When Flowers Bloom


Spring is finally here

And you spend the day together with your husband, Dong Youngbae

and your 4 year-old daughter.

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A scenario request from a BBS follower

Hope you enjoy!



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kingtaehim #1
Chapter 1: So cuuuute!! ♡
tabitabi #2
I love taeyang story...when he became a daddy. It suit him so well....gaaaaaahd he ia so loveable.
Hatsumomo #3
Chapter 1: I am dying from all the cuteness in this story! What a dream-like scenario ... Youngbae is your husband, you two have an adorable little daughter and are friends with Jiyong and his wife ... This really makes me dreamy keke ^^ Anyway, I loved this! Good job! :)
Stella112 #4
Chapter 1: Kyyaa ! >⌣<! It's so cute
HwangMinahYB #5
Chapter 1: It would be amazing to update it it's so CUTE nice work !!
autumnlady #6
Chapter 1: So cutee :3 I'm curious about the 'thousand flowers' though, teehee
Sweetness15 #7
Chapter 1: That's very beautiful, funny, and family oriented. Awesome job!
magicgdragon24 #8
i hope you update soon! ;;