Meeting Kai

Coincidental Love

Hae Rin's P.O.V

The mysterious boy took a tight hold of my wrist and dragged me to a secluded alleyway. We were both huffing and struggling to catch a hold of our breath. I was very confused... why were teenage girls chasing after him? Was he a playboy perhaps?  

As we were both catching our breath, I took a good look at the boy. He was very tall, and had a very masculine jaw that was glistening with sweat, and his eyes were very sharp but looked very tired, underlined by dark circles.

'Um... who are you exactly?' I asked.

'I... I'm sorry about all this commotion. It's just that, I can't afford to be caught with a woman right now.'

'May I ask why?'

'You mean, you seriously don't know me? I mean... I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I'm Kai from EXO. You don't know us?'

'Yeah... I don't. Sorry.'

'*chuckle* It's alright. I'm just glad you're not hear ripping my clothes apart like what some of my fans do.Anyways, I'm really sorry about this whole situation. I'll walk you back to your house if you like.'

'Oh no. That's alright. I'm fine thanks.'

'Are you sure? I really don't mind and besides, I think I owe you a favor for saving me from those crazy fans.'

'Alright then. By the way, I'm Hae Rin.'

'It's nice to meet you Hae-RIn.'

Kai's P.O.V

As we walked towards Hae-Rin's house, I was amazed by her personality. Not only was she very beautiful, but she was incredibly humble and polite. She didn't seem intimidated by my appearance, and she showed no signs of pretence that I saw so often in my fans. Being who I am, Kai of EXO, I had fans flocking to see me, and often, a lot of them would act sweet in front of me, but as soon as they were with their friends, they turned into obnoxious monsters. But this Hae-Rin girl.... she was very intriguing and she had that gentle vibe around her, and although she appeared chic, she was a complete softie at heart.

'So... how is life as an idol?' she asked.

'Well. It has been my dream to beome an idol since I was in elementary school. So, to be living my dream right now is pretty awesome, but sometimes, the pressure and the hectic schedule really bothers me. I also don't have much privacy.'

'Well that's a pity. So the behind story is not as glamorous as seen on TV?'

'Yeah, pretty much. In fact, I practically live on two hours of sleep a day.'

'Haha. That's explains your dark circles, but that's no good. You should sleep at least six hours a day.' Hae-Rin pouted.

That look of sincere concern and genuine displeasure was so very cute. She really wasn't self-conscious in front of me and I like that. There was no fake facade, or pretence.

*~Girl, I can't explain what I feel. OOOOOOoohhhhhhhhh~~~wwwoooowwwooowwww My baby baby baby baby~ Yeah Yeah~*

My phone began to rang, and I hastily answered it.

'Yah! Kai! Come back to our dorm. We ordered chicken ! Unless you want to miss out, you better hurry your up here.' D.O was shouting at me to hurry up. Typical hyung.

'Alright D.O, I'll be there. Just give me 15 minutes.'

'Do you have to go?' Hae Rin asked.

'Yeah, but I can still take you back to your house.'

'Oh, don't worry about me!' She stretched her arms out and waved her hands, signalling me to not worry. Her politeness was really quite attractive.

'I'm a gentleman, so let me do the honour of taking you back.'

She smirked in response and giggled.

'By the way, that was a nice ringtone you had there earlier. Though I must say, the lyrics were really cheesy.' She started flailng her arms around and making a face.

'Hey! It's one of our songs. Don't insult it' I snided jokingly

'But.... do you understand English?' I asked

'You see... I just came from the U.S. I was born there and lived there my whole life so yeah, I'm fluent in English.'

'Damn. I envy you. I want to live in the U.S, speak English fluently and meet Usher and Ne-Yo'

'*chuckle* You'll never seem them in your life' she joked

'Yah! get over here!' she began running away and so I chased her. We ended up running all the way to her house.

'Well. This is my stop. Thank you Kai for dropping me off. It was nice meeting you.'

Haerin's P.O.V

As I was saying good-bye, Kai appeared to be hesitant about something. He kept on awkwardly ruffling the back of his head, stretching his neck and rubbing his hands together.

'Um... I don't usually do this, but, can I get your number? You know.... j-just to hang out again sometime to thank you for what you did earlier. Y-you don't have to if you don't want to' Kai said

'Well, I feel very honoured. But I'm really sorry, I don't have a phone yet.'

'Oh...' Kai's face immediately turned to one of disappointment, but he soon recovered with a smile.

'That's a pity... Well I hope to see you again Hae-Rin.' Kai said.

To be continued...


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