chapter * 5 *

together ..always


Hyun Joong went out of the room and head toward the kitchen for preparing dinner,..when he heards the call of hyung jun 

"Hyung, I can't find the bathroom, can you guide me to it "

"Oh, you are so annoying, turn right the bathroom beside your room "

hyung jun  thanked Kimo and entered the bathroom to be shocked again, the bathroom was  brilliant, near the bathtub there is a little glass cabinet filled with different types of lotions and moisturizers, fragrances .

hekept his mouth open  in surprise until he heard calls for him,  hyung jun  bathed and rush out to recover that his friend had servedthe dinner,

hyun joong sat and ask hyung jun to seat next to him ... they start eating silently .. but hyung jun break it 

"Hyung, your house is really beautiful, but do you live here alon? ''

"Uh, you like it ,in fact ..i don't live alone here, but I use it for emergencies only, usually I go home "

"So you didn't go home because of me today .. bianéé?  "

"No need to apologise, it's been a long time since the last time I visited my house ..this is A home for our meetings   "

"boo? ''

"On weekends and vacations, we meet and rest here, we chat in the evening and have fun together "

"you mean .. Jung min and the others "

"Of course, i don't have other friends" "

"So you're friends for a long time? ''

"The three met in midde school , i met young saeng first because we shared the same section as we were competing in the study but has always overcome, he is very smart, and i knew  Kyu Jong by Young sing as they were friends since childhood and .. and jung in was in th sae classroom as kyu jong . we me ..and all became friends in a short period and we are together now "

"This woderful, your friendship is strong ..wished to last forever, I really envy your beautiful relationship,  "

"and you ...Do you enjoy with us "

"i enjoy so much, you guys are really great "

" .. you don't have to envy us ... we are your freind now.. "

"Ah good, gomawa and   ..thank you for your care today Hyung "

"never mind ... i have to take care abot my little puppy  " Hyun Joong chuckled and got up from his place as he finished his food he approached hyung jun and put his hand on his neck and started to tickle him, got up from his seat and chuckled small put his hand on his neck and chuckled but soon vanished smile" necklace, where is it,I do not remember that i take it down from my neck before "

"Hyung Jun ....what? did i hurt you ? "

" no hyung didn't  ... But I think I lost my necklace. ''

"Oh ..your  necklaces , don't worry .. it's with me, when you're asleep i tought that it will disturbs you .I slip it of  ..take it "

hyun joong put his hand in his pocket and give the necklace back to hyung jun who take it quickly

"  thank you hyung .. i tought that i lose it ".

" Is it really important for you? "

" yes really important, it's the only gift that I got from my mother... '' Then silence recover  for a moment but hyun joong break it 

"Hyung Jun, as it's late you will sleep here tonight, Oh, don't forget to informe your parent .. "

"Not that much... I can go home, kamsamida hyung  "

"you will sleep here and this is the last speech I have, you have to stay with me this night ...don't forget tha i'm here because of you ..>.<" "

 "well OK" T.T

'' Well , I also do not feel sleepy , do you want to take a look at the other rooms ''
 '' Do they have their own room here ? ''
'' Of course , this house belongs to me , but I share it  with these villains , but there are only three bedrooms , so i usually participate room with Kyu Jong , Young saeng and jung min have theire own bedrooms .. Let's go now ",
Kimo smirk and  grabbed the hand of hyung jun and dragging him to the first room , directly above the door of the room there is a small plate inscribed with handwritten \ horse \ and horse beside her childish image has attracted the attention of hyung jun
" Hyung What does mean this drawing ''
hyun joong smile  '' It represent his owner , Park Jung Min Maaal \ horse \''
hyng jun laugh '' That's why he was mad when youn saeng hyung gave me that box of rice , I also think that he actually looks like him ''
'' Certainly are similar ... and now let's take a look at it ''
Kimo open the door to the room surprised neglected , It was upside-down , dirty clothes are thrown on the ground beside them some books , some open and the other closed . Also, the bed was filled with cans of juice  ... The room was in a major disaster
'' What .. What is this? '' ( Kimo surprised )
"Hyung you didn't see that  before ? ''
''  he refusesthat the others enter his room . . , but this really .... ''
'' How long he has not cleaned this room, Jong Min Hyung really careless boy ''
'' When i meet him  tomorrow..he  will not escape me ...aaaaaaaaah... let's  go to another room  ''
'' Uh, uh Araseso ''
Smiled at each other and moved to the adjacent room  , but this time there is a picture of an otter ''
'' Who is the Owner this time ? ''
"Haha Guess Who ''
'' Is it .... Young saeng Hyung ''
'' Charasswo ,hajiman ..ottoké ara ? ''
'' I thought that the otter look cute just like my hyung  ''
'' Well Well let's see his room now ... ''
hyun joong opened the door of the room and the room was tidy , with everything in place as it was investigating some games and dolls  ''
'' Wow the room of hyung  really very impressive ... what  I likedmore is bears... very nice ''
'' Ah Young saeng very organized .. he  likes cute stufs .. ,because of that he liked you since our first meeting  ''
Blushed , because of the words of hyun joong  ..

'' Come to see my room now ?' I think you see it before .. you was sleeping here  , but you do not notice the painting ''

hyung jun raise his eyes to find two paintings next to each other where one image and name \ dog \ and Other \ gorilla \ 
'' I am the dog and Kyu Jong is the gorilla .. We have adopted this course exotic names , but I find it really resembles us ''
'' Fantastic '' 
''  come on ... ''

the two enter the room 

" take this and change your clothes ...and comeback here ... we will sleep together .."^^
'' Uh Thank you hyung , but I have to tell you .... , I have a bad habit during my sleep ''
'' Oh really .. ? ''
'' I snort loud ''
'' Uh , I do not worry..when i fall asleep i became like a dead person  ''
hyung jun smile at him ... he get out for changing and comeback to the room hen hyun joong was laying in the bad he lay next to him 
'' hyung you allowed me to sleep in your own home ,I'm very thankful ..and I  enjoy today, as I would like to thank you for each service you provided to me since our first meeting  ''
'' You don't have to.. , uh , I also enjoyed with you .... you don't feel scared because you will sleep  without your family ? '' ( hyun joong like talking in his sleep )
'' It's okay to sleep away from my family it's a habit for me anyway ..but .. Thank you for today  .. ''
hyung jun  turned to find hyun joong immersed in sleep 

he smile when he see his hyung sleepy face ..fixing his pillow.hyung jun close his eyes and fall in a deep sleep


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Chapter 22: Update the story please ☺
Update soon! I'm missing this story... :))
Chapter 21: Yes, you improved on writing. But you're good at making a story. :)) please continue to update, author-nim. :)))
Chapter 19: Poor Jung Min, he doesn't have to blame himself. :(
Omo, where's Junnie? Please tell me he's safe....

Thanks for the update. Hehe
Chapter 19: Minah don't blame yourself too much.........
Hyungjoonah be safe arraso.....
Chapter 19: where's hyung jun??!!! :((
Chapter 18: oh!!! that's so sad...poor Junnie Fighting..
Chapter 18: What's this??!! Poor HyungJun. Why does he need to suffer??? Be well Jun-ah. :((
Chapter 18: poor junie... sigh... always the one getting hurt... but poor minnie also.. he regretted his actions... oh dear..please be together again..
Chapter 17: I'm happy they are gonnna be together again...