All Curves, No Edges

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Donghae is your typical bullied kid. Fat, unwanted, a friendless wallflower.

Hyukjae is your typical popular kid. Loved, admired, envied and respected.

And this is their typical high school love story.




All Curves, No Edges

Pairing: Eunhae
Genre: Romance, fluff, humor, mild angst
Rating: PG-13 (some M chapters)
Length: five chapters (? Ha, I hope.)
Dedication: For Habbah and Uli, because I still
owe you guys fics and I'm a slow slow writer.
For Maria and Nicole, who helped in the entire process
of me simply posting this because I almost didn't want to =))

Important! PLEASE READ:
This is a story about a fat Donghae. Which I wrote mostly
because I find fat Donghae utterly cute. But it's going to
contain self-deprecating humor, so if you are highly sensitive
or can easily be hurt by harsh, mildly(?) insulting descriptions
regarding weight, then it would be safe not to read.
Please take note that I am writing this with no malice whatsoever,
and that this is not intended to offend anyone.
If you do get offended by the content anyway, I apologize.




It’s surreal.

Honestly, Donghae couldn’t quite believe that the popular ace of the swimming team, Lee Hyukjae, asked him out.

Him, Lee Donghae.

The unpopular, below average Lee Donghae.

It isn’t so much the fact that he’s so far down the bottom of their high school’s social ladder – not at all (though he is kinda in the bottom half, just not the most bottom).

Donghae knows Hyukjae is a sweet guy. The type of guy who turns down confessions with such gentleness and kindness it doesn’t even feel like a rejection, and the poor rejected souls would even end up elated over Hyukjae’s words. He’s the type of guy who doesn’t look down on people who are less popular compared to himself. In fact, he’s very friendly – always greeting everyone with a cheerful grin or a friendly wave of the hand. He isn’t like those cocky bastards from the basketball and soccer teams, who only know how to show off and pick on nerdy, less attractive kids.

And that’s why Donghae likes him so much.

What bewilders him though, is that out of all the unpopular kids who spend their free time swooning over Hyukjae’s perfect self, the said perfection chooses him, Lee Donghae, instead. Not that there’s anything totally wrong with him, other than being completely unknown to the general population of their school except to the teachers and the bullies who pick on him on a daily basis. No, he isn’t that bad. He’s rather smart, actually. It’s just that, compared to a good majority, Donghae is, well, what you would call... fat.

No, not just chubby or big-boned.

He’s fat.

Really fat.




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Chapter 5: aww this story is just so cute
164 streak #2
Chapter 5: I totally understand Donghae 🥺🥺
164 streak #3
Chapter 4: I'm here again! 👋
This is so adorable!!! I come back to this story often even if it’s incomplete because they are so lovely. Ugh I love EunHae high school au so so much 😩❤️ Thank you for sharing this with us!
164 streak #5
Chapter 5: Hello~ I'm back here again. I missed this fic and somehow I'm still hoping you'll give us an update.
That sad feeling of incomplete stories, came back for a reread anyway! So cute <3
This is so so cute
Chapter 5: Please finish the fic ㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: So you're not going to update this fic? Huhu..
Its a good story.. Umm???
good job!!