Chapter 4

We Are a Team

  Everything seemed to move in slow motion the moment Jun Jin's foot had just slipped past Andy as he continued towards the goal. Although it was normal for Jun Jin to grin, there was a new glint in his eyes like no one had seen in them before.

  As Eric prepared to stop Jun Jin, Andy finally came back to his senses as Hyesung started yelling again and turned to follow after him as they both chased Jun Jin.

  "Eric! Make sure you stop him!" Hyesung yelled as Eric stood there, analyzing which direction Jun Jin was going to head. The younger just kept running straight though, not giving any hint as to which way he was going to take towards the goal. A few seconds later, Hyesung and Andy were coming up behind him, but they were nowhere near close enough to get the ball from his feet.

  Soon he was almost right in front of the goal, Eric prepared to stop it, determined that Jun Jin was just going to kick it straight forward.

  Andy watched Jun Jin as he lifted his left leg and prepared to kick the ball. He too thought that the boy was going to kick it straight but suddenly noticed the slight tilt in Jun Jin's foot, showing that he was going to kick it to the left. Before he could even yell to Eric though, Jun Jin's foot connected with the ball.

  All over the field, a loud 'smack' resounded as the ball was propelled forward and to the left of the goal.

  Everything seemed to move in slow motion again as Eric jumped in the air to stop the ball. It moved faster than any ball he had tried to catch before though and skimmed just over his head as he landed on the ground, the ball hitting the back of the net before falling and rolling away.

  Everyone stood there stunned, including Jun Jin who returned back to normal and watched as the ball rolled to the edge of the goal after he had kicked it in. Eric slowly got up from the, Minwoo and Dongwan stopped fighting and looked with surprised expressions, Hyesung looked close to ripping his precious hair out, and Andy, well Andy looked like he was both furiously pissed but astounded at the same time.

  "Waah." a sudden voice spoke up, and it belonged to Minwoo who had now a huge grin on his face as he looked to Jun Jin, Jun Jin looking back at him. "I didn't know you could kick like that Jin!" he yelled excitedly and ran over the taller boy, hugging him tightly. 

  Jun Jin (who was now back to normal) smiled like he had just gotten the only present he wanted for Christmas and laughed, hugging Minwoo back. To be honest, he was just as surprised as the rest, probably even more considering he hadn't kicked like that in years. Not to mention it was with his left leg instead of his right leg. Either way, it was still a good kick, but not his greatest.

  "Minnie! I wanna hug him too!" Dongwan yelled as he ran over and hugged Jun Jin from the other side, leaving everyone else on the field to look at each other, trying to make sense of what happened.

  Later that day the word had spread that the transfer student had made a goal. Surely it wouldn't be that big, except for the fact that the one guarding the goal had been Eric.

  Through the rest of his hours Jun Jin pretended to sleep whenever people came up to his desk to ask what happened since he still wasn't very comfortable with people. Hyesung kept getting after Eric to which Eric actually ignored him for the first time Jun Jin had seen. he wanted to apologize but he felt like that would make everything worse. Besides, Minwoo had told him Eric would back to normal tomorrow.

  It seemed that Minwoo and Dongwan were the only happy ones from the little group. It also seemed like they were planning something from the way they kept whispering to each other and looking his way.

  Shrugging it off, Jun Jin tried not to focus on it too much. This time he didn't even bother thinking about Andy even, as the younger had avoided him ever since the game had ended. Was he embarrassed? Was he angry? Jun Jin didn't know but he didn't want to ask either. He knew he's just be bothering the other and probably make things even worse than they already were before the game.

  Soon the day was over and Jun Jin said goodbye to those who bothered to talk to him before walking home.

  "Umma!" he yelled happily as he walked into the house and smiled as he watched her head peek out from the kitchen.

  "Jinnie baby~" she cooed and hugged him, careful not to dirty his uniform with the spatula in her hand. Taking his shoes off as she walked back into the kitchen he notices the air smelled sweet.

  "Guess what umma!" he said excitedly as he walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. 

  "Yes dear?" she asked with a smile on her face as she continued stirring the batter in the bowl in front of her.

  "I tried out for soccer today," he said and she looked behind her to see him. "And I got in!"

  "You did?" she asked excitedly, leaving the spatula in bowl as she turned around with a proud face and hugged him tightly. "I knew you could do it. This is going to be great. You can play just like you used to."

  Jun Jin nodded as he hugged her back tightly and smiled.

  "Now go wash up." she started as she pulled away from the hug. "Dinner will be ready soon." With that she turned back around to finish what she was cooking and Jun Jin left the kitchen to go the bathroom.

  He walked up the stairs, past the pictures of his mother, father, brother, and him before turning to the left in the hallway and turning the light on in the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he smiled to himself before looking down into the sink and pumping some soap into his hands, turning the water on and washing them before drying them off. After he turned the water off, he looked back up into the mirror and checked his face to make sure there wasn't any dirt on it before nodding to himself and smiling again.

