Makeover and Accidental Confession

Your sister


Jessica is patiently waiting for Yuri at the mall. They agreed to meet each other at 10 but then it seems that Yuri would be late.


She looked at her watch and checked the time. She’s 2 minutes late! If I were like Tiff who is strict at time, she better prepare her ears.


“Gorjess!” She looked at her left side seeing Yuri waving at her like an idiot. Yuri’s fashion stands out amongst the crowd, not because it’s stylish. But rather because it is really lame. Who would even bother to wear a jumper at a public place? And it’s loose which makes it look lamer. Another one is the shirt, who would bother to wear a rainbow colored shirt? And it’s neon.


Poor eyes of Jessica who always have a great sense in fashion.


“What the hell!? What kind of clothes are those!?” Jessica accusingly asked.


“My brother’s old clothes.” Yuri grinned and looked at Jessica. “Wow! You’re really gorjess on that clothes. They’re different from what you wear at school.” She complemented.


“Of course they’re different. At school I only wear simple ones unlike when I go out with my sister of friends. And stop calling me gorjess.” Jessica crossed her arms and blew air out of her nose.


“Wae? Don’t you like it?” Yuri pouts. “It sounds like goddess too. Or maybe you want the nickname goddess more than gorjess?”


“Just call me by my name!” She snaps.


Yuri got startled but then smiles again. “Okay, Sica.”


Jessica raised an eyebrow at her. “What? I just removed the ‘jes’ on your name but it’s still yours.” Yuri explained.


Jessica shook her head and let Yuri be. She left the girl at the entrance. Yuri hurriedly followed and manages to catch up.


“Say, Sica is okay for you?” She excitedly asks.


“Well, it’s better than goddess or gorjess. ” Jessica shrugs and whispers on Yuri’s ear. “It’ too embarrassing when you call me those names in public.” She giggled and fastened her pace, leaving the tanned girl whose expression seemed to be in the state of shock.


Jessica’s sweet voice tickles her ears, her soft hair sends electricity through her body as it made contact with her face and her aroma lingers through her nose.  Sheez, I’ve fallen already. She face palmed herself preventing other people to see her red face.


As for Jessica...


What did I just do!?!  She thought to herself, fanning her face. Gosh, since when did it became hot inside the mall?


She searched for her companion and ended up looking at her back. She saw Yuri standing with her palms on her face, remaining still. “Yuri-ah!”


“N-ne!” Yuri got startled and immediately ran to her side. “Sorry, I spaced out.”




“Oww..” Yuri moved a few steps away from Jessica as she rubs her reddened shoulder.


“Spacing out is my job.” Jessica glares.


Yuri chuckles at Jessica’s immature act and patted her head. “Yes, yes, it’s all yours.”


“Yah.” Jessica whined, swatting Yuri’s hand.




“Let’s stop this and go shop for your clothes.” Jessica pulled Yuri by the wrist leading her to one of Jessica’s favourite shops.


“But I still have clothes!”


“You need better clothes.”




“No more buts!”


“Y-yes ma’am.” Yuri got no choice but to duck her head while being dragged.


Jessica instantly became hyper when they had entered the shop, even greeting the staffs in an energetic way.


“You’re regular here?” Yuri curiously asks.


“Yep.” She answered and started picking clothes and giving them to Yuri after a few minutes of finding the right ones.


“Here, go change into those, let’s see if they’ll look good on you.”


“Why do I need to?”


“Coz’ you need to look good in front of Krys.” Jessica reasoned and then turned to sit at an empty bench inside the store. She felt dried up when she had mentioned her sister’s name but she didn’t paid too much attention to it, thinking that she is just thirsty.


Why not in front of you instead?  Yuri thought  while changing her clothes in the fitting room.


Every clothe change that Yuri does Jessica would be there to judge if it looks good or not. So far, Jessica had accepted a quarter of their choices. The remaining ¼? Rejected. Why? Blame Yuri’s poor fashion sense.


Jessica paid for the clothes that they had chosen. Yuri told her that she would pay her back but Jessica refused and told her to keep on making improvements on her confession and continue to help her in her studies instead.


“Here. Wear this. We catch too much attention with your neon shirt.” Jessica gets a white shirt, black pants and a jean jacket and passed it on to Yuri. “After you change, we’ll go to the salon.”


