What is Oh Sehun Actually?


What is Oh Sehun Actually?


[ One summer day, in EXO’s dorm ]

Sehun: Who want to join me hangout at the cafe and drink bubble tea right now?

Kai & Tao: Me! Me!!

Baekhyun: Take me along, Sehunnie~

Sehun: Ohorat! Let's go!

Suho: Kids, bring back one iced Americano for me~

Chen: Me too~

Kai: Okay hyung!

Baekhyun: Suho hyung, card! Card!

Suho take out his credit card and Tao steals the card away before Baekhyun could take it.

Baekhyun: Kkaebsong~

Tao giggles and hands the card over to Baekhyun.


[ On their way to the cafe (they are walking) ]

Tao: Hunnie, walk beside me *grabs Sehun's arm*

*Kai pulls Sehun's arm away from Tao*

Kai: No.. you can't  do that Tao-ya..

Tao: Hyung! Hyunggg!! Tao hyung! *pouting his mouth* I am your hyung, kai-ya!

Kai: Okay.. Hyunggg.. Tao..

Tao: Yaaa!! Talk properly, jeballl (please)

Kai had a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

Baekhyun see the opportunity, in a flash, he grabs Sehun's waist and walk side by side in front while Kai and Tao were left behind.

Baekhyun: Sehun-ah, it's nice to walk with me like this, right?

Sehun: It's.. pretty nice.. I guess *puff his cheeks*

*Baekhyun took Sehun's hand in a firm clasp*

Sehun: * turning red* What's with you today? * pretend to look chic*

Baekhyun: It's been a long time, right?

Sehun: I kno...

Out of the blue, Tao hugged Sehun from behind

Baekhyun: What the??!  I'm shocked!

Kai: Baek hyung, look at Tao, he keeps on sticking with Sehunnie!

Baekhyun: Now that you mentioned it.. Let's do like this.

Baekhyun took Tao and push him to Kai forcefully. He grabs Sehun's arm.

Kai & Tao: This is not it!

Baekhyun & Sehun: Why??!

Tao: Sehun-ah!

Kai: How could you Oh Se..

Baekhyun: Arrived!! Let's go inside!

Kai & Tao sighed and follow them inside the café.


[Inside the café]

Baekhyun & Tao order drinks at the counter, Kai & Sehun take a sit.

Sehun: Kai-yaa~

Kai: Pffttt~ *looks at his phone*

Sehun: Kakkungg! *Sehun zoomed in his face to Kai*

Kai couldn't stand Sehun's (cuteness??) silliness and push Sehun's face away while showing his bright smile. Suddenly, someone hugged Sehun's neck. Both Kai & Sehun turned their head.

Sehun & Kai: Lu-ge!!

Luhan: Yo yo yo, baby, Mr. Lu in the cafe *stick his cheeck with Sehun's*

Baekhyun: Look what do we have here~ Hey Luhennn~ (said Luhan's name in English pronunciation)

Tao sit beside Sehun quickly, Luhan saw and push Tao away, Baekhyun saw and shove his to the empty chair beside Sehun as fast as lightning.

Luhan & Tao: What the??! (while looking at Baek's action).

Sehun has Kai on his right side and Baekhyun on his left side. Tao & Luhan sit in front of them.

Tao: Why did all of you trying to get Sehun all by yourself? Give him some space.. to be with me.. *giggling*

Kai: This one, how could he said that...

Luhan smack Tao’s backside, Tao spit out of shock and Baekhyun laughing hysterically because Tao’s saliva is on Sehun’s face. Kai clapping like a seal.

All of them except Sehun & Tao: Tao failed!!

Baekhyun wipes Sehun’s face.

Tao: What?? It’s an accident! Sehun-ya, Luhan hyung..

Luhan: End!!

Baekhyun: YEHET!

Sehun had a puzzled look on his face. Throughout his life, he never expect that he will get someone’s saliva on his face.

Kai: *laughing* looks like only the three of us are still in *looking at Baek & Luhan*

Tao: What is happening.. This is not happening~~ *whining*



Donghae appeared out of nowhere and sit beside Tao.

