My Little Slytherin


Hogwarts AU.


This story will follow Suho and his friends as they grow up in Hogwarts. 



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Chapter 5: I love this so much :')
Suho is so cute *-*
He's a sweetheart *-*
(Also, just asking. Are you planning on updating? I really want to know what happens next ^^)
Baneryn007 #2
I really miss this fanfic. Hopefully you can start updating this again. Is there any way you can? I've been waiting since the last time you updated. Oh, wow. That just sounds really creepy. I'm sorry.
PhantomFlames #3
Chapter 5: This is so cute i love it >.< i hope you finish this one day pls
ajs787 #4
Agree fervently with the previous comment - I wanna now, what happened to Princess Baek...akhem - Froggy, Ave Gadro and pet friends (I can't decide on my fav, but little scientist D.O is almost there)! And this cross-over is so precious, made me want to reread HP ))
imafan #5
Chapter 5: I hope this series will still be updated because it's just sooo gooooddd!!!!
Chapter 5: Loving this >~<
2446 streak #7
Chapter 5: WHAT US CHEN UP TO????
Kim Minseok is like Sirius Black of his family line! HAHHAHAHA OMG Beauxbaton Sohee tho!!! i can imagine Sohee speaking French!
Suho and his friendship sweaters AND WHAT EVERYONE DID TO THEM! HAHAHAHA i am crying at how much DO treasures his friendship with Suho... AND HOW KRIS USED HIS AS BLANKET FOR HIS PLUSHIES! HAHAHAHAHA
Suho tho... at the annual Kim family dinner... "having adults fawn over him" OH SUHO YOUR POSTER BOY SELF OF COURSE... and $noop Bunn meeting Steam Bunn! CUTE!

sooooo what is Dr Jay up to with the animals??? are they all sick??? and there's so much happening in this chapter, i can't wait for the next update! :)))
breepblopp #8
Veery nice storryyy~~~ ^^ I hope you you can update soon~!
Chapter 5: This story become more interesting. What happen to their pets? Something weird happen. Update soon author-nim
Chapter 5: THIS IS THE BEST THING IVE READ!!! hahahah I couldn't stop laughing, Suho is adorable! :D looking forward to your next chapter :)