Yuri nodded and changed her clothes. She folded her used clothes properly before  going out the fitting room. But before she goes, she stares at her reflection and smiles. “It did look good on me.”


She went out and waved at Jessica. “Let’s go?”


“Sure.” Jessica answered and lead the way once again.


When they entered the salon the staffs greeted Jessica and bowed at her. “Don’t tell me you’re also a regular here.” Yuri whispered from behind.


Jessica’s body stiffened when she felt Yuri’s face near her and the latter’s front were nearly touching her back. She calmed herself before answering.  “Kinda, the owner is a my auntie.”


“Oh. Rich kid.” Yuri’s husky voice echoed through her ears.


“Miss Jung! Nice to see you again!” a staff with colourful hair greeted.


“Oh! Nice to see you too, Hyoyeon-ah! volunteer again?”


“Yep! It’s boring at home when there’s nothing to do. So how may I help you?”


“My friend here...” She pulled Yuri and placed her beside her. “... needs a makeover. I want you to lessen this mess.” Her fingers ran through Yuri’s messy hair. “And colour it auburn. I know you know how to do the trick.”


“No problem!” Hyoyeon salutes, pulling Yuri on an empty chair and started her work.


Jessica sat at the waiting area and picks up some fashion magazine to kill time.


3 hours later...


Jessica’s stomach is already grumbling causing her to stop reading. She looked at her watch to check the time. “Oh, nearly past one o’clock.”


“Jajjang!” She heard Hyoyeon exclaimed. She stood up to see what Hyoyeon did and got surprised by Yuri’s sudden transformation.


“She turned from geek to cool girl.” Hyoyeon proudly showed Yuri who is also shocked on her own.


Who would have thought that Yuri is actually good looking? Jessica thought as she continues to examine the girl’s features.


“How do I look?” Yuri asks.


“...” Jessica remained silent.


“Whoa! Am I that good looking that you’re falling for me already?” She joked.


“In your face.” Jessica snaps back to reality and answered. She went to Hyoyeon and gave her payment to the girl.


“See ya’ on other times!” Hyoyeon said.


“See ya’!” Jessica waved back.


“Hey! How do I look???” Yuri continues to bug Jessica.






No response.




Still no response.








Jessica didn’t bother to pay attention.


Yuri pouted when Jessica didn’t answer . Her patience is slowly lessening. She stopped walking but still Jessica didn’t bother. She took a deep breath and prepared her last resort.“Yah, Sica-jagiya!” She shouted, not caring if many people hear her.


Jessica stopped and turned to Yuri, immediately covering the latter’s mouth and pulling her to the farthest destination they could get. When they had reached the place, Jessica instantly smacked Yuri’s head. “Pabo!”


Yuri rubbed her head and furrowed her eye brows while pouting. “But you didn’t answer any of my questions.”


“Okay, fine! You look good on that hair style! Happy now!?” Jessica shouts in frustration


“Nope. You haven’t answered my first question properly.”


“Arghh!” She groans. “Okay! You’re too good looking, that I think I’m falling for you! Is that what you want!?!” She immediately clamped her hands on . !


Yuri’s mouth hangs open  at Jessica’s sudden confession.


“I-I think I need to go. Bye!” Jessica ran away from Yuri, leaving some of the shopping bags


Yuri who is in daze snapped back, grabbed the shopping bags and ran after Jessica. The hell!? I thought she said she doesn’t run!?!


Yuri didn’t manage to catch up with the latter and gave up, leaning against the wall for support. What a fast runner. She thought while panting hard. Falling for me? Does she mean it?







To see Jessica's clothes go here:

As for Yuri's new look:

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Chapter 1: Jaja, cambio de planes Huston
Chapter 7: Love it!!!! Keep writing another yulsic story authornim!! See ya
multisonicfan123 #3
Chapter 8: Aww I just read all of it. GeekYul is so kyoot
Chapter 8: can't wait for the epilogue

update sooooooooon~
kwonchatiz1186 #5
Chapter 8: Update soon please....
Chapter 8: Please update soon
lei0606 #7
Chapter 7: Nice yulsic story ...
marielsoshi9 #8
Chapter 7: This story is very very cuteee
please update this..