Sehun: Hyunggg, when did you get here? *Lock his eyes with Donghae’s*

Baekhyun: Heol~ Donghae hyung always appeared like this.

*Kai is giggling*

Donghae: What is going on? All of you keep on flattering Sehunnie since yesterday. Did you guys bet on something or what??

Luhan: Yes.. We did.. *giggling*

Sehun: You did??!

Baekhyun: *ignoring Sehun* Hyung want to know what it is?

Donghae: What?? Tell me!

Baekhyun: What isss ittt?? Guess it hyunggg~~ *talks cutely*

Donghae: Eeyyyy~ come on, how can I guess it. Tell me quickly. Sehun-ah, speak up!

Kai: No, no, you can’t tell him.

*Luhan covered Sehun’s mouth. Baekhyun covered Sehun’s ears*

Baekhyun: *whispers to Sehun (he still covered Sehun’s ears) * You can’t tell him because you also  don’t know about it *giggling*

Tao: *Whispers to Donghae* We keeps on flattering Sehun so that he will pick one of us as his new roommate. We are changing our dorms tomorrow. Oh yeah, 2 person per room.

Kai kicks Tao’s legs with his legs. Tao shouted briefly.

Donghae: *smiles widely* Ooohhhh, our Sehunnie~

Sehun: What did you guys.. wh- what is happening? Tell me, come on!

Kai: If you want to know what it is, you have to pick one person that you like the best among three of us; Luhan hyung, Baek hyung and me! (All of them have decided before that the one who get picked by Sehun will be Sehun’s new roommate and no arguments can be done *LMAO* P/S: Tao is out because he should treat Sehun nicely, any members who makes Sehun feels bad is out *OTL*).

Sehun: What.. so suddenly..

Baekhyun: Kkaebsong~

Luhan: Quick , Sehun-ah!

Sehun: Give me a minute. Heol~ you guys don’t even tell me what it is..

Tao: I hope none of you will get picked *smirk*

Kai: So who is it? *massaging Sehun’s shoulder*

Luhan: Tell us your answer *holds Sehun’s hands*

Baekhyun doing his best aegyo that could put Choo Sarang under pressure (LOL). Tao keeps on laughing looking at those trio’s action towards Sehun.

Donghae: Sehun-ah, tell your answer quickly before I give my fist to Baekhyunnn…

Sehun: *laugh briefly* Okayy.. I’ll choose.. THE ONE WHO WIN IN ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS GAME! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Out of shock, all of them showed rock/paper/scissors with their hands including Donghae & Tao. None of them showed rock. Everyone shows paper except for…


Sehun: KAI WON! *clapping while standing*

Baekhyun: NOOOOOO~

Luhan: Aishh!

Tao: Eeyyyy~ what is this.. *left his seat*

Donghae laugh and looks at Sehun.

Donghae: Sehun-ah, have a great time in your new dorm tomorrow! See you later!

Sehun was left puzzled while Kai giggling non-stop. Donghae smiles widely and walks towards Tao. They left the café together. Baekhyun pouting his mouth and Luhan grabs Baekhyun’s arm, force him to stand and they walked away from the café.

Sehun: What is happening EXACTLY? TELL ME, JONGIN-AH!

Kai: You (*pointing at Sehun*) Me (*pointing at his chest*)

Kai left his seat, Sehun follows after Kai.

Sehun: You, me WHAT??

Kai put his arms around Sehun’s shoulders. Kai keeps on making Sehun’s curiosity remain unanswered. They walked out of the café together.


[In EXO’s dorm]

Later at night, before bed.

Chen: Did u see my iced Americano ??

Suho: Oh yes, I’ve been waiting for it for hours … and my card?? Did u saw it Chen-ah?

*Suho & Chen looks at each other*

Suho & Chen: BYUN BAEKHYUN-YA!!!


[Another boy is screaming in the dorm late at night]


Lay: Whatttt… is.. all these sounnddd…  *ZZzzZZZzzzZZZZzz*



Thanks to Monica eonnie (she probably didn't know I'm existed), I started writing my first fanfic ever! 


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