  "Dinner's ready!" his mom yelled up the stairs and he grinned, turning off the light and rushing down the stairs. "It's your favorite." she said softly and smiled as he sat across from her at the table.

  "Thank you umma!" he exclaimed happily and prayed before digging into his food.

  Jun Jin once again found himself being the center of attention at school and he tried to ignore it like yesterday, but to no avail. It would have been much easier if Minwoo and Dongwan weren't hanging onto him 24/7 in between classes (which was really the only time he saw them besides lunch since they were in different years).

  "Jinnie-ah. Make sure to sit with us today, alright?" Minwoo asked just as second hour had ended. Jun Jin raised a brow and turned to look at Dongwan who only grinned and nodded, giving a thumbs up to him.

  "Neh Minwoo hyung." he said and smiled as the shorter male jumped happily and hugged him tightly.

  "Make sure to be there!" he yelled before Dongwan grabbed him around the waist and started dragging him to class.

  "We'll be late if we don't leave now so by Jinnie!" Dongwan yelled as he dragged a kicking and whining Minwoo down the hallway towards their classroom. Jun Jin just laughed and nodded, waving goodbye before heading off to his class.

  After both third and fourth hour had ended it was time for lunch, and Jun Jin clearly remembered what Minwoo had told him. Sighing and shaking his head, he put his things away and grabbed his lunch bag, not really wanting to go. Not because he didn't like them! God no, he loved them all, even if it was quite a drastic thing to say. He just didn't want to bother them, or really, one person in particular. He had agreed though, so he had to go.

  Shutting his locker he made his way to the lunch room and walked inside, immediately seeing Minwoo look up once Dongwan alerted him and waved excitedly. Waving back and smiling, Jun Jin walked over and sat down next to Minwoo, Dongwan moving to sit on his other side so he was sandwiched between them.

  "Jinnie!" Minwoo yelled again and hugged him tightly, squishing his cheek against the younger's shoulder. "We have something important to tell you when the rest of them get here."

  As if on cue, both Hyesung and Eric entered the cafeteria. Sure enough like Minwoo had said, Eric was back to normal and happily trailing along behind the Little Prince (which Jun Jin secretly called him).

  "Hi Jun Jin." Hyesung greeted happily as he sat down, Eric sitting next to him again. The older was shoved away though (again) as Hyesung gave an angelic smile and sat innocently, Eric whining beside him as he got back up. Once he realized all who was there, Jun Jin began to get a little anxious but hid it quite well. All that was left was Andy. He started eating his sandwich as they waited before Dongwan exclaimed something about Andy entering the cafeteria, almost making Jun Jin choke on his food at the sudden outburst.

  "Why is here?" Andy asked as he sighed loudly and almost slammed his tray down next to Hyesung. "Again?" he added, glaring at both Minwoo and Dongwan who had invited him.

  "Don't you remember our discussion Andy-ah?" Minwoo asked, pouting as he hung onto Jun Jin like a koala. Andy's eyes narrowed as he ripped his plastic fork out of it's wrapper, eyes glinting dangerously as he stabbed the utensil into his food.

  "Oh, that one." he spoke in a vague tone before looking down at his plate and starting to eat.

  "What are you talking about hyung?" Jun Jin asked as he looked to his right towards Minwoo.

  "Right! We still have to tell you Jin-ah!" Dongwan said on his left and grinned. Hyesung and Eric also grinned as well, though Hyesung pretended not to show it, and Eric just outright smiled like sunshine.

  "Well, what is it?" Jun Jin asked again as he set his food down.

  "We want you to join Shinhwa."


+ Dun, dun, DUN!!! So that happened. ._. Pretty anti-climactic. XD A serious discussion about Jin joining a soccer thing but oh well. lol I hope this chatper isn't crappy. And the story will get better! >.< Promise! But there you go. Hope you enjoyed it! Comments and subscribers boost my self esteem very much! *bricked*

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Hi guys. *waves* It's been awhile. A long while actually. I think I've finally gotten my muse back though so I intend to write Shinhwa fics galore. ^-^


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scrippsydoodle #1
Chapter 6: YAY! Shinhwa + football! Two things I like!!
Junjin's with Shinhwa, he did really good scoring that goal! Why does Andy hate him even? lol
I love to read more! Looking forward to the updates :D
Chapter 6: why it seems Andy doesn't like Junjin?? T.T
Chapter 6: Woahh junjin got invited to join Shinhwa team!! Great! Junjin will be love it... right? XD

Update soon :)
Chapter 3: I feel bad towards Junjin... My baby bird~~~ *hugs tight* ;_;
MMM123 #5
Woodong is so cute here. I like how Minwoo acts so friendly to everyone.
Author-nim fighting!!
Chapter 3: I wonder why Andy looks really cold and like hating Junjin /sigh.. poor Junjin, he must doesn't feel good joining others when Andy keep acts like that to him...

Update soon :)
Chapter 1: It looks interesting.... update soon^^
Chapter 1: This is interesting.. I like the introduction.. Will be waiting for your update~