Arrow To Your Heart


"Everyone's here to see the club leader again.." Miyoung sighed as her eyes scanned the crowd in the archery arena.

She was the club's vice president and was in charge of the admittance of members. It didn't surprise her at all when there was an increase in female members rather than male members and it was all because of their stunning club leader. 

Their club leader, Luhan had his personal fan-club in school so when he founded the club and kicked everything started, the amount of girls who joined was huge. It was a surprise when he appointed Miyoung as his assistant, mainly because he had never spoken to her until the day he appointed her. The assistant appointment was done through a contest to see who could beat him, or even come close to his score in archery and he was surprised by her outstanding score which had beat him by a mere 1 point.

The contest was publicly held in school and every single girl had gone to give it a shot. Most of them either failed because they didn't know how to hold a bow and set the arrow or lost to him by at least 8 marks which meant they either only scored 1 or 2 points. Obviously, he hadn't choose them because he knew that to be a club assistant leader, they too needed skills and a willing heart to learn but all the girls who were there merely showed interest towards him and his appearance, not archery.

When another girl who actually looked gorgeous stepped onto the platform, Luhan's first thought was 'Not another girl who's just here to impress me with their non-existent skill in archery..' but when the girl put on her lilac glove and put up her bow with a professional look on her face, he was left standing there in awe and wonder. He was literarily socked in the guts when he saw her putting the arrow onto the string of her bow swiftly and correctly. As she held up her bow and made a shot, he was surprised by it's accuracy. It had completely hit bullseye. On her first hit, he figured it was probably just luck but when she continuosly hit bullseye until she was up to the same point as him, he truly believed he had found himself a valuable member and when she made her shot before winning him by a point, he made up his mind.

Wordlessly, he walked up to the girl who silently lowered her bow. She had her hair tied up into a ponytail and was wearing a sleeveless black shirt paired with a pair of black pants. 

"What's..your name?" He asked.

"Miyoung. Ryu Miyoung." There and then, he immediately appointed her as his vice president and made himself a new friend.



Name: Ryu Miyoung

Age: 18 years old

Year: 4th year + Senior

Club: Archery Club

Position: Vice President



Name: Lu Han

Age: 18 years old

Year: 4th year + Senior

Club: Archery Club

Position: President + Founder






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ranchojs #1
Chapter 1: Gawd this is so sweet >ㅇ<
gorgeouszhang #2
Chapter 1: ohmh luhan havent even finished his question yet hahaha
cute confession thou ^^