 streak #6
i remember reading this box of fluff ages ago. here to read this again!
Chapter 4: This is so cuuuuteeee ♡♡♡♡ Since Baek is also a smol bean irl, its not really hard to imagine this story!!
Chapter 23: oof i loved this so much! I ended up sleeping at like 3:30am last night coz i just couldn't stop reading this~ (also my fault for starting it at like 1-something AM xD)
Chapter 1: oh my god! this is so cute! mini-baek!!! <3